MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg932568

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
25.6905 Ahg337517 F-box family protein
36.4143 Ahg944235 SEC14-like 12
48.6621 Ahg927010
62.0967 Ahg948388 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase family protein
78.8797 Virus3797
80 Ahg491805 Pyridoxal phosphate phosphatase-related protein
106.504 Ahg932839 Protein of unknown function (DUF295)
108.775 Ahg354113
111.499 Ahg908764 carboxypeptidase D, putative
124.82 Ahg949955 F-box family protein
134.833 Ahg472649 NHL domain-containing protein
137.503 Ahg494168
140.712 Ahg484775
140.84 Ahg920106 nudix hydrolase homolog 26
148.499 Virus1318
166.244 Ahg482086
174.98 Ahg489175
177.736 Ahg891750 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase-related
180.776 Ahg485324 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
184.8 Ahg946752 SWAP (Suppressor-of-White-APricot)/surp RNA-binding domain-containing protein
185.257 Virus1598
185.378 Virus1460
188.714 Ahg485362
189.658 Ahg489823 RAB GTPase homolog G3A
192.99 Ahg317456 TCP-1/cpn60 chaperonin family protein
202.995 Ahg887638
209.055 Ahg952590 WRKY DNA-binding protein 35
213.794 Ahg942051 cyclase associated protein 1
214.299 Virus1235
230.043 Ahg947208
231.486 Ahg947352 Exostosin family protein
235.1 Ahg951958 DEAD/DEAH box RNA helicase family protein
250.2 Ahg903170 Calcineurin-like metallo-phosphoesterase superfamily protein
252.254 Ahg890756 Pre-mRNA-processing-splicing factor
252.662 Ahg487982 Protein of unknown function (DUF581)
277.218 Ahg925049
292.151 Ahg944932 Glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase family protein
292.229 Ahg322350
295.212 Ahg495163 transducin family protein / WD-40 repeat family protein
297.7 Ahg495238 K+ efflux antiporter 5
298.07 Ahg482921 Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferases (NAT) superfamily protein
312.54 Ahg493865
316.283 Ahg890558 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
317.311 Virus1678
318.622 Ahg942897 mRNAadenosine methylase
321.36 Ahg900563 tRNAisopentenyltransferase 2
322.684 Ahg317922 plant intracellular ras group-related LRR 9
324.758 Ahg331355 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
328.649 Ahg932484 SMAD/FHA domain-containing protein
335.178 Ahg495540 Protein kinase superfamily protein
336.987 Ahg480800 thymidylate synthase 1
337.58 Ahg932602 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family
343.395 Ahg477867
379.489 Ahg484310
380.636 Ahg496480 RNA polymerase II, Rpb4, core protein
382.952 Ahg337115
400.345 Ahg952617
408.243 Virus2914
410.167 Ahg930147 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase ATXR2
411.795 Ahg487656 peptidoglycan-binding LysM domain-containing protein
413.313 Ahg496435 RING/U-box superfamily protein with ARM repeat domain
414.15 Ahg906857
417.631 Ahg896656 Ribosomal protein S21e
427.974 Ahg332561 O-fucosyltransferase family protein
430.437 Ahg484254 ELM2 domain-containing protein
431.727 Ahg927080 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein family protein
462.012 Ahg490852 N-acetyl-l-glutamate synthase 2
477.479 Ahg933547 high-level expression of sugar-inducible gene 2
479.38 Ahg942094
492.489 Ahg932849
492.489 Virus0721
494.894 Ahg947868
504.103 Ahg350409 SWAP (Suppressor-of-White-APricot)/surp domain-containing protein
513.654 Ahg950105 beta glucosidase 41
520.861 Ahg494160 Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like superfamily protein
526.455 Virus3439
526.917 Ahg891309
528.091 Ahg943008
531.263 Ahg489788 SEC14 cytosolic factor family protein / phosphoglyceride transfer family protein
532.064 Ahg323835 growth-regulating factor 4
538.882 Ahg944922 Low temperature and salt responsive protein family
543.052 Ahg482466 thioredoxin O1
553.27 Virus0515
555.77 Ahg494683 Excinuclease ABC, C subunit, N-terminal
556.999 Virus0426
556.999 Ahg923468
556.999 Virus1295
570.039 Ahg478080 Protein of unknown function (DUF3755)
573.16 Ahg942169 GA requiring 3
580.831 Ahg895329
584.777 Virus1484
585.684 Ahg936061 mucin-related
587.006 Ahg897340 IBR domain containing protein
591.529 Ahg473277 Homeobox-leucine zipper family protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein
594.341 Ahg329373 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
602.169 Virus0819
602.169 Virus3947
603.863 Ahg480731 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
605.865 Ahg474290 Amino acid dehydrogenase family protein
609.719 Ahg933800 Ubiquitin-like superfamily protein
610.085 Virus1656
612.024 Ahg480480 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase family protein
612.076 Ahg946206
612.848 Virus1147
613.695 Ahg949811
616.235 Ahg340505
617.413 Ahg485026 Tim10/DDP family zinc finger protein
618.851 Ahg949879 2A phosphatase associated protein of 46 kD
631.332 Ahg932835
640.257 Ahg938827 Arabidopsis phospholipase-like protein (PEARLI 4) family
644.515 Virus0983
654.897 Ahg489043 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase family protein
658.863 Virus3893
668.087 Virus0773
670.655 Ahg919360 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase family protein
679.021 Ahg493617 DENN (AEX-3) domain-containing protein
679.987 Ahg477959 ARM repeat superfamily protein
685.463 Ahg496683
686.421 Ahg319075
688.745 Ahg470051 Cox19 family protein (CHCH motif)
690.739 Ahg931107
692.584 Ahg321151 ARM repeat superfamily protein
693.08 Ahg938129
696.238 Ahg496067
699.292 Ahg491205 cryptochrome-interacting basic-helix-loop-helix 1
701.731 Ahg489298 3'-5' exonuclease domain-containing protein
704.172 Ahg926907
706.259 Ahg898936
712.8 Ahg949393
719.089 Ahg921232 Sec14p-like phosphatidylinositol transfer family protein
719.931 Ahg484065 SEC12P-like 2 protein
724.298 Ahg934243 cell wall invertase 4
729.292 Ahg486183 AGAMOUS-like 18
729.386 Ahg473223 gibberellin 2-oxidase
730.797 Ahg887801 cytochrome P450, family 82, subfamily G, polypeptide 1
731.577 Virus0379
731.577 Ahg891917
731.826 Virus2592
735.187 Ahg927851 ubiquitin-specific protease 17
738.214 Ahg926061 glycine-rich protein
745.171 Ahg481152 Galactosyl transferase GMA12/MNN10 family protein
746.543 Ahg489679
748.131 Ahg911973 glycolipid transfer protein 2
750.862 Ahg486650 3'-5'-exoribonuclease family protein
753.888 Ahg906873
756.668 Virus1991
760.029 Ahg480313 ABC-2 type transporter family protein
764.591 Ahg948991 C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein
769.981 Ahg491427 Exostosin family protein
776.358 Ahg925359
779.938 Ahg915619 Disease resistance protein (TIR-NBS-LRR class)
780.232 Ahg942129
781.729 Ahg481943 Pseudouridine synthase family protein
782.55 Ahg471748 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
786.938 Ahg932827
788.039 Ahg357219 UDP-Glycosyltransferase superfamily protein
790.187 Ahg951297 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily
795.377 Ahg495111 membrin 12
802.725 Ahg951337 Mitochondrial substrate carrier family protein
805.352 Ahg484655 Glutaredoxin family protein
806.199 Virus1606
810.274 Ahg924120 NAC domain containing protein 1
811.467 Ahg497264 Protein of unknown function (DUF803)
815.816 Ahg484578 Protein of unknown function (DUF1645)
824.136 Ahg936962 BTB-POZ and MATH domain 6
826.114 Ahg946342 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
828.765 Ahg920303 Uncharacterised protein family (UPF0497)
829.791 Ahg329709 translocase 11
830.68 Ahg479065 PDI-like 1-6
834.419 Ahg470821 Protein kinase superfamily protein
842.517 Ahg926428
846.888 Ahg936155 ureide permease 1
847.665 Ahg901566 Translin family protein
852.373 Ahg946720 vesicle-associated membrane protein 724
853.464 Ahg488605 endoplasmic reticulum-adenine nucleotide transporter 1
854.794 Ahg487639 TCP domain protein 17
860.309 Ahg496706 disproportionating enzyme
860.431 Ahg488082
860.617 Ahg890692 heat shock factor binding protein
879.345 Ahg470558 Domain of unknown function (DUF966)
880.683 Ahg907598
892.95 Ahg472486 O-fucosyltransferase family protein
894.483 Ahg937285
894.533 Ahg903064 Plant stearoyl-acyl-carrier-protein desaturase family protein
896.016 Ahg324483 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
900.058 Ahg937830
901.927 Ahg477569 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
902.262 Ahg478618 nudix hydrolase homolog 16
903.544 Ahg488887 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
906.051 Ahg475168 Protein kinase superfamily protein
906.448 Ahg325618 RNA recognition motif (RRM)-containing protein
914.934 Ahg895621
917.819 Ahg934084 Methionine sulfoxide reductase (MSS4-like) family protein
920.135 Ahg939479 CBL-interacting protein kinase 15
920.151 Ahg497128 Homeodomain-like transcriptional regulator
921.306 Ahg930749 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
922.639 Ahg311569 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
923.19 Ahg472905 HXXXD-type acyl-transferase family protein
924.967 Ahg489362 Sas10/Utp3/C1D family
925.781 Ahg314240 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
927.066 Ahg950890
931.842 Ahg926409 conserved peptide upstream open reading frame 28
933.943 Ahg894618
935.076 Ahg486089 F-box family protein
935.426 Ahg908719 MATE efflux family protein
940.347 Ahg476949 Translation initiation factor IF2/IF5
941.885 Virus1771
949.086 Virus0604
956.118 Ahg493491 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
958.428 Ahg482047 Protein of unknown function, DUF647
962.842 Ahg948369 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
963.609 Ahg940081 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
964.066 Ahg902383 Concanavalin A-like lectin protein kinase family protein
974.004 Ahg477227 Spc97 / Spc98 family of spindle pole body (SBP) component
979.096 Ahg920346 myo-inositol oxygenase 1
979.383 Ahg481287 Calmodulin-binding protein
979.704 Ahg895229
985.137 Ahg903991 Glycosyl hydrolase family 85
989.483 Ahg475515 Membrane insertion protein, OxaA/YidC with tetratricopeptide repeat domain
992.157 Virus1946
996.77 Ahg931123 Polymerase/histidinol phosphatase-like
996.808 Ahg944791
997.796 Ahg913593 Protein phosphatase 2C family protein
998.625 Ahg481031 Sec23/Sec24 protein transport family protein