MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg942944

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
1 Ahg922431 Wound-responsive family protein
4.24264 Ahg907775
4.58258 Virus3885
4.89898 Ahg952025
6 Ahg945238
7.48331 Ahg890711
7.74597 Ahg903386 C2 domain-containing protein
10.198 Ahg932497
10.8167 Ahg951898
11.8322 Ahg931551 Arabidopsis protein of unknown function (DUF241)
13.6382 Ahg916168 GATA transcription factor 2
15.8745 Ahg914969 Protein of unknown function (DUF399 and DUF3411)
16.4317 Virus1290
16.9411 Ahg912299 paired amphipathic helix repeat-containing protein
18.7083 Ahg946274
22.5167 Virus1340
22.6495 Ahg903355 Major facilitator superfamily protein
22.8473 Ahg900543 PLATZ transcription factor family protein
28.9137 Virus1395
29.4618 Ahg942500
31.225 Ahg918855 Homeodomain-like protein with RING/FYVE/PHD-type zinc finger domain
32.8329 Ahg942153
33.9411 Ahg475002 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
36.3318 Ahg356632
36.3318 Ahg930434 RNA recognition motif (RRM)-containing protein
37.9868 Ahg895134
37.9868 Ahg936715
38.3667 Ahg470423 C2H2-like zinc finger protein
38.6782 Virus0605
38.6782 Ahg927461
38.6782 Virus1473
40.8901 Ahg930412 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
41.9524 Virus1977
42.8135 Ahg334016
43.1277 Ahg941089
43.2319 Ahg944064
43.8178 Ahg351666
43.8634 Ahg916538
44.1588 Ahg325207
44.2719 Ahg897162 YELLOW STRIPE like 4
47.7389 Ahg894891 TATA-binding related factor (TRF) of subunit 20 of Mediator complex
50.7346 Ahg916163
51.9615 Ahg921296
53.2729 Ahg324316 TRAF-like superfamily protein
55.0999 Ahg346452 galacturonosyltransferase 2
57.1839 Ahg939279 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
57.3585 Ahg951920
59.0424 Ahg897351
61.6441 Ahg486134 centroradialis
61.7495 Ahg482035 CLAVATA3/ESR-RELATED 5
62.2575 Ahg905870 Ubiquitin-specific protease family C19-related protein
62.8967 Ahg915601
63.4508 Ahg906152
64.3428 Ahg894200 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
65.192 Ahg495852 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase 12
65.6277 Ahg319822
65.6963 Ahg900218
65.7267 Ahg899807 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
65.7951 Ahg894438 Exostosin family protein
65.8103 Ahg922578
67.1863 Ahg924478
67.5278 Ahg914953 guanosine nucleotide diphosphate dissociation inhibitor 1
68.2935 Ahg918650
69.2532 Ahg932159 ECA1 gametogenesis related family protein
71.1337 Ahg912760
74.1889 Ahg901286
75.6637 Ahg938060
76.9415 Ahg948358 WUSCHEL related homeobox 8
77.0714 Ahg933858 RALF-like 16
77.0714 Ahg896757
77.1362 Ahg320149 Plant EC metallothionein-like protein, family 15
77.6531 Ahg896374
77.9038 Ahg895244
78.0641 Ahg937443 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
78.3326 Ahg896386 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
81.3142 Ahg936741 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
81.3326 Ahg493032
81.6088 Ahg902217
84.2971 Ahg481035 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
89.0955 Ahg932800
90.598 Ahg892908 elicitor peptide 7 precursor
90.7689 Ahg497061 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
91.3729 Ahg925278 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
91.3729 Ahg925282 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
91.9402 Ahg942135
98.8332 Ahg352378 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein
103.383 Ahg938156
103.962 Ahg492715
104.957 Ahg896399
107.261 Ahg928172
107.963 Ahg490402
109.243 Ahg915742
112.17 Ahg924008
112.178 Ahg949359 F-box family protein-related
112.187 Ahg922435 other RNA
114.717 Ahg339532
117.966 Ahg932672 ribosome recycling factor, chloroplast precursor
117.983 Ahg343887 heavy metal atpase 1
120.179 Ahg336203 F-box family protein
121.305 Ahg911340
121.45 Ahg358097
123.915 Ahg924872
124.25 Ahg896908
125.857 Ahg336644
125.897 Ahg934150
126.491 Ahg940347
127.55 Ahg952015 Zinc finger (CCCH-type/C3HC4-type RING finger) family protein
127.984 Ahg915692
130.319 Ahg941984
132.68 Ahg921724
135.292 Ahg890836 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
137.986 Ahg495450 Protein of unknown function (DUF1278)
139.932 Ahg485305 Protein with RNI-like/FBD-like domains
143.652 Ahg932171
146.915 Ahg330120 Protein of unknown function (PD694200)
147.357 Virus2907
149.666 Ahg470341 Uncharacterised protein family (UPF0497)
150.788 Ahg490748
152.079 Ahg910315 RNA cyclase family protein
155.11 Ahg932898 cyclin d5;1
156.796 Ahg911502 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
157.328 Ahg947128
159.953 Ahg318462 RNA polymerases M/15 Kd subunit
164.59 Ahg921415 Domain of unknown function DUF220
165.33 Ahg472682 Paired amphipathic helix (PAH2) superfamily protein
165.384 Ahg933133 Plant thionin family protein
167.141 Ahg952414
167.929 Ahg939663
168.143 Ahg952184
171.216 Ahg338791
172.337 Ahg952538 Nucleotide/sugar transporter family protein
173.925 Ahg916534 cytochrome P450, family 714, subfamily A, polypeptide 1
175.357 Ahg496328
175.707 Ahg943029
177.778 Ahg932853 RING/U-box superfamily protein
178.913 Ahg336806 Tetrapyrrole (Corrin/Porphyrin) Methylases
180.699 Ahg917732 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
185.257 Ahg481098 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 84
185.499 Ahg940181 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, E1 component
188.733 Ahg353449 Glycosyl hydrolase superfamily protein
189.087 Ahg925625
194.036 Ahg899823
195.054 Ahg332548 Carbohydrate-binding X8 domain superfamily protein
195.714 Ahg932302 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family
197.96 Ahg477569 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
198.252 Ahg900201
198.766 Ahg497225 phloem protein 2-A8
200.462 Ahg943339
200.935 Ahg936005
201.569 Ahg951070 Outer arm dynein light chain 1 protein
201.581 Ahg942931
202.754 Ahg940917 glutamate synthase 1
206.451 Ahg948670 calmodulin like 43
208.811 Ahg946407
211.005 Ahg916078
211.246 Ahg480434
211.528 Ahg358717
213.228 Ahg933643
214.935 Ahg896117 anaphase-promoting complex subunit 8
215.708 Ahg486095 NAC domain containing protein 64
218.174 Ahg907951
221.097 Ahg906053 serine carboxypeptidase-like 43
221.675 Ahg491986
222.729 Ahg928156
224.009 Ahg950231 hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein family protein
225.479 Ahg907030
227.051 Ahg337517 F-box family protein
229.434 Virus3757
229.835 Ahg930710
234.957 Ahg924878
237.79 Ahg890781
239.7 Ahg947072
242.033 Ahg907832
242.322 Ahg891703
244.164 Ahg925319 Ras-related small GTP-binding family protein
244.254 Ahg479187 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily protein
244.446 Ahg937631
244.6 Ahg944321 RPM1-interacting protein 4 (RIN4) family protein
250.757 Ahg344026
252.27 Ahg328110 MADS-box transcription factor family protein
252.735 Ahg352428
258.795 Ahg906260 RING/U-box superfamily protein
268.846 Ahg948846 WRKY DNA-binding protein 49
268.846 Ahg952633 WRKY DNA-binding protein 49
277.489 Ahg321853 heat shock transcription factor B3
278.623 Ahg493523 Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)-dependent transferases superfamily protein
279.725 Ahg904420 Amino acid permease family protein
280 Ahg930364
280.4 Ahg477403
281.54 Ahg946697
284.549 Ahg890521
288.219 Ahg916430 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 86
288.229 Ahg472225 TBP-associated factor 11B
288.676 Ahg936433
289.382 Ahg347996
294.622 Ahg952123 B-cell receptor-associated protein 31-like
294.752 Ahg930222
303.036 Ahg952083 PAR1 protein
304.56 Ahg945741 Disease resistance-responsive (dirigent-like protein) family protein
313.289 Ahg891851 RmlC-like cupins superfamily protein
314.223 Ahg942876 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily protein
323.483 Ahg933306
328.171 Ahg929883
336.509 Ahg937948
336.535 Ahg483586 glycosyl hydrolase 9B12
338.398 Ahg348399 D-galactoside/L-rhamnose binding SUEL lectin protein
340.256 Ahg923313 CAP (Cysteine-rich secretory proteins, Antigen 5, and Pathogenesis-related 1 protein) superfamily protein
340.635 Ahg951380 Protein of unknown function, DUF617
343.016 Ahg891369 Family of unknown function (DUF577)
343.683 Ahg943008
344.151 Ahg913606
347.541 Ahg900404
347.848 Ahg348171
348.534 Ahg896516 ATP synthase alpha/beta family protein
348.577 Ahg483175 Basic-leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor family protein
349.947 Ahg951744
361.609 Ahg478520 Protein of unknown function (DUF567)
366.666 Ahg321705
367.287 Ahg492757 Sulfite exporter TauE/SafE family protein
372.517 Ahg951729
372.964 Ahg930680
374.087 Ahg932166
374.5 Ahg926315 Thiamin diphosphate-binding fold (THDP-binding) superfamily protein
377.131 Ahg921032
384.37 Ahg482450 hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein family protein
385.496 Ahg493638
386.593 Ahg943433 Protein of unknown function (DUF3049)
387.587 Ahg483007
387.871 Ahg912818
388.413 Virus1973
388.546 Ahg923831
389.172 Ahg946011 dynamin-like protein 6
394.195 Ahg908167 cytochrome P450, family 714, subfamily A, polypeptide 1
398.594 Ahg331242
403.96 Ahg895265 glycine-rich protein
405.621 Ahg930977 histidine kinase 5
406.805 Ahg497281 ovate family protein 2
408.083 Ahg898156
408.176 Ahg313201
418.798 Ahg481295 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
419.271 Ahg320322 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
422.244 Ahg891408
424.521 Ahg920929
424.68 Ahg352015
425.211 Ahg341820 F-box family protein
425.262 Ahg475665 transposable element gene
426.557 Ahg940686 Protein kinase protein with adenine nucleotide alpha hydrolases-like domain
427.639 Ahg892227 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
429.623 Ahg476128 Paired amphipathic helix (PAH2) superfamily protein
436.408 Ahg482036 CLAVATA3/ESR-RELATED 6
436.697 Ahg484333
439.395 Ahg938560 UDP-D-apiose/UDP-D-xylose synthase 1
441.845 Ahg492877
443.959 Ahg896917
447.347 Ahg912837
447.52 Ahg934706
448.309 Virus0628
448.558 Ahg931606
451.649 Ahg342249
452.234 Ahg887437
453.978 Ahg945046
460.122 Ahg937192 ECA1 gametogenesis related family protein
460.999 Ahg925211 Plant thionin family protein
467.543 Ahg908501
469.148 Ahg906398
469.258 Ahg950447 Protein of unknown function (DUF295)
469.269 Ahg922219
470.857 Ahg947913 TFIIB zinc-binding protein
471.894 Ahg902231
472.294 Ahg917892
474.531 Ahg947731 Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor family protein
475.694 Ahg486809
476.896 Ahg931965 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
479.859 Ahg326585 C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein
483.024 Ahg916236
488.057 Ahg887617 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
491.597 Ahg359038 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase 2
494.594 Ahg936731
499.636 Ahg935217
504.083 Ahg488773 Inosine-uridine preferring nucleoside hydrolase family protein
505.745 Ahg943056 RALF-like 5
505.841 Ahg931523
508.098 Ahg472434
509.422 Ahg910746
511.003 Ahg488555 Fasciclin-like arabinogalactan family protein
512.921 Ahg903051
516.023 Ahg932561 Protein of unknown function (DUF295)
517.946 Ahg944997 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
522.704 Ahg951917
524.656 Ahg918741
524.718 Ahg948578
525.327 Ahg934557
525.327 Ahg934560
527.083 Virus1482
533.055 Ahg326861 proline-rich family protein
534.925 Ahg911202 fucosyltransferase 8
535.531 Ahg952309 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
535.652 Ahg328880 diacylglycerol kinase 6
536.206 Ahg898662 Protein of unknown function (DUF626)