MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg474808

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
7.74597 Ahg488960 RING-box 1
13.4164 Ahg941232 Protein prenylyltransferase superfamily protein
18 Ahg471880
20 Ahg477252
20.2485 Ahg324764 Cyclophilin-like peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase family protein
23 Ahg496310 GroES-like zinc-binding alcohol dehydrogenase family protein
30.1496 Ahg946280 Proteasome component (PCI) domain protein
33.7194 Ahg928970 cystatin B
44.0227 Ahg496906
45.6727 Ahg918912 secretion-associated RAS super family 2
47.9166 Ahg490342 sucrose synthase 3
52.6498 Ahg472672 ARG1-like 1
53.3292 Ahg318448 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
56.285 Ahg473785 RAB GTPASE HOMOLOG B18
56.4092 Ahg487121 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
59.7913 Ahg924211 Esterase/lipase/thioesterase family protein
60.3324 Ahg473690 PDI-like 5-2
61.3351 Ahg910238 callose synthase 1
62.1611 Ahg327082 Thioredoxin superfamily protein
62.2254 Ahg493915 PQ-loop repeat family protein / transmembrane family protein
70.0357 Ahg477487 TCP-1/cpn60 chaperonin family protein
71.0915 Ahg485582 dual specificity protein phosphatase (DsPTP1) family protein
71.239 Ahg925527 ubiquitin 4
73.4507 Ahg474123 telomere repeat binding factor 1
74.6592 Ahg947410 glutamine synthase clone R1
74.7596 Ahg482666 glucan synthase-like 8
75.9737 Ahg950295 calmodulin-binding protein
78.7655 Ahg339044 ZIP metal ion transporter family
78.9177 Ahg473178 receptor-like kinase in flowers 1
82.988 Ahg489950 translation elongation factor Ts (EF-Ts), putative
83.4266 Ahg483915 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit Vc family protein
85.2467 Ahg927111 alcohol dehydrogenase 1
90.3327 Ahg895753 HSP20-like chaperones superfamily protein
92.6121 Ahg952367 SPFH/Band 7/PHB domain-containing membrane-associated protein family
93.488 Ahg938681 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
94.6573 Ahg494045 Saccharopine dehydrogenase
98.6053 Ahg927966 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
98.7421 Ahg480185 Ubiquitin-like superfamily protein
98.8686 Ahg496297 CCT motif -containing response regulator protein
99.559 Ahg488714 Cytokine-induced anti-apoptosis inhibitor 1, Fe-S biogenesis
100.568 Ahg925800 calmodulin 4
101.489 Ahg471081 ATP phosphoribosyl transferase 2
103.653 Ahg939342 Ras-related small GTP-binding family protein
104.618 Ahg471721 Translation machinery associated TMA7
105.603 Ahg937667 AMP-dependent synthetase and ligase family protein
112.25 Ahg474572
116.413 Ahg493416 20S proteasome beta subunit D1
117.473 Ahg487672 alpha-galactosidase 1
120.075 Ahg943887 Sec14p-like phosphatidylinositol transfer family protein
120.287 Ahg492572 pyrimidin 4
120.665 Ahg947975 Proteasome maturation factor UMP1
122.221 Ahg938504 Translation initiation factor IF6
125.2 Ahg472236
127.118 Ahg923761 NUP50 (Nucleoporin 50 kDa) protein
127.656 Ahg492278 arginine/serine-rich splicing factor 35
128.518 Ahg495739 TCP-1/cpn60 chaperonin family protein
128.686 Ahg329492 cytochrome-c oxidases;electron carriers
129.8 Ahg478716 proteasome activating protein 200
130.108 Ahg475948 Adenine nucleotide alpha hydrolases-like superfamily protein
132.159 Ahg488165 delta subunit of Mt ATP synthase
133.768 Ahg921480 Thiamin diphosphate-binding fold (THDP-binding) superfamily protein
134.007 Ahg483989 Nuclear pore localisation protein NPL4
136.803 Ahg935522 SIN3 associated polypeptide P18
137.281 Ahg482768
137.608 Ahg928461 HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN 89.1
141.647 Ahg949805 MATE efflux family protein
146.356 Ahg489669 Calcium-binding EF-hand family protein
150.874 Ahg483725 AT hook motif DNA-binding family protein
160.387 Ahg485925
163.058 Ahg494776 B-cell receptor-associated 31-like
164.347 Ahg480333 dynamin related protein
170 Ahg942557 isoamylase 3
171.301 Ahg491267 RING/U-box superfamily protein
176.635 Ahg473006 Pre-mRNA-splicing factor 3
181.865 Ahg489219 Transmembrane CLPTM1 family protein
183.475 Ahg947977 cytochrome B561-1
183.652 Ahg478759 Protein kinase family protein
185.467 Ahg331439
188.133 Ahg485968 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, E1 component
188.499 Ahg490746 alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase 2
189.831 Ahg924340 methionine aminopeptidase 2B
191.05 Ahg471712 protein-protein interaction regulator family protein
196.891 Ahg923661 ubiquitin-specific protease 6
199.223 Ahg944714 Cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase, 14kDa subunit
199.8 Ahg477177
201.442 Ahg911478 Ribosomal protein L20
205.784 Ahg892895 Splicing factor, CC1-like
206.809 Ahg474886 methyltransferases;copper ion binding
206.877 Ahg481501 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily
209.979 Ahg478958 Protein phosphatase 2C family protein
212.885 Ahg474711 spliceosome protein-related
214.474 Ahg487239 HhH-GPD base excision DNA repair family protein
215.012 Ahg487281 SU(VAR)3-9 homolog 1
215.146 Ahg490624 farnesylated protein 6
216.668 Ahg475007 glutathione peroxidase 8
218.671 Ahg484979 actin depolymerizing factor 2
220.372 Ahg950508 temperature-induced lipocalin
221.396 Ahg470503 Helicase protein with RING/U-box domain
221.691 Ahg475916 Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) family protein
221.991 Ahg495982 RAN binding protein 1
222.009 Ahg484134 SNF2 domain-containing protein / helicase domain-containing protein
222.948 Ahg473550 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
223.752 Ahg481034 cold, circadian rhythm, and rna binding 2
224.82 Ahg489982 glutathione peroxidase 6
229.574 Ahg485789 proteasome inhibitor-related
232.271 Ahg315930 Protein kinase superfamily protein
232.792 Ahg356828 cold regulated gene 27
235.313 Ahg946015 proline-rich spliceosome-associated (PSP) family protein
236.968 Ahg471776
237.365 Ahg473075
238.441 Ahg481908 alternative NAD(P)H dehydrogenase 2
240.221 Ahg490939 Thioredoxin superfamily protein
241.706 Ahg925577 ubiquitin 4
243.487 Ahg478675 evolutionarily conserved C-terminal region 5
244.841 Ahg476701 salt tolerance homolog2
248.898 Ahg489218 XS domain-containing protein / XS zinc finger domain-containing protein-related
250.244 Ahg908052
250.551 Ahg488965
255.689 Ahg355042 pleckstrin homology (PH) domain-containing protein
255.85 Ahg471155 Protein of unknown function (DUF1336)
256.583 Ahg936861
260.603 Ahg947442 calmodulin 1
260.845 Ahg496397 Embryo-specific protein 3, (ATS3)
261.964 Ahg927599 Galactose mutarotase-like superfamily protein
262.053 Ahg492146 Sucrase/ferredoxin-like family protein
262.907 Ahg941854 prefoldin 5
268.41 Ahg477227 Spc97 / Spc98 family of spindle pole body (SBP) component
271.164 Ahg475449 DNA-binding bromodomain-containing protein
272.881 Ahg944914
273.558 Ahg936283 Protein of unknown function (DUF1644)
275.412 Ahg491701 AFG1-like ATPase family protein
275.75 Ahg926898 Sec14p-like phosphatidylinositol transfer family protein
279.725 Ahg939927 Cystatin/monellin family protein
282.4 Ahg487428 RNA binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
282.857 Ahg492695 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
283.447 Ahg495348 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase-related
283.746 Ahg473369 acyl-CoA-binding protein 6
284.9 Ahg933137 Protein of unknown function (DUF1279)
285.154 Ahg942923 UDP-D-glucose/UDP-D-galactose 4-epimerase 5
285.865 Ahg488501 zinc finger (C2H2 type) family protein
286.367 Ahg339148
286.81 Ahg485698 ATPase, AAA-type, CDC48 protein
288.953 Ahg317076
289.171 Ahg480564 GCIP-interacting family protein
290.654 Ahg496406 nucleotide-sensitive chloride conductance regulator (ICln) family protein
291.536 Ahg472471 methyl-CPG-binding domain 8
294.942 Ahg928304 Mevalonate/galactokinase family protein
295.161 Ahg480346 CBS domain-containing protein with a domain of unknown function (DUF21)
295.459 Ahg947001 UDP-Glycosyltransferase superfamily protein
295.885 Ahg491111 Uncharacterised conserved protein (UCP030210)
296.324 Ahg944165
298.496 Ahg949363 Expressed protein
298.598 Ahg482032 elongation factor family protein
299.616 Ahg934215
302.49 Ahg482625 Aldolase superfamily protein
307.496 Ahg496456 SPFH/Band 7/PHB domain-containing membrane-associated protein family
309.073 Ahg941635 sucrose synthase 1
312.194 Ahg472327 ARID/BRIGHT DNA-binding domain-containing protein
314.045 Ahg495637 Calcium-dependent lipid-binding (CaLB domain) family protein
315.788 Ahg472519
317.396 Ahg478095 CONSTANS-like 9
319.576 Ahg491084 phosphoserine aminotransferase
321.481 Ahg491280 Protein kinase superfamily protein
322.102 Ahg486166 AGAMOUS-like 16
324.975 Ahg319882 RPM1 interacting protein 13
325.761 Ahg476107 senescence associated gene 24
326.936 Ahg319530 maternal effect embryo arrest 14
328.195 Ahg489954 Translation initiation factor 2, small GTP-binding protein
329.727 Ahg492821 JUMONJI 14
330.878 Ahg470391 Transducin family protein / WD-40 repeat family protein
334.954 Ahg938862 multiprotein bridging factor 1B
340 Ahg915302
341.065 Ahg495588 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
341.596 Ahg936001 nucleic acid binding;RNA binding
341.886 Ahg485418 indeterminate(ID)-domain 2
343.74 Ahg478706 WW domain-containing protein
344.003 Ahg477991 Drought-responsive family protein
344.35 Ahg486610 Protein of unknown function (DUF3245)
345.56 Ahg927067 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF-2) family protein
345.647 Ahg357944 Thioredoxin superfamily protein
346.367 Ahg932476 Protein kinase superfamily protein
349.445 Ahg483117 appr-1-p processing enzyme family protein
349.491 Ahg487947 vesicle-associated membrane protein 713
349.537 Ahg480536 Eukaryotic protein of unknown function (DUF872)
350.714 Ahg478714 Chaperone DnaJ-domain superfamily protein
350.863 Ahg482337 Dormancy/auxin associated family protein
354.006 Ahg935391 Phosphoribosyltransferase family protein
357.365 Ahg490940 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
357.813 Ahg937652 phosphate transporter 3;2
360.441 Ahg933267 copper ion binding
360.444 Ahg488325 formate dehydrogenase
364.892 Ahg323893 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein with retrovirus zinc finger-like domain
365.13 Ahg920669 ATPase E1-E2 type family protein / haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase family protein
365.877 Ahg496351
365.992 Ahg472914
366.982 Ahg481634 OTU-like cysteine protease family protein
369.843 Ahg475826 Major facilitator superfamily protein
371.403 Ahg331146 basic pentacysteine 6
371.582 Ahg950137 Pollen Ole e 1 allergen and extensin family protein
371.611 Ahg936878 Transducin family protein / WD-40 repeat family protein
373.182 Ahg491854 regulatory particle AAA-ATPase 2A
373.997 Ahg327025 calcium-binding EF hand family protein
375.404 Ahg490619 FAD/NAD(P)-binding oxidoreductase family protein
375.92 Ahg920636 receptor like protein 2
377.094 Ahg479390
377.911 Ahg926384 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative
379.423 Ahg491808 Metallopeptidase M24 family protein
380.776 Ahg472916 GYF domain-containing protein
381.743 Ahg920595 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 36
382.587 Ahg946822 phosphorylcholine cytidylyltransferase2
382.894 Ahg492720 oxidoreductase, zinc-binding dehydrogenase family protein
383.906 Ahg919141 Major facilitator superfamily protein
383.934 Ahg489372
386.15 Ahg482814 Protein of unknown function (DUF740)
386.833 Ahg925797 myb domain protein 90
387.389 Ahg893082
388.698 Ahg491275
394.563 Ahg896860 glycine-rich protein
396.58 Ahg490053 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
396.863 Ahg488258 Thioredoxin superfamily protein
398.372 Ahg490654 FMN-linked oxidoreductases superfamily protein
400.955 Ahg928368 UDP-Glycosyltransferase superfamily protein
401.188 Ahg483966
401.716 Ahg945414 heat shock protein 81-3
402.79 Ahg487101 isocitrate dehydrogenase V
403.029 Ahg888342 nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase 1
403.274 Ahg485298 CTC-interacting domain 10
405.291 Ahg481580 20S proteasome alpha subunit G1
405.5 Ahg471078 cell division cycle 5
407.05 Ahg485935 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
408.096 Ahg905049 Alpha amylase family protein
408.969 Ahg473787 sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factors
409.827 Ahg486329 citrate synthase 2
411.607 Ahg485520 Tautomerase/MIF superfamily protein
412.628 Ahg496313 small G protein family protein / RhoGAP family protein
412.643 Ahg928150 regulatory particle triple-A ATPase 5A
413.188 Ahg475706 thioredoxin-dependent peroxidase 1
413.652 Ahg940592 DEAD/DEAH box RNA helicase family protein
413.85 Ahg493140 Oxidoreductase family protein
415.382 Ahg491398
416.896 Ahg932271 serine carboxypeptidase-like 10
417.216 Ahg905826 zinc-dependent activator protein-1
418.421 Ahg927337
419.74 Ahg470361 prohibitin 2
420.476 Ahg478626 CTP synthase family protein
424.848 Ahg920821 NAP1-related protein 2
427.083 Ahg474716 dehydrin family protein
429.535 Ahg485463
432.719 Ahg495993 phosphatidylinositol-speciwc phospholipase C4
434.056 Ahg490773 TLD-domain containing nucleolar protein
436.715 Ahg474126 Xanthine/uracil permease family protein
439.443 Ahg477504 Plant stearoyl-acyl-carrier-protein desaturase family protein
439.829 Ahg320449 regulatory particle non-ATPase 13
439.927 Ahg486891 Protein of unknown function (DUF567)
440.282 Ahg489208 long-chain base (LCB) kinase 1
440.859 Ahg349525 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
441.248 Ahg477545 heat shock transcription factor A1E
442.887 Ahg479543 Mitochondrial substrate carrier family protein
443.107 Ahg472646 RS-containing zinc finger protein 21
443.221 Ahg942896 Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase family protein
443.876 Ahg490677 Papain family cysteine protease
446.317 Ahg488536 SART-1 family
446.349 Ahg343136 UDP-glycosyltransferase 73B4
447.325 Ahg494587 Calcium-binding EF-hand family protein
449.456 Ahg483312 C-CAP/cofactor C-like domain-containing protein
449.791 Ahg485090 RING/U-box superfamily protein
449.828 Ahg472949 adenine phosphoribosyl transferase 1
453.139 Ahg484624 Oxoglutarate/iron-dependent oxygenase
454.946 Ahg491716 cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 17
455.724 Ahg480870 ATP citrate lyase (ACL) family protein
455.803 Ahg486308 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
456.178 Ahg470409 TRAF-like superfamily protein
458.617 Ahg471845 proteasome subunit PAB1
460.209 Ahg473022
460.217 Ahg938953 farnesyltransferase A
461.961 Ahg931532 transportin 1
464.064 Ahg495150 Protein kinase superfamily protein
465.6 Ahg312683 pfkB-like carbohydrate kinase family protein
467.037 Ahg488056 cystatin-1
468.983 Ahg944752 Protein of unknown function (DUF2012)
470.183 Ahg913410 SPla/RYanodine receptor (SPRY) domain-containing protein
473.487 Ahg494274 Protein of unknown function (DUF581)
475.288 Ahg475919 flavin-binding, kelch repeat, f box 1
475.601 Ahg474951 type one serine/threonine protein phosphatase 3
476.416 Ahg485503 diacylglycerol acyltransferase family
477.275 Ahg487496
477.556 Ahg922129 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
480 Ahg473564 inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase I
482.494 Ahg471079 Phosphoglycerate mutase, 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent
482.717 Ahg897421
483.886 Ahg490119 DERLIN-2.2
484.25 Ahg951631 proteasome alpha subunit D2
484.703 Ahg476433 SNF7 family protein
486.169 Ahg493786 conserved peptide upstream open reading frame 58
487.562 Ahg931489 rotamase CYP 3
489.784 Ahg482605 uridine-ribohydrolase 1
491.011 Ahg485016 UDP-XYL synthase 5
492.049 Ahg930437 AMP-dependent synthetase and ligase family protein
493.129 Ahg476028 male gametophyte defective 3
494.773 Ahg920975 SKP1-like 3