MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg928195

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
3.74166 Ahg925028 NAC domain containing protein 23
7.07107 Ahg890708 SCR-like 11
14.1421 Ahg358962 RING/U-box superfamily protein
15.8745 Ahg481998 Gibberellin-regulated family protein
21.8174 Ahg947471 Protein with RING/U-box and TRAF-like domains
22.7816 Ahg952323
23.8118 Ahg922725
26.3439 Ahg950784 Concanavalin A-like lectin protein kinase family protein
27.6586 Ahg333988
29.4958 Ahg905519 CDPK-related kinase
32.7414 Ahg933925
42.9884 Ahg488267 prohibitin 5
43.6234 Ahg895572
46.2817 Ahg946905
46.4543 Ahg922954
50.3786 Ahg949424 importin alpha isoform 5
57.1314 Ahg948195
58.9915 Ahg952630
61.4166 Ahg338391
64.4826 Ahg948875 Expressed protein
66.6783 Virus0087
66.6783 Ahg928097
66.6783 Virus1779
66.6783 Ahg949956
67.4092 Ahg932115 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
67.838 Ahg926936
70.2282 Ahg938052 FRA8 homolog
71.624 Virus0532
73.4098 Ahg343928
74.2967 Ahg916966 Seed maturation protein
75.1199 Ahg944494
78.4857 Ahg949095
79.0759 Ahg925866
79.0759 Ahg937678
79.0759 Ahg497499 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
80.9321 Ahg951554
81.5475 Virus1909
82.2192 Ahg355565
82.2192 Virus0002
82.2192 Virus1824
84.0714 Ahg943446 F-box family protein
84.4985 Ahg890434
84.4985 Ahg893718
85.2467 Virus0631
85.8487 Ahg936005
86.267 Ahg905910
87.5386 Ahg480940 transposable element gene
87.6356 Ahg944025 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
88.3176 Ahg897538 Cullin family protein
89.1628 Ahg324894 GCK domain-containing protein
90.7965 Ahg944937
101.054 Ahg474323 Mannose-binding lectin superfamily protein
102.147 Ahg491077 Arabidopsis protein of unknown function (DUF241)
102.45 Ahg924359
103.923 Ahg927278
105.707 Ahg931325
106.32 Ahg946413
109.955 Ahg887561 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
113.155 Ahg925354
113.181 Ahg923546
115.931 Ahg922952
116.254 Ahg948598
117.61 Ahg921847
117.61 Virus3431
118.491 Ahg905576
120.125 Ahg932456
121.614 Virus0559
127.334 Ahg495477 homeobox protein 52
127.75 Ahg933692 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily protein
131.909 Ahg921366
134.521 Ahg937313
134.521 Ahg923361
134.521 Ahg927744
134.521 Ahg943033
134.521 Ahg938242
136.107 Ahg892184 F-box/RNI-like superfamily protein
137.739 Ahg330935 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
138.968 Ahg315791
142.239 Ahg952027 C2 domain-containing protein
143.15 Virus1125
150.496 Ahg311997 Pectinacetylesterase family protein
154.609 Ahg337545
159.8 Ahg949870
159.972 Ahg914817
160.549 Virus3046
165.027 Ahg938991
165.529 Ahg942299
166.361 Ahg488229 C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein
168.819 Ahg944419 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
168.855 Ahg936263 terpene synthase-like sequence-1,8-cineole
171.026 Ahg329742
172.29 Ahg932698 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
175.937 Ahg907594
176.423 Ahg907017 Heavy metal transport/detoxification superfamily protein
180.748 Ahg930764
182.071 Ahg907557
182.071 Ahg896857
183.303 Ahg918249
186.298 Ahg330465 myb domain protein 100
186.735 Ahg889613
187.997 Ahg343859
188.284 Virus3629
192.421 Ahg336915
192.686 Ahg949425 Protein of unknown function (DUF1218)
192.686 Ahg921435 Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp 70) family protein
192.953 Ahg944777 cytochrome P450, family 82, subfamily C, polypeptide 4
193.329 Ahg949734 K-box region and MADS-box transcription factor family protein
194.214 Ahg935110 zinc finger protein 11
198.796 Ahg949082
201.261 Ahg312551
204.022 Ahg354984
205.699 Ahg895076 TRAF-like family protein
212.81 Virus0661
213.014 Ahg344577 Leucine-rich receptor-like protein kinase family protein
213.897 Ahg890175
214.919 Ahg907955
215.079 Ahg896961
215.232 Ahg917433 Single-stranded nucleic acid binding R3H protein
216.929 Ahg947778
219.964 Ahg936407 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family
220.624 Ahg478477
222.284 Ahg330390 P-loop nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein with CH (Calponin Homology) domain
226.475 Ahg923070 cytochrome P450, family 96, subfamily A, polypeptide 8
226.872 Ahg935938
229.083 Ahg484937
232.045 Ahg906232
232.045 Ahg916419
232.103 Virus0879
237.851 Ahg920465
245.071 Ahg908838
249.235 Ahg906219 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein
249.976 Ahg887582
251.332 Ahg952298 pumilio 18
251.332 Ahg930639 pumilio 18
252.785 Virus0763
255.875 Ahg932766
260.046 Ahg951973
261.992 Ahg933662
268.948 Ahg484466 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family
269.015 Ahg930512 transposable element gene
272.883 Ahg933852
273.331 Ahg321237
276.919 Ahg930808
280.459 Ahg930633
282.533 Ahg937473 Protein of unknown function (DUF1997)
286.231 Ahg345468
293.385 Ahg311616 CCT motif family protein
293.571 Ahg928630 CAP (Cysteine-rich secretory proteins, Antigen 5, and Pathogenesis-related 1 protein) superfamily protein
294.462 Ahg905088 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
296.108 Ahg895742
297.71 Ahg476043 Dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase / Dihydropteroate synthase
298.479 Virus1127
299.251 Ahg891439 Ribosomal protein L30/L7 family protein
303.051 Virus0382
303.051 Ahg932572
304.319 Ahg922470 Lipin family protein
304.905 Ahg916172 SGNH hydrolase-type esterase superfamily protein
305.745 Ahg927078
305.745 Ahg946901 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
305.745 Ahg887942 C2 domain-containing protein
305.745 Virus0918
305.745 Ahg932471
305.745 Virus0804
305.745 Ahg947325
308.747 Ahg890400 S-protein homologue 1
312.292 Ahg933385
313.011 Ahg930776
313.642 Ahg330947
315.184 Virus0391
316.923 Ahg475727
317.899 Ahg929823
318.333 Ahg931310 C2H2-like zinc finger protein
319.562 Ahg939710 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
327.391 Ahg470341 Uncharacterised protein family (UPF0497)
327.646 Ahg923263 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
327.732 Ahg344273 Arp2/3 complex, 34 kD subunit p34-Arc
328.748 Virus0800
329.903 Ahg312453 Peroxidase superfamily protein
330 Ahg489981 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
330.681 Ahg495277 transposable element gene
332.31 Virus3222
332.947 Ahg923467
336.107 Virus1907
336.393 Ahg917839
339.04 Ahg905359
339.158 Ahg922945
342.108 Ahg889267
348.938 Ahg480089
350.84 Ahg925188 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
358.173 Ahg938537
358.375 Ahg902403 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
363.026 Ahg947303
363.026 Ahg924501
363.026 Ahg932292
363.026 Ahg952324
363.026 Ahg931781
363.026 Ahg940757
363.026 Ahg952472
363.026 Ahg945324
363.026 Ahg927103
363.026 Ahg925165
363.026 Ahg931859
363.026 Ahg938752
363.026 Ahg921280
367.293 Ahg333307
368.722 Ahg358185 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
368.774 Ahg937985
375.948 Ahg892166 histone H2A 12
376.882 Ahg943209
377.105 Ahg952394 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase 12
377.73 Ahg491828 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 22
378.444 Ahg952187 Plant neutral invertase family protein
378.46 Ahg313252
380.69 Ahg913817
380.69 Ahg912888
387.527 Ahg492747 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
389.582 Ahg901240
390.676 Ahg915673 Protein with RNI-like/FBD-like domains
390.8 Ahg912705
392.148 Ahg946832
393.033 Ahg352604 glutamate synthase 1
396.227 Virus0944
398.977 Ahg931669
399.011 Ahg932872 Adenine nucleotide alpha hydrolases-like superfamily protein
401.634 Ahg941423 Protein kinase superfamily protein
401.684 Ahg891768 RAB GTPase homolog G1
402.789 Virus0997
403.154 Ahg487246 AGAMOUS-like 99
404.759 Ahg946272 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 15
405.588 Ahg934199
408.001 Ahg923426
409.373 Ahg907803
409.833 Ahg929032
410.083 Ahg937186
410.501 Ahg490649 cysteine-rich RLK (RECEPTOR-like protein kinase) 26
412.941 Ahg936063 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
418.519 Ahg347252 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase ATXR2
421.198 Ahg922663
424.139 Ahg320288
426.809 Ahg351278
427.841 Ahg948892 F-box family protein
427.875 Ahg928434 DNA-binding enhancer protein-related
431.465 Ahg952318
435.628 Ahg949822 Protein of unknown function (DUF626)
436.172 Ahg925225
436.606 Ahg948514
436.614 Ahg358861 RWP-RK domain-containing protein
437.218 Ahg901740 Mitochondrial ATP synthase D chain-related protein
437.218 Ahg901742 Mitochondrial ATP synthase D chain-related protein
440.959 Ahg330970 Dormancy/auxin associated family protein
446.683 Ahg344061 SU(VAR)3-9 homolog 7
448.893 Ahg925103 RALF-like 16
449.159 Ahg487292 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
450.15 Ahg900410 2A phosphatase associated protein of 46 kD
451.433 Virus0949
452.337 Ahg347123
452.618 Ahg949189
454.438 Ahg942782 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
458.33 Ahg939262
458.944 Ahg901060 Polynucleotidyl transferase, ribonuclease H-like superfamily protein
462.947 Ahg948670 calmodulin like 43
464.299 Ahg475471 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
467.025 Virus3832
468.198 Ahg944417 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
469.335 Ahg315981 ubiquitin carrier protein 1
471.964 Ahg350231 annexin 6
472.94 Virus1561
477.556 Ahg929450
482.406 Virus2007
483.57 Ahg489955 Disease resistance-responsive (dirigent-like protein) family protein
487.652 Ahg487160 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase family protein
489.497 Ahg479757 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
490.309 Ahg943509 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily protein
498.638 Ahg943951
499.299 Ahg493607 zinc ion binding
504.635 Ahg948966
505.6 Ahg925630
507.005 Ahg359557
508.645 Ahg904722 indole-3-acetic acid inducible 31
510.064 Ahg936855
511.705 Ahg913835 Thioredoxin superfamily protein
514.299 Ahg314773
514.53 Ahg317800
516.631 Ahg952546 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
517.385 Ahg949002 C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein
518.52 Virus1148
521.92 Ahg912288
522.111 Ahg905160
526.771 Ahg342398
528.233 Ahg946314 myb domain protein 98
530.469 Ahg485289 proline-rich family protein
531.71 Ahg494805 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 57
533.052 Ahg940702
536.511 Ahg482080 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
536.638 Ahg318446 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
537.401 Ahg945326
537.628 Ahg331550 Beta-galactosidase related protein
537.81 Ahg472233
539.14 Ahg949550 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein
540.378 Ahg483242 RING/U-box superfamily protein