MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg471177

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
4.47214 Ahg940942
7.61577 Ahg359620
9.8995 Ahg894517 GA requiring 3
10.9545 Ahg891846
12.3693 Ahg950059 Cysteine-rich protein
16.2481 Ahg934502
16.9706 Ahg910787
17.2047 Ahg347211
21.4476 Ahg923629
21.7945 Ahg933144
24.1868 Ahg895033 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 36
24.7386 Ahg481136 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
29.6985 Ahg338726
30 Ahg936905
30.7246 Virus1206
34.322 Ahg948061 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
34.4964 Ahg940491
35.6931 Ahg493997 Protein of unknown function (DUF1216)
35.8748 Ahg926282
37.3095 Ahg943180
38.8844 Ahg929319
39.4968 Ahg943017 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
41.2311 Ahg359003
43.566 Ahg938456 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family
45.9565 Ahg942876 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily protein
47.6235 Ahg925216 Plant thionin family protein
49.9199 Ahg328678 Barwin-related endoglucanase
52.3068 Ahg893008
53.4977 Ahg893690
54.0648 Ahg951016
56.542 Ahg313838 Cysteine-rich protein
58.3009 Ahg936783
59.6238 Virus1311
60.0833 Ahg352955
62.9682 Ahg926440
67.082 Ahg889098
67.082 Ahg937828
70.4202 Ahg945417
72.4569 Ahg900404
73.5119 Ahg477834 sporozoite surface protein-related
74.7663 Ahg946411
78.1345 Ahg890092 Transcription initiation factor TFIIE, beta subunit
81.185 Ahg949055
82.8674 Ahg940897 RAB GTPase homolog A5A
82.8674 Ahg936118 RAB GTPase homolog A5A
83.4026 Ahg474045 CLAVATA3/ESR-RELATED 11
86.3481 Ahg951175
86.8677 Ahg897507 Cysteine/Histidine-rich C1 domain family protein
87.6641 Ahg925727
90.1998 Ahg930454 CLAVATA3/ESR-RELATED 19
91.4877 Ahg913534
93.3863 Ahg482879 5'-nucleotidases;magnesium ion binding
95.7288 Ahg948060 IAA-leucine-resistant (ILR1)-like 3
98.7421 Ahg914157
101.054 Ahg947373 Glycosyl hydrolase family 35 protein
101.607 Ahg942086
105.347 Ahg930488 Zinc finger (CCCH-type/C3HC4-type RING finger) family protein
107.866 Virus1171
111.857 Ahg889842
116.765 Ahg949959
117.576 Ahg946933
122.376 Ahg354800 zinc ion binding;transcription regulators
133.701 Ahg914899
133.701 Ahg922892
134.551 Virus1232
134.7 Virus3307
142.671 Ahg919150
146.007 Ahg491523 Beta-1,3-N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase family protein
147.037 Ahg942548 hydrogen ion transporting ATP synthases, rotational mechanism;zinc ion binding
153.786 Ahg896116 anaphase-promoting complex subunit 8
155.003 Ahg887830
157.949 Ahg482601
159.339 Ahg930499
162.794 Ahg480041 serine carboxypeptidase-like 21
167.284 Ahg899645
168.811 Ahg334324
173.378 Virus1309
174.115 Ahg933309
174.207 Ahg359032
179.064 Ahg329520 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
180.35 Ahg331461 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 7
181.345 Ahg931552
181.494 Ahg937181
186.161 Ahg492780 Dof-type zinc finger domain-containing protein
191.812 Ahg319343 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein
193.028 Ahg913514
193.028 Ahg326329 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
193.028 Virus1927
193.028 Ahg337274
193.028 Ahg939353
195.141 Ahg333823
195.849 Virus1463
196.283 Ahg899703 PapD-like superfamily protein
196.283 Ahg899704 PapD-like superfamily protein
196.433 Ahg936669 Calcineurin-like metallo-phosphoesterase superfamily protein
197.038 Ahg922232
197.558 Ahg936392
197.631 Ahg900188
197.631 Ahg900187
201.196 Ahg497243 PHYTOCYSTATIN 2
201.196 Ahg482126 PHYTOCYSTATIN 2
201.499 Ahg939497 subtilisin-like serine protease 2
203.666 Ahg476637 RING/U-box superfamily protein
204.88 Ahg952250
204.88 Ahg950654
208.545 Ahg899500
212.471 Ahg355629 MAC/Perforin domain-containing protein
213.378 Virus1935
213.378 Ahg909265
225.526 Ahg314426
225.887 Ahg943750 Regulator of Vps4 activity in the MVB pathway protein
228.259 Ahg949463
231.592 Ahg914880 plant defensin 1.5
232.314 Ahg318431 SNF2 domain-containing protein / helicase domain-containing protein / zinc finger protein-related
237.739 Ahg324164 NAC (No Apical Meristem) domain transcriptional regulator superfamily protein
241.876 Ahg891334
242.817 Ahg359762 histone deacetylase-related / HD-related
248.234 Ahg942419
252.083 Virus2180
252.903 Ahg896203 Cysteine/Histidine-rich C1 domain family protein
261.725 Virus0685
262.509 Ahg890479
266.635 Ahg940375 PLC-like phosphodiesterases superfamily protein
271.072 Ahg889101 Leucine-rich repeat transmembrane protein kinase
277.741 Ahg494794 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
281.952 Ahg930062
282.365 Ahg942863 Heavy metal transport/detoxification superfamily protein
282.926 Ahg921809 Cyclophilin-like peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase family protein
283.062 Ahg336539
288.26 Ahg922565
298.747 Ahg936877
302.051 Ahg898933 MAP kinase 10
314.422 Ahg481923 Lateral organ boundaries (LOB) domain family protein
314.508 Ahg932538
316.036 Ahg948897
319.099 Ahg483456 Peroxidase superfamily protein
321.674 Ahg934527 alpha 1,4-glycosyltransferase family protein
330.66 Ahg922564
333.095 Ahg944631 Transcriptional factor B3 family protein
342.357 Ahg900451
343.187 Ahg931283 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family
345.785 Ahg891380
346.951 Ahg949801
346.993 Ahg483165 DHHC-type zinc finger family protein
351.411 Ahg951999 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
357.018 Virus0746
357.936 Ahg920688
361.083 Ahg480434
364.342 Ahg494031 Peroxidase superfamily protein
367.56 Ahg905525
373.051 Ahg343192
373.971 Ahg901120 isopropyl malate isomerase large subunit 1
376.11 Ahg944116
378.213 Ahg915129 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase 1
383.406 Ahg476775
384.458 Ahg898988 Cupredoxin superfamily protein
386.756 Ahg924955 Rapid alkalinization factor (RALF) family protein
386.95 Ahg925585
388.644 Ahg950981 Protein of unknown function (DUF630 and DUF632)
395.361 Ahg892051 gamma interferon responsive lysosomal thiol (GILT) reductase family protein
396.785 Ahg889891
402.461 Ahg924091
410.449 Ahg922473
411.475 Ahg489622 Seed maturation protein
413.986 Ahg946487 O-fucosyltransferase family protein
414.167 Ahg347431
420.295 Ahg924258
422.97 Ahg479830 HR-like lesion-inducing protein-related
425.81 Ahg952085
426.615 Ahg473823 Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein
428.558 Ahg478752 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
439.744 Ahg342829
440.799 Ahg897669 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
442.958 Ahg891547
445.924 Ahg891248 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
446.399 Ahg913773
450.896 Ahg936371 LOB domain-containing protein 24
451.761 Ahg923032 Phosphatidylinositol N-acetyglucosaminlytransferase subunit P-related
453.185 Ahg338902 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
459.592 Ahg348692
462.817 Ahg482254 F-box family protein with a domain of unknown function (DUF295)
468.615 Ahg919953
468.679 Ahg935209
468.935 Ahg920931
470.564 Ahg337983 Copper transport protein family
471.591 Ahg888174
473.031 Ahg329010 seed gene 1
473.793 Ahg489772 Peroxidase superfamily protein
475.933 Ahg905424
476.571 Ahg495728
482.996 Ahg904462
485.77 Ahg936978
489 Ahg946896 Endoplasmic reticulum vesicle transporter protein
489 Ahg950830 Endoplasmic reticulum vesicle transporter protein
489.333 Virus3455
492.536 Ahg947396
500.48 Ahg922939 Peroxidase superfamily protein
502.261 Ahg925721
504.116 Ahg892987
505.613 Ahg893685 cytidinediphosphate diacylglycerol synthase 5
506.02 Ahg930371 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
508.002 Ahg951049 F-box family protein
508.781 Ahg928276
510.5 Ahg906322
523.144 Ahg915067
524.234 Ahg914816
526.756 Ahg347530
526.923 Ahg933396 Concanavalin A-like lectin protein kinase family protein
541.376 Ahg947472
547.257 Ahg924047
550.024 Ahg913561 Concanavalin A-like lectin protein kinase family protein
552.445 Ahg950577
566.908 Ahg948560 Heavy metal transport/detoxification superfamily protein
575.109 Ahg484678 emp24/gp25L/p24 family/GOLD family protein
576.144 Ahg904110 RAB GTPase homolog A4D
585.587 Ahg496329 Oleosin family protein
596.553 Ahg335411
602.554 Ahg937168
604.136 Ahg335662 Paired amphipathic helix (PAH2) superfamily protein
605.465 Ahg900750 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
608.707 Ahg329375 protease inhibitor/seed storage/lipid transfer protein (LTP) family protein
628.391 Ahg949697 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily
628.629 Ahg916364 Protein of unknown function (DUF1216)
640.556 Ahg492419 Protein of unknown function (DUF679)
642.728 Ahg915739
645.294 Ahg916558
645.294 Ahg355953
645.294 Ahg905482
645.294 Ahg887631
645.294 Ahg888472
646.637 Virus1585
655.153 Ahg497538 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
660.485 Ahg894993
665.202 Ahg490976 GATA transcription factor 19
680.826 Ahg948922 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
682.969 Ahg333316 general control non-repressible 4
688.086 Ahg905323 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C2
692.89 Ahg887985
694.114 Ahg896196 Protein phosphatase 2C family protein
696.011 Ahg312099 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
697.894 Ahg950261
699.516 Ahg914147 Prolyl oligopeptidase family protein
700.678 Virus1469
702.681 Ahg952149
703.235 Ahg352203
706.817 Ahg923601
709.722 Ahg937740
710.421 Ahg495460 F-box/RNI-like/FBD-like domains-containing protein
714.692 Ahg932946
715.682 Ahg482833 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
718.208 Ahg483255
719.455 Ahg475803 RING/U-box superfamily protein
723.252 Ahg930178 transposable element gene
729.592 Ahg894329 proline-rich family protein
729.815 Virus3543
734.2 Ahg314132 Cyclase family protein
737.166 Ahg922468 Terpenoid cyclases/Protein prenyltransferases superfamily protein
737.646 Ahg946963
738.799 Ahg933823 Cell differentiation, Rcd1-like protein
739.561 Ahg927197
740.692 Ahg312123
740.735 Ahg922913
745.504 Ahg480471 pathogenesis-related protein-1-like
745.989 Ahg914535 RING/U-box superfamily protein
760.408 Ahg486698
763.099 Ahg924931
763.33 Ahg906916
779.225 Ahg490956 UDP-Glycosyltransferase superfamily protein
783.741 Ahg899780
795.392 Ahg899799
796.397 Ahg334443 Protein of unknown function (DUF1218)
802.778 Ahg932389
803.091 Ahg952288 Peroxidase superfamily protein
803.873 Ahg923085
804.412 Ahg322553 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 73
807.847 Ahg918087 Plant thionin family protein
808.214 Virus2409
810.23 Ahg932255 phytosulfokine 2 precursor
812.782 Ahg312128 methionine--tRNA ligase, putative / methionyl-tRNA synthetase, putative / MetRS, putative
828.065 Ahg496690 Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein
839.621 Ahg471368 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
844.073 Ahg936555 snoRNA
845.122 Ahg933241 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
849.517 Ahg930838 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
850.559 Ahg483853 pyrophosphorylase 3
852.89 Ahg481010 chromatin remodeling 34
854.375 Ahg929469 PYK10-binding protein 1
863.555 Ahg908458 CLAVATA3/ESR-RELATED 12
865.558 Ahg313100
867.484 Ahg359386
869.722 Ahg495620 MBOAT (membrane bound O-acyl transferase) family protein
879.49 Ahg896989 XH domain-containing protein
880.89 Ahg933039
881.833 Ahg477584
884.932 Ahg946832
891.803 Ahg921178
899.215 Ahg355774
905.627 Ahg942474
908.995 Ahg477923 MAP kinase kinase 8