MR (TOP300)

ID : Virus1469

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
1.73205 Ahg946896 Endoplasmic reticulum vesicle transporter protein
1.73205 Ahg950830 Endoplasmic reticulum vesicle transporter protein
3 Virus3455
4 Ahg950092
6.32456 Ahg497430
6.32456 Ahg496741
7.48331 Virus2180
8.77496 Ahg346013 DNA-binding bromodomain-containing protein
9.38083 Ahg932978 nucleic acid binding
9.8995 Ahg480113 Protein of unknown function (DUF295)
12 Ahg905805 Ribosomal protein S24/S35, mitochondrial
12.49 Virus0445
12.6491 Ahg948682
12.9615 Ahg490748
13.4164 Ahg931484
19.3391 Ahg895170 signal recognition particle binding
26.1151 Ahg329383
27.7489 Ahg949018 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein
31.496 Ahg926494 F-box family protein
34.4819 Virus3302
34.641 Ahg936694
35.242 Ahg346986 cytochrome P450, family 71, subfamily B, polypeptide 4
36.4966 Ahg930646
36.6606 Ahg338762 Protein of unknown function (DUF789)
36.6606 Ahg933074
38.1051 Ahg345479
42.0476 Ahg319309 SCR-like 15
42.6615 Ahg908617 MADS-box family protein
45.3211 Ahg939254
45.7165 Ahg900028
48.1871 Ahg887958 Major facilitator superfamily protein
50.9117 Ahg923547 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
56.285 Ahg354574 carboxylesterases
58.4466 Ahg342808 Protein of unknown function (DUF295)
61.4166 Ahg938315
61.6036 Ahg933764 Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferases (NAT) superfamily protein
63.2376 Ahg946217
65.7571 Ahg942605
68.5857 Ahg333079
73.7021 Ahg946014
75.2662 Virus0121
76.0066 Ahg890440
81.1665 Ahg486809
82.2679 Ahg887894
84.7054 Ahg948900
92.1738 Virus3916
99 Ahg473765 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) superfamily protein
104.633 Ahg915917
108.083 Ahg916348
110.499 Ahg925784 MATE efflux family protein
115.845 Ahg946933
116.756 Ahg894413
117.473 Ahg945676
128.445 Ahg927858 Calcium-binding EF-hand family protein
133.697 Ahg492040
141.859 Ahg919028 ankyrin repeat family protein
142.601 Ahg933887 Transcription elongation factor (TFIIS) family protein
143.409 Ahg927597
145.739 Ahg938905
154.396 Virus0661
163.169 Virus1573
185.375 Ahg922096 phytochromobilin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, chloroplast / phytochromobilin synthase (HY2)
186.976 Ahg916072
188.215 Ahg947829
195.236 Ahg342480 Protein phosphatase 2C family protein
196.878 Ahg346267 glycosyl hydrolase 9B10
204.499 Ahg896560 Esterase/lipase/thioesterase family protein
212.264 Ahg922772 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
214.453 Ahg492125 Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase family protein
214.499 Ahg491076 Arabidopsis protein of unknown function (DUF241)
218.293 Virus1880
237.592 Ahg495496
246.771 Ahg936262
265.541 Ahg316383 Protein of unknown function (DUF962)
267.047 Ahg941606 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
268.661 Ahg931706 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
271.496 Ahg895617 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
279.725 Ahg890279 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase 29
284.141 Ahg315545 photosystem II reaction center protein C
288.484 Ahg895527
296.135 Ahg939497 subtilisin-like serine protease 2
296.778 Ahg923800 Basic-leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor family protein
297.55 Ahg939090
300.053 Ahg941961 Lipase class 3-related protein
304.072 Virus1147
310.524 Ahg344026
316.729 Ahg923483
323.159 Ahg474790
327.475 Ahg930450
333.87 Ahg918637 Protein kinase superfamily protein
336.214 Virus2139
337.384 Ahg898141 ADP-ribosylation factor D1B
347.071 Ahg946182
347.833 Ahg493535 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
351.666 Ahg312606
352.829 Ahg940077
356.8 Ahg923825
358.73 Ahg926660 isopentenyl pyrophosphate:dimethylallyl pyrophosphate isomerase 2
363.004 Ahg920679
370.047 Ahg484308 basic leucine-zipper 48
371.292 Ahg905337 Paired amphipathic helix (PAH2) superfamily protein
373.473 Ahg315563 ribosomal protein L22
374.315 Ahg921495 LOV KELCH protein 2
378.218 Ahg313371 Cytochrome b561/ferric reductase transmembrane protein family
392.238 Ahg934138
392.255 Ahg486904 NAD(P)-linked oxidoreductase superfamily protein
398.898 Ahg920105 UDP-Glycosyltransferase superfamily protein
413.178 Ahg492337 Nodulin MtN3 family protein
413.957 Ahg340626
416.485 Ahg907898 ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylases
417.363 Ahg916851
419.392 Ahg475880 TCP-1/cpn60 chaperonin family protein
426.816 Virus0628
427.803 Ahg352740 Aluminium activated malate transporter family protein
428.09 Ahg950984
429.118 Ahg495552 seed storage albumin 5
429.252 Ahg926445
438.014 Ahg934849 BTB/POZ domain-containing protein
440.944 Ahg891342
442.487 Ahg359447 Cyclopropane-fatty-acyl-phospholipid synthase
443.249 Ahg344504
443.61 Ahg924815 tubby like protein 4
457.607 Ahg474743 F-box family protein-related
458.482 Ahg921182 RING/U-box superfamily protein
462.642 Ahg913569
470.914 Ahg313365
477.653 Ahg914024 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
484.91 Ahg490501 actin depolymerizing factor 8
485.667 Ahg931164 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein
487.473 Ahg925760 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
499.744 Ahg892858 Ribosomal protein S19 family protein
503.746 Ahg927520 Putative methyltransferase family protein
509.456 Ahg901060 Polynucleotidyl transferase, ribonuclease H-like superfamily protein
515.674 Ahg483255
522.59 Ahg888289 repressor of lrx1
525.323 Ahg352198
526.637 Ahg923267
535.135 Ahg912825
538.219 Ahg924121 cytochrome P450, family 708, subfamily A, polypeptide 1
538.693 Ahg939784
539.7 Ahg940215 glycine-rich protein 16
539.963 Ahg904212 Spo11/DNA topoisomerase VI, subunit A protein
542.876 Ahg484465
543.116 Ahg925387
543.483 Ahg908730 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
543.765 Ahg918982 Protein of unknown function (DUF3049)
545.373 Ahg931451 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily
552.494 Ahg917090
554.094 Ahg314186 Cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) family protein
556.604 Ahg319567 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase family protein
557.021 Ahg496281 Plant calmodulin-binding protein-related
557.836 Ahg911688
589.732 Ahg478813 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
602.908 Ahg916468
608.398 Ahg497454 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
609.61 Ahg949055
621.9 Ahg888440 Disease resistance protein (TIR-NBS-LRR class) family
636.673 Ahg353057
640.167 Ahg905722
649.034 Ahg941288 Glycosyl hydrolase superfamily protein
672.214 Ahg907958
673.742 Ahg907104 Cystatin/monellin superfamily protein
674.578 Ahg924529 Disease resistance-responsive (dirigent-like protein) family protein
682.226 Ahg949879 2A phosphatase associated protein of 46 kD
695.812 Ahg950054 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) superfamily protein
700.678 Ahg471177 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
710.413 Ahg931705 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
711.899 Ahg916831 transposable element gene
712.233 Ahg925862 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
731.958 Ahg941537 Family of unknown function (DUF716)
735.948 Ahg914559 nodulin MtN21 /EamA-like transporter family protein
736.441 Ahg949648 Uncharacterised protein family (UPF0497)
752.936 Ahg482833 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
759.179 Ahg934816 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
760.151 Ahg935423
763.216 Ahg947153 AIG2-like (avirulence induced gene) family protein
777.108 Ahg924881 S-locus lectin protein kinase family protein
789.664 Ahg899400 RNA-binding CRS1 / YhbY (CRM) domain protein
806.258 Ahg900094
808.304 Ahg918815 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 2
823.592 Ahg474313 cryptdin protein-related
827.92 Ahg481702 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
828.704 Ahg913783
836.333 Ahg906918 transposable element gene
859.111 Ahg350922 H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex, subunit Gar1/Naf1 protein
861.567 Ahg475740
861.567 Ahg493864
870.731 Ahg931622 Cyclin B2;1
876.162 Ahg355832
877.552 Ahg943234 Protein of unknown function, DUF584
884.452 Ahg945326
888.871 Virus1561
889.831 Virus3168
910.714 Ahg482556
911.289 Ahg952596 RING/U-box superfamily protein
911.57 Ahg950836
914.587 Ahg316470
919.01 Ahg485744 C2H2-type zinc finger family protein
928.809 Ahg888510
932.971 Ahg896196 Protein phosphatase 2C family protein
935.566 Ahg313537 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 31
936.192 Ahg928281
942.653 Ahg891275 thionin 2.2
945.952 Ahg487607 Galactosyl transferase GMA12/MNN10 family protein
948.075 Ahg473723
952.297 Ahg900807
953.433 Virus1891
955.641 Ahg937007 Cysteine proteinases superfamily protein
961.455 Ahg891892
969.491 Ahg491985 Domain of unknown function (DUF3444)
969.565 Ahg899919
973.012 Ahg495964 Subtilisin-like serine endopeptidase family protein
980.364 Ahg925890 Nodulin MtN3 family protein
991.702 Ahg950449
995.554 Ahg333046 EF hand calcium-binding protein family