MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg495082

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
7.93725 Ahg491851 Phospholipase A2 family protein
11.4455 Ahg496002 Undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthetase family protein
16.7332 Ahg926152 Ribosomal protein L12/ ATP-dependent Clp protease adaptor protein ClpS family protein
18.9737 Ahg495796 Lactoylglutathione lyase / glyoxalase I family protein
19.6723 Ahg470494 Major facilitator superfamily protein
23.3666 Ahg476401 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
23.4947 Ahg483435 Far-red impaired responsive (FAR1) family protein
24.3926 Ahg483772 BCL-2-associated athanogene 6
24.8596 Ahg336372
33.3167 Ahg488160 FKBP-like peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase family protein
34.9857 Ahg927833 Adenine nucleotide alpha hydrolases-like superfamily protein
41.3521 Ahg471229 Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase family protein
42.7434 Ahg358841 target of early activation tagged (EAT) 3
44.2154 Ahg922683 ATP-dependent protease La (LON) domain protein
48.9898 Ahg476021 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
49.0816 Ahg470181 Arv1-like protein
53.963 Ahg493143 tonoplast intrinsic protein 2;2
55.0454 Ahg495334 heat shock protein 90.1
58.8048 Ahg478284 ascorbate peroxidase 2
61.9677 Ahg485004 heat shock protein 17.4
62.4099 Ahg943368 Protein of unknown function (DUF789)
63.7103 Ahg472131 inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain-related
66.2118 Ahg474411 Peroxisomal membrane 22 kDa (Mpv17/PMP22) family protein
68.2495 Ahg476565 heat shock protein 101
69.3181 Ahg921132
72.208 Ahg311691 glyoxalase 2-4
73.4847 Ahg323163
73.675 Ahg329472 Subtilase family protein
73.8377 Ahg942164 Protein of unknown function (DUF1677)
75.0999 Ahg472391 Calcium-binding EF-hand family protein
76.092 Ahg470412 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
77.2269 Ahg489838 Protein of unknown function (DUF3511)
77.55 Ahg476241 Auxin efflux carrier family protein
78.4857 Ahg480538 HSP20-like chaperones superfamily protein
79.8123 Ahg919257 UDP-glucosyltransferase 75B1
81.7374 Ahg933866 TRAF-like family protein
85.1704 Ahg494824
86.6256 Ahg907707
87.3613 Ahg929397 post-illumination chlorophyll fluorescence increase
89.7998 Ahg944731 ascorbate peroxidase 6
91.4986 Ahg314496 MATE efflux family protein
94.7418 Ahg471404 D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase family protein
97.3242 Ahg900606 heat shock protein 90.1
102.118 Ahg473243 inositol transporter 2
104.038 Ahg945273 heat shock protein 21
107.331 Ahg900004
107.35 Ahg489869 HSP20-like chaperones superfamily protein
108.056 Ahg935163 DNAJ heat shock N-terminal domain-containing protein
108.167 Ahg496566 RING/FYVE/PHD zinc finger superfamily protein
110.68 Ahg925310 ammonium transporter 1;2
114.647 Ahg325028 KDO transferase A
117.614 Ahg486949 Carbohydrate-binding-like fold
118.427 Ahg344375 soluble epoxide hydrolase
118.886 Ahg943829 Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protein
119.996 Ahg473996 conserved peptide upstream open reading frame 31
121.614 Ahg936303 CAAX amino terminal protease family protein
123.915 Ahg482159 EXS (ERD1/XPR1/SYG1) family protein
127.417 Ahg941238 UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase 2
129.399 Ahg493966 RING/U-box superfamily protein
129.9 Ahg491344 ABC transporter family protein
130.181 Ahg482707 plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2
130.219 Ahg476384 Protein of unknown function (DUF1677)
131.4 Ahg494639 AUX/IAA transcriptional regulator family protein
131.924 Ahg474326 actin binding protein family
132.544 Ahg496871 FAD-dependent oxidoreductase family protein
133.895 Ahg492004 thylakoid-associated phosphatase 38
135.388 Ahg944698 2Fe-2S ferredoxin-like superfamily protein
136.704 Ahg483019 Subtilisin-like serine endopeptidase family protein
138.148 Ahg324076 RING/U-box superfamily protein
144.042 Ahg470286 Bax inhibitor-1 family protein
144.72 Ahg489599 Zim17-type zinc finger protein
145.155 Ahg923463 FTSH protease 1
147.58 Ahg478160 subunit NDH-M of NAD(P)H:plastoquinone dehydrogenase complex
149.9 Ahg908288 F-box family protein
150.957 Ahg930474 Uncharacterised protein family SERF
151.4 Ahg936324 cytochrome P450, family 71, subfamily B, polypeptide 4
151.895 Ahg481314 FAD-dependent oxidoreductase family protein
152.263 Ahg943195 fibrillin
156.205 Ahg907188 heat shock protein 90.1
157.162 Ahg470610 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
157.645 Ahg493557 small acidic protein 1
159.317 Ahg472378 F-box/RNI-like superfamily protein
160.997 Ahg493757 Protein kinase superfamily protein
163.686 Ahg893435 FTSH protease 6
163.875 Ahg482309 AT hook motif DNA-binding family protein
164.393 Ahg487156 TRF-like 10
166.358 Ahg494125 Rhomboid-related intramembrane serine protease family protein
166.637 Ahg480765 Terpenoid synthases superfamily protein
168.375 Ahg477509 nodulin MtN21 /EamA-like transporter family protein
173.346 Ahg894458 Cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase, 14kDa subunit
175.539 Ahg925873 BURP domain-containing protein
176.564 Ahg920743 FKBP-like peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase family protein
177.248 Ahg480386 lipid transfer protein
177.657 Ahg945600 tapetum determinant 1
177.834 Ahg895882 TRAF-like family protein
180.712 Ahg920712 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3
184.44 Ahg474229 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
185.108 Ahg486202 Remorin family protein
185.769 Ahg493744 HSP20-like chaperones superfamily protein
186.628 Ahg485021 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
186.976 Ahg933590 photosystem II subunit P-2
189.497 Ahg948045
191.937 Ahg496448 Tic22-like family protein
198.575 Ahg472192 Wound-responsive family protein
201.542 Ahg479959 multiprotein bridging factor 1C
201.7 Ahg486888 saposin B domain-containing protein
201.933 Ahg939103
202.181 Ahg481262 Low temperature and salt responsive protein family
203.703 Ahg492376 homeobox protein 22
203.922 Ahg496333
210.371 Ahg340279 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
211.206 Ahg926058
211.287 Ahg950332 profilin 3
211.837 Ahg898914 Plant regulator RWP-RK family protein
212.678 Ahg913155
213.659 Ahg490488 TRAF-like family protein
215.07 Ahg933139 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
215.081 Ahg924903 Protein of unknown function (DUF761)
216.624 Ahg475155 Sulfite exporter TauE/SafE family protein
218.165 Ahg921743 RING/U-box superfamily protein
218.552 Ahg337408 HSP20-like chaperones superfamily protein
218.783 Ahg317880 Transcription elongation factor (TFIIS) family protein
219.089 Ahg496693
219.262 Ahg490898 Cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) family protein
219.675 Ahg489922 oligopeptide transporter 7
220.758 Ahg488435 prenylcysteine methylesterase
222.063 Ahg909440 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
222.146 Ahg929548 Peroxidase family protein
226.588 Ahg472286 acyl activating enzyme 1
228.018 Ahg486598 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
230.363 Ahg928473 Ypt/Rab-GAP domain of gyp1p superfamily protein
230.434 Ahg907209 transcription factor jumonji (jmjC) domain-containing protein
232.654 Ahg483819 Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase family protein
232.766 Ahg889845 cysteine-rich RLK (RECEPTOR-like protein kinase) 16
233.581 Ahg492888 Glycosyl hydrolase family protein with chitinase insertion domain
233.666 Ahg491396 homeobox gene 1
236.411 Ahg496088 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
237.985 Ahg928919
238.474 Ahg352245
239.056 Ahg482229 TRAF-like family protein
239.305 Ahg902937 Protein kinase superfamily protein
239.817 Ahg937169
240.699 Ahg938756 Protein kinase superfamily protein
240.799 Ahg486840 Protein phosphatase 2C family protein
242.596 Ahg488045 heat shock protein 17.6A
243.526 Ahg321574
244.127 Ahg471354 BCL-2-associated athanogene 5
245.947 Ahg893015 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
247.871 Ahg496104 heat shock protein 18.2
248.902 Ahg478281 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein
249.816 Ahg483270 Remorin family protein
251.237 Ahg483247 apurinic endonuclease-redox protein
251.893 Ahg927762 Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like superfamily protein
252.951 Ahg496497
254.517 Ahg946890 RmlC-like cupins superfamily protein
256.008 Ahg477829 Major facilitator superfamily protein
256.16 Ahg489205 ferredoxin/thioredoxin reductase subunit A (variable subunit) 1
258.447 Ahg491628 endonuclease V family protein
259.214 Ahg474728
260.806 Ahg942711 Chaperone DnaJ-domain superfamily protein
261.063 Ahg929297
261.193 Ahg474805
261.943 Ahg951668 heat-shock protein 70T-2
262.45 Ahg492536 plasma membrane intrinsic protein 1;5
262.983 Ahg334946 unknown protein 6
263.812 Ahg475351 Disease resistance protein (CC-NBS-LRR class) family
266.736 Ahg338119 Disease resistance protein (CC-NBS-LRR class) family
267.488 Ahg489979 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) superfamily protein
267.634 Ahg473553 Smg-4/UPF3 family protein
269.622 Ahg471219 15-cis-zeta-carotene isomerase
269.741 Ahg492522
270.529 Ahg491946 RING membrane-anchor 2
271.231 Ahg312200 starch synthase 3
272.074 Ahg909198
273.404 Ahg343982 purine permease 5
274.485 Ahg948472 Disease resistance protein (TIR-NBS-LRR class) family
275.848 Ahg495890 SKP1 interacting partner 1
277.168 Ahg495916 chaperone binding;ATPase activators
278.693 Ahg472406 DPP6 N-terminal domain-like protein
279.168 Ahg490014 PGR5-like B
284.32 Ahg480634 Auxin efflux carrier family protein
284.605 Ahg332580 flavonol synthase 2
284.858 Ahg493218 Protein phosphatase 2C family protein
285.986 Ahg474875
286.943 Ahg949748 GroES-like zinc-binding alcohol dehydrogenase family protein
287.428 Ahg315656
288.479 Ahg932553 Protein of unknown function (DUF295)
288.524 Ahg488680 Chaperone DnaJ-domain superfamily protein
289.066 Ahg474474
289.086 Ahg896432
289.365 Ahg484159
290.241 Ahg908217 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF827)
292.353 Ahg901512 phloem protein 2-A15
292.448 Ahg482244 receptor like protein 27
293.913 Ahg922906
294.998 Ahg483917 CP12 domain-containing protein 1
295.581 Ahg356714 Protein of unknown function (DUF1012)
296.348 Ahg492693 DERLIN-2.1
296.446 Ahg941792 Alanyl-tRNA synthetase, class IIc
297.204 Ahg923930 methionine sulfoxide reductase B 1
298.712 Ahg929873 branched-chain aminotransferase4
298.731 Ahg485452 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
298.865 Ahg494919 FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase family protein
302.311 Ahg477150
303.104 Ahg488990 Phosphoinositide phosphatase family protein
303.252 Ahg940697 Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like;Translation elongation factor EF1B/ribosomal protein S6
305.282 Ahg341828 Protein of unknown function (DUF567)
305.581 Ahg933774 heat-shock protein 70T-2
308.084 Ahg476459 serine carboxypeptidase-like 6
309.335 Ahg481603 abscisic aldehyde oxidase 3
309.742 Ahg491706 glycine-rich protein
310.413 Ahg473628 shoot gravitropism 2 (SGR2)
312.25 Ahg483674
312.658 Ahg491314
312.807 Ahg926057
313.249 Ahg910333 alpha-crystallin domain 32.1
314.299 Ahg495857 Protein kinase superfamily protein with octicosapeptide/Phox/Bem1p domain
318.214 Ahg907036 Disease resistance protein (TIR-NBS-LRR class) family
318.228 Ahg488253 isopropylmalate dehydrogenase 1
318.829 Ahg470756 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
321.198 Ahg321777 nodulin MtN21 /EamA-like transporter family protein
321.481 Ahg471375 Pentapeptide repeat-containing protein
322.762 Ahg476340 late embryogenesis abundant domain-containing protein / LEA domain-containing protein
324.176 Ahg894281 ferric reduction oxidase 4
326.228 Ahg936117
327.643 Ahg323872 Small nuclear RNA activating complex (SNAPc), subunit SNAP43 protein
331.735 Ahg493600
332.464 Ahg919476
337.083 Ahg479955 Serinc-domain containing serine and sphingolipid biosynthesis protein
342.736 Ahg342288 Mitochondrial substrate carrier family protein
342.994 Ahg478844 phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase family protein
343.523 Ahg479408 RING/U-box superfamily protein
343.837 Ahg931248 UNC-50 family protein
347.344 Ahg920676 homology to ABI2
347.994 Ahg907291 S-locus lectin protein kinase family protein
348.164 Ahg472794 other RNA
349.149 Ahg944213 other RNA
351.047 Ahg488628
351.534 Ahg477513 thioredoxin F-type 1
352.182 Ahg479225 Ca2+-activated RelA/spot homolog
352.505 Ahg484422 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
354.915 Ahg494236 formyltetrahydrofolate deformylase, putative
355.142 Ahg927247
355.38 Ahg949551 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
356.205 Ahg935657
356.875 Ahg487100 other RNA
357.55 Ahg349540 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
358.057 Ahg487551 RHOMBOID-like protein 3
361.657 Ahg904675 TAS3/TASIR-ARF (TRANS-ACTING SIRNA3); other RNA
362.07 Ahg474385 Putative thiol-disulphide oxidoreductase DCC
362.388 Ahg484981 actin depolymerizing factor 1
362.712 Ahg948136 nuclear factor Y, subunit B2
363.948 Ahg950808 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate synthase
367.187 Ahg889979 disease resistance protein (TIR-NBS-LRR class), putative
367.475 Ahg483982 chlororespiratory reduction 6
370.141 Ahg487818 ABC transporter family protein
371.533 Ahg480711 histone H1-3
374.748 Ahg326514 ubiquitin-specific protease 8
375.033 Ahg483251 Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein
375.414 Ahg481212 nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase 2
375.561 Ahg931702 Sec14p-like phosphatidylinositol transfer family protein
375.588 Ahg493043
377.794 Ahg494441 solute:sodium symporters;urea transmembrane transporters
378.832 Ahg493502 transferases, transferring glycosyl groups
380.026 Ahg480886 DNAJ heat shock family protein
381.987 Ahg924037 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
385.1 Ahg470908 strictosidine synthase-like 3
385.583 Ahg487022 Dof-type zinc finger DNA-binding family protein
391.106 Ahg483058 Double Clp-N motif-containing P-loop nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
391.325 Ahg933942 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein
391.712 Ahg476006 little nuclei3
395.148 Ahg935653 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
395.184 Ahg475714 AMP-dependent synthetase and ligase family protein
395.411 Ahg934962 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
396.99 Ahg488341
397.026 Ahg908039 receptor kinase 2
400.132 Ahg936128 uvrB/uvrC motif-containing protein
401.115 Ahg490762 Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein
404.296 Ahg494942 Domain of unknown function (DUF1995)
406.165 Ahg935061 phospholipase D beta 1
406.878 Ahg951932 gamma-glutamyl hydrolase 2
408.108 Ahg479940 beta-amylase 1
410.732 Ahg326224 copper/zinc superoxide dismutase 3
412.999 Ahg916369 Disease resistance protein (CC-NBS-LRR class) family
416.087 Ahg904559 Isochorismatase family protein
416.406 Ahg951503 DREB and EAR motif protein 2
416.802 Ahg480301 beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase family protein
417.413 Ahg473173 Metallo-hydrolase/oxidoreductase superfamily protein
417.464 Ahg928811 senescence associated gene 20
418.246 Ahg925508 photosystem II reaction center protein G
421.493 Ahg891888
423.733 Ahg488606 Spc97 / Spc98 family of spindle pole body (SBP) component
424.2 Ahg496172 aleurain-like protease
425.612 Ahg470920 atypical CYS HIS rich thioredoxin 4
427.5 Ahg477119 Uncharacterized conserved protein (DUF2358)
429.278 Ahg483318 U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein helicase
430.583 Ahg938644 FAD-dependent oxidoreductase family protein