MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg929965

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
16.3095 Ahg485062 tubulin beta chain 3
17 Ahg484358 ribosomal protein L15
23.6643 Ahg483311 Rhodanese/Cell cycle control phosphatase superfamily protein
24.4949 Ahg474366 TSK-associating protein 1
24.5967 Ahg336556 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
27.0185 Ahg940809 Ubiquinol-cytochrome C reductase iron-sulfur subunit
27.3861 Ahg348313 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
28.8964 Ahg484604 TRAF-like family protein
30.7246 Ahg951519 ralf-like 34
31.305 Ahg920010 glyoxalase I homolog
44.6318 Ahg472193 chlorophyllase 1
45.7493 Ahg489339 vegetative storage protein 2
54.909 Ahg926704 Kunitz family trypsin and protease inhibitor protein
56.2317 Ahg482332 Ribosomal protein S5 family protein
56.921 Ahg929199
59.2453 Ahg914721 zinc transporter 11 precursor
64.4205 Ahg940065 2-cysteine peroxiredoxin B
68.0294 Ahg486711 rotamase CYP 4
70.3989 Ahg485020 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
70.484 Ahg495542 Translation protein SH3-like family protein
76.1315 Ahg927000 plastocyanin 1
81.1172 Ahg927270 Sodium Bile acid symporter family
81.6088 Ahg490316 UDP-xylosyltransferase 2
81.7802 Ahg934855 Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
84.8999 Ahg487869 Histone superfamily protein
86.5332 Ahg478433 manganese superoxide dismutase 1
90.8295 Ahg921780
90.9945 Ahg933697
94.0425 Ahg941581 Ribosomal protein S8e family protein
97.6576 Ahg333044 early nodulin-like protein 19
98.8635 Ahg470596 Chitinase family protein
99.1968 Ahg486566 FASCICLIN-like arabinogalactan-protein 10
99.6394 Ahg472662 MLP-like protein 423
100.319 Ahg478836 epithiospecifier modifier 1
101.946 Ahg480375 arabinogalactan protein 9
102.616 Ahg488656 Cobalamin-independent synthase family protein
103.053 Ahg905917 Subtilase family protein
105.214 Ahg495356 plastidic pyruvate kinase beta subunit 1
108.972 Ahg470115 plasma membrane intrinsic protein 1C
109.545 Ahg479297 B-S glucosidase 44
111.982 Ahg928939 Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family protein
120.897 Ahg493389 Ribosomal L27e protein family
124.093 Ahg496515 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 2
127.464 Ahg932329 poly(A) binding protein 4
128.542 Ahg937350 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
129.074 Ahg934986 S-formylglutathione hydrolase
130.023 Ahg318143 Disease resistance-responsive (dirigent-like protein) family protein
130.25 Ahg473159 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
133.045 Ahg470751 ribosomal protein L4
133.626 Ahg893150 beta-6 tubulin
134.28 Ahg481271 heptahelical protein 3
135.13 Ahg471781 light harvesting complex photosystem II subunit 6
136.235 Ahg940289 hydroxymethylbilane synthase
136.967 Ahg941617 germin 3
138.322 Ahg918978 photosystem I subunit D-2
140.114 Ahg906639 Ribosomal protein L2 family
140.392 Ahg484572 ribosomal protein L12-A
140.968 Ahg479500 cell elongation protein / DWARF1 / DIMINUTO (DIM)
141.032 Ahg474279 ATP synthase epsilon chain, mitochondrial
141.393 Ahg922093 photosystem I subunit K
142.829 Ahg926139 alpha-xylosidase 1
142.885 Ahg945750 Tyrosine transaminase family protein
145.925 Ahg478916 Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
146.482 Ahg946346 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
148.661 Ahg478305 adenosine kinase 1
151.433 Ahg481792 Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protein
153.831 Ahg494557 tubulin alpha-2 chain
155.255 Ahg932181 Lipase/lipooxygenase, PLAT/LH2 family protein
156.375 Ahg495241 subtilase 1.3
158.48 Ahg951910 photosystem II subunit T
158.742 Ahg483263 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
158.915 Ahg496598 photosystem I reaction center subunit PSI-N, chloroplast, putative / PSI-N, putative (PSAN)
160.468 Ahg472386
162.886 Ahg935404 chloroplast chaperonin 10
165.777 Ahg488487 O-acyltransferase (WSD1-like) family protein
168.208 Ahg486137 dicarboxylate diiron protein, putative (Crd1)
168.407 Ahg489940 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 3
169.219 Ahg495136 Heavy metal transport/detoxification superfamily protein
170.634 Ahg473640 photosystem I subunit F
173.989 Ahg491707 glycine-rich protein
174.654 Ahg326853 glucoside glucohydrolase 2
175.271 Ahg894395 myrosinase-binding protein 2
178.382 Ahg488753 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
179.193 Ahg492051 protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase B
180.746 Ahg952095 ortholog of human splicing factor SC35
181.461 Ahg484417 tonoplast intrinsic protein 2
182.918 Ahg474136 tubulin alpha-2 chain
186.668 Ahg482088 Ribosomal protein S3 family protein
187.779 Ahg931989 rRNA
189.095 Ahg493615 Ribosomal protein S3 family protein
190.005 Ahg474896 Translation elongation factor EF1B/ribosomal protein S6 family protein
191.58 Ahg481584 Argonaute family protein
191.836 Ahg474449 Lactate/malate dehydrogenase family protein
193.075 Ahg471010 calreticulin 1b
194.072 Ahg483116 Ribosomal protein S26e family protein
195.632 Ahg491143 plasma membrane intrinsic protein 3
203.514 Ahg483684 FASCICLIN-like arabinogalactan protein 8
204.171 Ahg497464 SAD1/UNC-84 domain protein 2
206.543 Ahg355235 hydroperoxide lyase 1
206.57 Ahg933364 expansin A6
208.223 Ahg495628 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
208.288 Ahg490441 Ribosomal L5P family protein
208.864 Ahg477755 Ribosomal protein S3Ae
209.141 Ahg475984 Ribosomal protein PSRP-3/Ycf65
209.227 Ahg928878 Thioredoxin superfamily protein
209.814 Ahg478145 Protein of unknown function, DUF642
211.925 Ahg926050
215.346 Ahg492088 Ribosomal protein L14
216.576 Ahg483410 Aconitase/3-isopropylmalate dehydratase protein
216.935 Ahg477144 nudix hydrolase homolog 3
216.991 Ahg470235 Ribosomal protein L19e family protein
217.571 Ahg928524 elongation factor P (EF-P) family protein
217.713 Ahg485711 Concanavalin A-like lectin protein kinase family protein
218.467 Ahg473230 pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 beta
218.499 Ahg477850 ribosomal protein L18
218.575 Ahg473970 Ribosomal L18p/L5e family protein
219.123 Ahg920474 prephenate dehydrogenase family protein
220.536 Ahg485285 IQ-domain 21
221.648 Ahg477281 ribosomal protein S17
223.253 Ahg495659 FASCICLIN-like arabinogalactan 1
223.562 Ahg889207 HAD superfamily, subfamily IIIB acid phosphatase
223.964 Ahg492755 photosystem II subunit QA
224.513 Ahg486781 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase-related
224.944 Ahg486312 ketol-acid reductoisomerase
225.655 Ahg944003 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase 1
226.298 Ahg474626 photosystem I subunit G
226.347 Ahg485048 plastid transcriptionally active 16
226.971 Ahg486011 Ribosomal protein L35Ae family protein
227.596 Ahg492365 31-kDa RNA binding protein
228.004 Ahg493370 beta-amylase 5
229.26 Ahg489336 GroES-like zinc-binding dehydrogenase family protein
229.358 Ahg470335 protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase C
229.861 Ahg488368 GAST1 protein homolog 4
230.469 Ahg489817 ATP synthase delta-subunit gene
230.504 Ahg491614 ChaC-like family protein
231.655 Ahg476582 Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase family protein
232.05 Ahg474364 beta glucosidase 18
232.734 Ahg930748
232.85 Ahg496597 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
233.152 Ahg944510 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
233.929 Ahg487866 Ribosomal protein S6e
236.119 Ahg929306 chloroplast 30S ribosomal protein S20, putative
237.318 Ahg951151 Protein of unknown function (DUF 3339)
238.749 Ahg486132 plastid-specific 50S ribosomal protein 5
239 Ahg920067 Calcium-binding EF-hand family protein
240 Ahg894377 myrosinase-binding protein 2
240.819 Ahg951294 cell wall / vacuolar inhibitor of fructosidase 2
242.487 Ahg926592 Kunitz family trypsin and protease inhibitor protein
243.097 Ahg475104 Octicosapeptide/Phox/Bem1p (PB1) domain-containing protein / tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-containing protein
243.967 Ahg479094 nitrile specifier protein 4
244.493 Ahg313693 UDP-glucosyl transferase 78D1
245.332 Ahg935260 Scorpion toxin-like knottin superfamily protein
245.349 Ahg475745 pfkB-like carbohydrate kinase family protein
246.221 Ahg484499 Ribosomal protein S21 family protein
247.346 Ahg943148 Cupredoxin superfamily protein
247.629 Ahg932039 triosephosphate isomerase
248.274 Ahg485905 photosystem I light harvesting complex gene 1
249.229 Ahg937821 Translation protein SH3-like family protein
251.147 Ahg496546 glutamate-1-semialdehyde-2,1-aminomutase
252.5 Ahg949999 embryo defective 2737
254.116 Ahg895482 Ribosomal protein L18ae/LX family protein
255.218 Ahg470512 Ribosomal protein L6 family
255.965 Ahg480107 FASCICLIN-like arabinoogalactan 7
260.258 Ahg921527
261.247 Ahg490952 geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase 1
262.496 Ahg470332 photosystem II family protein
262.496 Ahg947029 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase
262.892 Ahg483266 Ribosomal protein S5 family protein
263.04 Ahg930906 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
263.879 Ahg319209 cytochrome P450, family 82, subfamily G, polypeptide 1
264.261 Ahg475890 alpha-fucosidase 1
265.786 Ahg478841 Subtilase family protein
267.501 Ahg482719 ribosomal protein 5B
267.623 Ahg479804 Pyruvate kinase family protein
268.825 Ahg492228 60S acidic ribosomal protein family
271.75 Ahg347194
272.178 Ahg474340 photosystem I subunit H2
272.389 Ahg486683 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
272.452 Ahg317589 O-Glycosyl hydrolases family 17 protein
273.033 Ahg489709 ascorbate peroxidase 4
273.404 Ahg489446 thioglucoside glucohydrolase 1
273.806 Ahg486922 light harvesting complex photosystem II
274.459 Ahg483467 FKBP-like peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase family protein
275.118 Ahg479524 T-complex protein 1 alpha subunit
275.585 Ahg486691
276.174 Ahg492602 HSP70-interacting protein 1
276.478 Ahg480193 O-Glycosyl hydrolases family 17 protein
276.745 Ahg475543 SKU5-similar 6
276.897 Ahg477492 Ribosomal protein S7e family protein
278.352 Ahg933010 Sodium Bile acid symporter family
279.95 Ahg475457 Translation protein SH3-like family protein
280.364 Ahg945614 arginosuccinate synthase family
280.642 Ahg486624 photosystem I light harvesting complex gene 2
281.11 Ahg489546 Ribosomal protein L18e/L15 superfamily protein
281.169 Ahg485670 Thioredoxin superfamily protein
282.595 Ahg470457 Nucleolar GTP-binding protein
283.443 Ahg472635 Oxidoreductase, zinc-binding dehydrogenase family protein
283.901 Ahg901370
283.972 Ahg920734 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
284.303 Ahg946494 Ribosomal protein L23/L15e family protein
285.566 Ahg471009 Histone superfamily protein
285.956 Ahg915338
288.083 Ahg932640 cytochrome P450, family 82, subfamily F, polypeptide 1
289.095 Ahg908054 acyl activating enzyme 12
289.119 Ahg482422 Transketolase family protein
289.664 Ahg470171 pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 alpha
289.838 Ahg496451 tubulin beta chain 2
290.37 Ahg471656 purple acid phosphatase 3
290.489 Ahg922911 Chlorophyll A-B binding family protein
290.525 Ahg470881 UDP-D-apiose/UDP-D-xylose synthase 2
290.752 Ahg484305 Chaperone protein htpG family protein
291.27 Ahg939363 beta glucosidase 7
291.548 Ahg483941 Ribosomal protein L7Ae/L30e/S12e/Gadd45 family protein
292.193 Ahg472943 Ribosomal protein L22p/L17e family protein
293.078 Ahg335142 IQ-domain 30
293.259 Ahg476341 O-acyltransferase (WSD1-like) family protein
294.554 Ahg904619 Pollen Ole e 1 allergen and extensin family protein
296.769 Ahg495608 microtubule-associated proteins 65-1
296.955 Ahg494606 GroES-like zinc-binding dehydrogenase family protein
297.51 Ahg932003
297.987 Ahg491882 Photosystem I reaction centre subunit IV / PsaE protein
298.174 Ahg474689 Phosphoglycerate kinase family protein
299.6 Ahg937391 translocon at the outer envelope membrane of chloroplasts 75-III
300.593 Ahg481086 Thioesterase superfamily protein
301.174 Ahg490167 photosystem II subunit Q-2
302.916 Ahg941545 Plastid-lipid associated protein PAP / fibrillin family protein
303.249 Ahg313253 cellulose synthase-like A10
304.859 Ahg937638 glutamate-1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase 2
305.676 Ahg474857 Translation elongation factor EF1B, gamma chain
305.882 Ahg920750 Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protein
307.596 Ahg473693 Ribosomal protein L21
308.466 Ahg478197 light harvesting complex photosystem II
308.794 Ahg485553 Zinc finger (CCCH-type) family protein / RNA recognition motif (RRM)-containing protein
309.249 Ahg943474 chloroplast thylakoid lumen protein
311.183 Ahg482092 Stress responsive alpha-beta barrel domain protein
312.13 Ahg496474 Xanthine/uracil permease family protein
312.288 Ahg486056 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3C
312.64 Ahg934367 Ribosomal protein L11 family protein
313.449 Ahg488130 Pollen Ole e 1 allergen and extensin family protein
316.003 Ahg930431 ralf-like 24
316.733 Ahg487263 Ribosomal S17 family protein
317.566 Ahg948089 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
318.245 Ahg484098 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
318.622 Ahg489953 vacuolar ATP synthase subunit E1
321.112 Ahg470689 photosystem II subunit P-1
321.36 Ahg933211 copper/zinc superoxide dismutase 2
321.91 Ahg480276 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
324.998 Ahg495959 Ribosomal protein S4 (RPS4A) family protein
327.756 Ahg486463 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 1
328.606 Ahg918728 mago nashi family protein
329.115 Ahg479107 Mannose-binding lectin superfamily protein
329.436 Ahg316182 Major facilitator superfamily protein
330.024 Ahg482863 lipid transfer protein 1
330.333 Ahg328029 cytochrome P450, family 81, subfamily F, polypeptide 3
331.433 Ahg928039 Ribose 5-phosphate isomerase, type A protein
331.669 Ahg471391 CLP protease proteolytic subunit 2
332.415 Ahg471280 plastid developmental protein DAG, putative
332.566 Ahg910941 O-Glycosyl hydrolases family 17 protein
332.962 Ahg489481 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
338.932 Ahg471076 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
339.743 Virus2596
341.104 Ahg919727 Translation protein SH3-like family protein
343.535 Ahg493326 Deoxyxylulose-5-phosphate synthase
344.147 Ahg493157 farnesyl diphosphate synthase 2
344.347 Ahg477690 Li-tolerant lipase 1
345.065 Ahg489877 light harvesting complex of photosystem II 5
345.916 Ahg489792 Nucleoside diphosphate kinase family protein
346.782 Ahg470899 photosystem I subunit O
347.958 Ahg471757 CYCLIN A2;3
348.155 Ahg908987
348.276 Ahg950526
348.284 Ahg482470 AICARFT/IMPCHase bienzyme family protein
349.05 Ahg472728 expansin A10
350.127 Ahg478235 Ribosomal protein L10 family protein
351.201 Ahg483845 zinc transporter of Arabidopsis thaliana
352.195 Ahg489472 TRAF-like family protein
352.693 Ahg950414 60S acidic ribosomal protein family
352.987 Ahg490755 Lipase/lipooxygenase, PLAT/LH2 family protein
354.621 Ahg485932 ABC-2 type transporter family protein
355.069 Ahg480395 translocon at inner membrane of chloroplasts 21
356.546 Ahg495239 2 iron, 2 sulfur cluster binding
356.889 Ahg929352 Protein of unknown function (DUF1218)
357.323 Ahg476200 TIFY domain/Divergent CCT motif family protein
358.887 Ahg481719 UDP-D-apiose/UDP-D-xylose synthase 1
360.659 Ahg313015 Cupredoxin superfamily protein
360.911 Ahg482279 Caleosin-related family protein
361.923 Ahg485112 light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex I subunit A4
363.75 Ahg485818 Ribosomal protein L17 family protein
365.82 Ahg487948 adenine phosphoribosyltransferase 5
366.033 Ahg901436 FASCICLIN-like arabinogalactan protein 16 precursor
366.545 Ahg480563 plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2;8
366.696 Ahg933276 NAD(P)-linked oxidoreductase superfamily protein
366.786 Ahg495052 pyridoxin (pyrodoxamine) 5'-phosphate oxidase
367.483 Ahg909871 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
367.75 Ahg947841 ribosomal protein L5 B
368.386 Ahg481233 other RNA
368.999 Ahg471234 ferredoxin 1
369.206 Ahg488907 nudix hydrolase homolog 19
369.865 Ahg490872 arabinogalactan protein 18