MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg477930

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
6 Ahg480903 lumazine-binding family protein
10.9545 Ahg481207
20.4939 Ahg479847 Splicing factor 3B subunit 5/RDS3 complex subunit 10
23.4947 Ahg479344 Protein prenylyltransferase superfamily protein
25.7876 Ahg926296 short hypocotyl in white light1
29.9833 Ahg941887 calmodulin-like domain protein kinase 9
30.1993 Ahg491041 RAC-like 6
34.5543 Ahg483287 Transmembrane amino acid transporter family protein
36.524 Ahg356991 Protein of unknown function DUF2359, transmembrane
36.9865 Ahg483755 Diacylglycerol kinase family protein
48.0312 Ahg938472 methionyl-tRNA synthetase / methionine--tRNA ligase / MetRS (cpMetRS)
53.4416 Ahg921642
59.6238 Ahg471057 Translation protein SH3-like family protein
62.0322 Ahg470932 Chloroplast J-like domain 1
64.9307 Ahg477536
70.746 Ahg343169 endonucleases
77.1038 Ahg941479 RAN GTPase activating protein 2
81.5843 Ahg332525 Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim17/Tim22/Tim23 family protein
83.3247 Ahg920141 ARM repeat superfamily protein
84.5813 Ahg494462 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) superfamily protein
85.3229 Ahg935542 phosphomannomutase
86.9483 Ahg931398
89.0955 Ahg927133 transcription coactivators
103.121 Ahg915521 FK506-binding protein 13
113.798 Ahg952402 plastid transcriptionally active 3
117.61 Ahg495716 Ribonuclease E inhibitor RraA/Dimethylmenaquinone methyltransferase
121.602 Ahg921780
125.94 Ahg486784 complex 1 family protein / LVR family protein
128.328 Ahg493917 succinate dehydrogenase 2-2
129.004 Ahg471958
133.615 Ahg476910 Armadillo/beta-catenin-like repeat ; C2 calcium/lipid-binding domain (CaLB) protein
134.844 Ahg906386 oxidoreductases, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor;copper ion binding
139.417 Ahg317881 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
142.408 Ahg478983 Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family protein
144.72 Ahg489836 Sec1/munc18-like (SM) proteins superfamily
150.649 Ahg494908
150.732 Ahg923329 translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane 6
152.48 Ahg493259 RNA polymerases M/15 Kd subunit
157.74 Ahg946047 Zinc finger, RING-type;Transcription factor jumonji/aspartyl beta-hydroxylase
160.512 Ahg919404 Insulinase (Peptidase family M16) family protein
164.265 Ahg947434 glutamate receptor 5
167.75 Ahg905172
169.281 Ahg928063 cysteine synthase D1
178.466 Ahg944158 methionine aminopeptidase 1D
180.793 Ahg485455 thioredoxin H-type 1
184.851 Ahg489803 cytosolic invertase 2
184.935 Ahg325922 pescadillo-related
189.889 Ahg928154 Ribosomal L22e protein family
195.959 Ahg496591 Inositol monophosphatase family protein
196.987 Ahg491668 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
198.262 Ahg484688 Domain of unknown function (DUF3598)
202.731 Ahg479267 Molecular chaperone Hsp40/DnaJ family protein
204.309 Ahg931350 Thioredoxin superfamily protein
204.841 Ahg484098 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
204.941 Ahg941267 BolA-like family protein
209.809 Ahg342773 Magnesium transporter CorA-like family protein
212.789 Ahg479594 Domain of unknown function (DUF1995)
213.035 Ahg470882 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
215.852 Ahg925842
218.133 Ahg912460 Aluminium activated malate transporter family protein
219.185 Ahg488076 ankyrin repeat family protein
223.602 Ahg936442 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
224.649 Ahg474153 Protein kinase family protein with ARM repeat domain
226.574 Ahg903382 Photosystem II reaction center PsbP family protein
232.654 Ahg478401 non-intrinsic ABC protein 7
236.968 Ahg477997 plastid developmental protein DAG, putative
238.998 Ahg485877 Peptidase M28 family protein
246.755 Ahg496506
248.415 Ahg949410
249.379 Ahg488869 Mitochondrial substrate carrier family protein
252.719 Ahg487674 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
256.716 Ahg471067 RNA-binding KH domain-containing protein
260.2 Ahg475255 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
260.772 Ahg948205 calcineurin B-like protein 9
268.567 Ahg474623 chloride channel F
270.061 Ahg946121 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR-like) superfamily protein
270.137 Ahg488304 domains rearranged methyltransferase 2
271.529 Ahg330331
271.783 Ahg936128 uvrB/uvrC motif-containing protein
274.354 Ahg487830 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
276.586 Ahg480610 homoserine kinase
279.383 Ahg330665 60S acidic ribosomal protein family
283.741 Ahg477906 peroxiredoxin IIF
284.535 Ahg890983 Regulator of Vps4 activity in the MVB pathway protein
287.402 Ahg487824
291.884 Ahg483116 Ribosomal protein S26e family protein
293.881 Ahg472482 GroES-like zinc-binding dehydrogenase family protein
297.264 Ahg944081 Ribonuclease III family protein
299.7 Ahg928035 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR-like) superfamily protein
299.965 Ahg931432 K+ efflux antiporter 4
301.058 Ahg925432 mitochondrial acyl carrier protein 2
304.985 Ahg941526 Peroxisomal membrane 22 kDa (Mpv17/PMP22) family protein
307.011 Ahg324617 embryo defective 1703
308.809 Ahg949656 Fe superoxide dismutase 2
311.817 Ahg482441 maternal effect embryo arrest 22
316.872 Ahg320374 YebC-related
317.281 Ahg488521 hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein family protein
318.842 Ahg945645 Clathrin adaptor complexes medium subunit family protein
319.766 Ahg479436 homolog of RAD54
321.216 Ahg496646 Inositol monophosphatase family protein
322.608 Ahg926972 RAC-like GTP binding protein 5
323.283 Ahg952162
323.535 Ahg477265 DnaJ / Sec63 Brl domains-containing protein
328.436 Ahg945153
334.093 Ahg328817 HIT-type Zinc finger family protein
337.362 Ahg476563 purine biosynthesis 4
340.253 Ahg493912
342.584 Ahg945849 methyl-CPG-binding domain 1
346.272 Ahg478403 DNA GYRASE A
346.715 Ahg493723 Translation initiation factor eIF3 subunit
347.071 Ahg472283 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
347.189 Ahg490565 ARP2/3 complex 16 kDa subunit (p16-Arc)
347.599 Ahg924683 nuclear RNA polymerase D1A
347.914 Ahg470767 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
348.382 Ahg487048 Ribosomal protein S24e family protein
351.42 Ahg490940 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
351.534 Ahg888609 thymidylate synthase 2
355.517 Ahg894873 VIER F-box proteine 3
356.987 Ahg939031 Nucleic acid-binding, OB-fold-like protein
365.208 Ahg332511 Phosphoglycerate mutase family protein
366.873 Ahg490673 RNA-binding CRS1 / YhbY (CRM) domain protein
367.793 Ahg486707 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
368.931 Ahg923469 isocitrate dehydrogenase 1
373.731 Ahg476300 Subunits of heterodimeric actin filament capping protein Capz superfamily
378.6 Ahg478977 silencing defective 5
379.671 Ahg353746 Initiation factor eIF-4 gamma, MA3
380.4 Ahg914827 Methyltransferase family protein
380.846 Ahg480562 high-affinity nickel-transport family protein
388.33 Ahg470771 Transcription factor IIA, alpha/beta subunit
403.934 Ahg481086 Thioesterase superfamily protein
404.459 Ahg493157 farnesyl diphosphate synthase 2
405.164 Ahg893579
405.248 Ahg483410 Aconitase/3-isopropylmalate dehydratase protein
405.422 Ahg470715 translocon at the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts 110
409.922 Ahg488334 Gibberellin-regulated family protein
412.614 Ahg480882 prohibitin 6
414.449 Ahg929919 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
414.526 Ahg937374 Protein of unknown function (DUF3223)
419.464 Ahg474025 RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase/enolpyruvate transferase, alpha/beta
422.723 Ahg920007 arogenate dehydratase 1
423.178 Ahg952212 ribosomal protein L23AA
428.543 Ahg489121 MORN (Membrane Occupation and Recognition Nexus) repeat-containing protein
430.087 Ahg479952 ATP binding
434.803 Ahg928915 homogentisate prenyltransferase
438.154 Ahg482332 Ribosomal protein S5 family protein
438.817 Ahg929719 CRS1 / YhbY (CRM) domain-containing protein
439.641 Ahg487058 Spo11/DNA topoisomerase VI, subunit A protein
448.25 Ahg479972 plastidic type i signal peptidase 1
450.918 Ahg478019 DEA(D/H)-box RNA helicase family protein
451.159 Ahg495503 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
451.903 Ahg316775
455.574 Ahg324009 ARM repeat superfamily protein
459.064 Ahg483263 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
459.461 Ahg496512 Radical SAM superfamily protein
462.334 Ahg489546 Ribosomal protein L18e/L15 superfamily protein
465.841 Ahg477686 plastid transcriptionally active 3
465.968 Ahg481019 SMAD/FHA domain-containing protein
473.131 Ahg943987
474.25 Ahg472512 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
476.235 Ahg489184 Succinyl-CoA ligase, alpha subunit
476.632 Ahg328874 embryo defective 1923
476.697 Ahg476546 Ribosomal protein L6 family protein
476.789 Ahg485130 DnaJ/Hsp40 cysteine-rich domain superfamily protein
477.452 Ahg350872 tRNA (guanine-N-7) methyltransferase
479.043 Ahg471142 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
479.806 Ahg930731
480.749 Ahg489250
480.776 Ahg474095 RNA-binding protein 47A
488.221 Ahg919727 Translation protein SH3-like family protein
490.02 Ahg942855 Ribosomal protein L6 family
490.443 Ahg947070 Uncharacterized protein family (UPF0016)
492.536 Ahg935757 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase-related
493.587 Ahg485780 Ribosomal protein S3 family protein
494.263 Ahg919644 amidase 1
495.144 Ahg487468 FAD-linked oxidases family protein
495.661 Ahg924866
496.356 Ahg950414 60S acidic ribosomal protein family
497.551 Ahg321902 Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim17/Tim22/Tim23 family protein
499.861 Ahg902806 P-loop nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein with CH (Calponin Homology) domain
501.666 Ahg470420 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
502.335 Ahg352812 calmodulin-related
504.604 Ahg934205
506.113 Ahg483709 eukaryotic initiation factor 3 gamma subunit family protein
507.293 Ahg497108 stomagen
508.06 Ahg922771 Ribosomal protein L7Ae/L30e/S12e/Gadd45 family protein
508.35 Ahg320426
513.778 Ahg476449 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF2A family protein
513.837 Ahg927080 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein family protein
514.476 Ahg928364
514.976 Ahg925606 Protein of unknown function (DUF565)
517.784 Ahg481036 Mitochondrial transcription termination factor family protein
520.023 Ahg899725 Uncharacterised BCR, YbaB family COG0718
523.01 Ahg479380 Ribosomal protein L7Ae/L30e/S12e/Gadd45 family protein
524.366 Ahg486323 Ribosomal L5P family protein
526.805 Ahg476572 Polynucleotidyl transferase, ribonuclease H-like superfamily protein
527.868 Ahg942753 RH39
530.102 Ahg471231 DNA helicase (RECQl4A)
532.286 Ahg470436 AUX/IAA transcriptional regulator family protein
535.109 Ahg479309 modifier of snc1,4
540.688 Ahg939408 RAN GTPase activating protein 1
540.761 Ahg939983
548.498 Ahg476986 Mitochondrial substrate carrier family protein
549.188 Ahg948785 Protein of unknown function (DUF2361)
554.022 Ahg948853 squamosa promoter binding protein-like 2
554.869 Ahg478869 CTC-interacting domain 9
554.977 Ahg314258 nodulin MtN21 /EamA-like transporter family protein
555.491 Ahg908764 carboxypeptidase D, putative
556.017 Ahg474056 Complex I subunit NDUFS6
559.686 Ahg492367 Rhodanese/Cell cycle control phosphatase superfamily protein
561.826 Ahg484397 N-terminal nucleophile aminohydrolases (Ntn hydrolases) superfamily protein
563.551 Ahg472917 AAA-type ATPase family protein
566.134 Ahg494534 Subtilase family protein
567.666 Ahg492381 phosphoglucose isomerase 1
572.013 Ahg494937 x-ray induced transcript 1
572.234 Ahg493857
574.282 Ahg491875 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
578.736 Ahg332256 Ribosomal protein S8 family protein
580.293 Ahg486453 Dihydrodipicolinate reductase, bacterial/plant
584.536 Ahg495281 Dihydrodipicolinate reductase, bacterial/plant
585.782 Ahg486557 actin-related protein 7
594.064 Ahg338172 Mitochondrial transcription termination factor family protein
596.246 Ahg902143 NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase C
596.517 Ahg342721
597.833 Ahg942372
598.65 Ahg483081 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit 1
598.82 Ahg901152 plasmodesmata-located protein 3
599.867 Ahg480985 NAD(P)-linked oxidoreductase superfamily protein
603.971 Ahg922594 myo-inositol monophosphatase like 1
606.251 Ahg479022 Ran BP2/NZF zinc finger-like superfamily protein
607.993 Ahg485526 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF827)
608.995 Ahg494654 electron transfer flavoprotein beta
610.164 Ahg478490 Ribosomal protein S11 family protein
610.96 Ahg494297 Mitochondrial substrate carrier family protein
611.752 Ahg493880 ribosomal protein large subunit 27
614.003 Ahg345650
614.618 Ahg484298 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein family protein
617.171 Ahg472179 pentatricopeptide (PPR) repeat-containing protein
618.058 Ahg478093
619.774 Ahg494007 Trypsin family protein with PDZ domain
621.369 Ahg475457 Translation protein SH3-like family protein
625.214 Ahg315042 BTB/POZ domain-containing protein
628.025 Ahg482372 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
629.016 Ahg350090 Protein of unknown function (DUF3531)
630.936 Ahg925040 Potassium transporter family protein
632.049 Ahg910941 O-Glycosyl hydrolases family 17 protein
633.561 Ahg496025
633.797 Ahg483239 Mitochondrial glycoprotein family protein
634.035 Ahg493124 Hyaluronan / mRNA binding family
635.675 Ahg891409 oxoprolinase 1
637.275 Ahg472287 Spc97 / Spc98 family of spindle pole body (SBP) component
639.106 Ahg342637 transmembrane kinase-like 1
639.725 Ahg933254 Ribosomal L29e protein family
643.288 Ahg475841 Ribosomal protein L22p/L17e family protein
644.034 Ahg474074 Phosphatidylinositol 3- and 4-kinase family protein
644.63 Ahg497283 Protein of unknown function (DUF740)
644.76 Ahg480503 Mitochondrial ATP synthase subunit G protein
651.739 Ahg472731
653.543 Ahg494309 Tetraspanin family protein
656.157 Ahg893370 peptide deformylase 1B
657.343 Ahg476614 Nodulin-like / Major Facilitator Superfamily protein
658.064 Ahg475311 DEA(D/H)-box RNA helicase family protein
661.861 Ahg487351 E3 ubiquitin ligase, putative
662.294 Ahg487781 pyrophosphorylase 6
663.322 Ahg473382 extra-large GTP-binding protein 3
664.986 Ahg472147
666.808 Ahg489276
667.353 Ahg924574 Peptidase M1 family protein
668.343 Ahg479470 Family of unknown function (DUF566)
670.015 Ahg488263 Rubisco methyltransferase family protein
670.046 Ahg476439
670.58 Ahg479886 Nucleic acid-binding proteins superfamily
671.852 Ahg477231 Rubredoxin-like superfamily protein
676.117 Ahg490484 60S acidic ribosomal protein family
676.484 Ahg472914
681.164 Ahg918394
681.673 Ahg483041 Ribosomal protein L10 family protein
682.492 Ahg474241 transferases;tRNA (5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate)-methyltransferases
684.734 Ahg947660 Cytochrome C1 family
684.888 Ahg492161 chloroplast sulfur E
685.387 Ahg909871 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
685.792 Ahg928388 GPI transamidase component PIG-S-related
688.831 Ahg492344 SUMO-activating enzyme 1A
689 Ahg888153 S-adenosylmethionine carrier 1
693.405 Ahg496128 Histone superfamily protein
695.198 Ahg470361 prohibitin 2
697.675 Ahg901275 urease accessory protein G
698.405 Ahg941038 Ribosomal protein S19e family protein
702.179 Ahg485956 PsbP-like protein 1
702.814 Ahg495362 thylakoid lumen 15.0 kDa protein
703.272 Ahg471081 ATP phosphoribosyl transferase 2
705.81 Ahg496142 nuclear RNA polymerase C1
706.003 Ahg944194 RUB1 conjugating enzyme 1
706.193 Ahg488766 Cox19-like CHCH family protein
708.433 Ahg470078 SEC7-like guanine nucleotide exchange family protein
709.938 Ahg919553 DNA ligase 1
711.263 Ahg930788 ferredoxin thioredoxin reductase catalytic beta chain family protein
711.284 Ahg890140 TBP-associated factor 11
712.797 Ahg492228 60S acidic ribosomal protein family
714.088 Ahg318289 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein