MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg942723

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
0 Ahg943073
2.23607 Ahg935605
2.44949 Ahg922655
2.64575 Ahg352061
3 Ahg938679
3 Ahg930627 ralf-like 25
3.4641 Ahg946796
4.12311 Ahg914441
4.47214 Ahg891076
4.79583 Ahg331341
5.65685 Ahg939929
5.65685 Ahg948744
5.74456 Ahg314116
6.48074 Ahg333411
6.63325 Ahg936204
7 Ahg914646
7.2111 Ahg952174 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF639)
7.74597 Ahg925348
8.48528 Ahg480881 FASCICLIN-like arabinogalactan 6
8.83176 Ahg913771
12.49 Ahg357625 DNA repair and meiosis protein (Mre11)
12.49 Ahg914986
15.0997 Ahg925328
15.6525 Ahg898172
16.2481 Ahg944994
17.0294 Ahg496681 inflorescence deficient in abscission (IDA)-like 2
17.8326 Ahg326666
17.8885 Ahg937066 ECA1 gametogenesis related family protein
18.7083 Ahg891470
18.9737 Ahg936863
19.3649 Ahg359776 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
20 Ahg942469
20.0998 Ahg928256
20.1494 Ahg492880 Toll-Interleukin-Resistance (TIR) domain family protein
20.3961 Ahg952044
20.4939 Ahg904671 Cysteine-rich protein
20.4939 Ahg311616 CCT motif family protein
21.6333 Ahg951686 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
21.9773 Ahg935971
21.9773 Ahg932803
22.8035 Ahg901700
23.2164 Ahg939284
23.4947 Ahg939857
23.7697 Ahg932657
23.9583 Ahg922389
23.9792 Ahg944456 SKP1-like 11
24.8998 Ahg933088
25.3969 Ahg905981
26.0576 Ahg930397 DVL family protein
26.2298 Ahg912348 transposable element gene
26.3249 Ahg480521 LOB domain-containing protein 5
27 Ahg903019
27.2397 Ahg332703
28.8097 Ahg898156
28.9828 Ahg930570 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
30 Ahg948377 Protein of unknown function (DUF640)
30.0333 Ahg907803
31.749 Ahg937042
31.8748 Ahg938158
32.4962 Ahg948934
34.4674 Ahg928419
34.641 Ahg898965 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
35.0999 Ahg942244
35.5528 Ahg483519 Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein family
36.1248 Ahg951908 FAD/NAD(P)-binding oxidoreductase family protein
36.4692 Ahg929996
36.5377 Ahg905201 Dihydroneopterin aldolase
36.6606 Ahg932921
36.7287 Ahg924840 Receptor-like protein kinase-related family protein
36.7423 Ahg951260
37.7624 Ahg910460
38.1051 Ahg936067 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
38.9615 Ahg313537 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 31
39.4968 Ahg474352 Initiation factor eIF-4 gamma, MA3
39.5474 Ahg497109 Gamma interferon responsive lysosomal thiol (GILT) reductase family protein
39.9875 Ahg926489 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
39.9875 Ahg951896 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
40.7922 Ahg892083 PEBP (phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein) family protein
40.9878 Ahg949194
41.2916 Ahg917003
41.6653 Ahg474997 Receptor-like protein kinase-related family protein
41.8927 Ahg946970
42.4264 Ahg909762
43.1509 Ahg322693 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
44.4522 Ahg916667
45.3321 Ahg937184 Serine protease inhibitor (SERPIN) family protein
45.5961 Ahg481776
46.669 Ahg908020 RING/U-box superfamily protein
47.3286 Ahg485072 Mitochondrial transcription termination factor family protein
47.697 Ahg907125
47.7284 Ahg359121
47.9479 Ahg913152
48.4665 Ahg948576 F-box/RNI-like/FBD-like domains-containing protein
49.3964 Ahg358655 pyrophosphorylase 6
49.99 Ahg337923
50.1597 Ahg490561 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily protein
51.0882 Ahg940477
52.0769 Ahg493795 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
53.6656 Ahg486945 Thiamine pyrophosphate dependent pyruvate decarboxylase family protein
53.7773 Ahg900071
54.0278 Ahg952638
54.6992 Ahg933050 cytochrome P450, family 705, subfamily A, polypeptide 8
55.4977 Ahg348042 Concanavalin A-like lectin protein kinase family protein
55.857 Ahg928139
55.9911 Ahg934779
56.6039 Ahg947396
58.0517 Ahg949318
58.2838 Ahg900380
60.5475 Ahg889755
62.498 Ahg491747 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 59
62.9285 Ahg482868 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
63.7495 Ahg917640
65.4523 Virus1388
67.0373 Ahg338955 Clathrin, heavy chain
67.1565 Ahg313743 PLATZ transcription factor family protein
69.4838 Ahg931499
70.5904 Ahg481037 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF639)
70.5904 Ahg907330 MIR846a; miRNA
71.7705 Ahg923546
72.111 Ahg906202
72.2288 Ahg952323
73.8106 Ahg931747 C2H2-like zinc finger protein
73.973 Ahg337726 HSP20-like chaperones superfamily protein
74.619 Ahg894484
76.3151 Ahg922295
76.6812 Ahg929564
77.8653 Ahg929620
78.9177 Ahg903167 receptor like protein 46
79.0316 Ahg943715
79.2969 Ahg940420
79.8248 Ahg889840 Domain of unknown function (DUF1985)
80.2496 Ahg931258 RING/U-box superfamily protein
80.9444 Ahg904265
81.5414 Ahg892257 Class II aminoacyl-tRNA and biotin synthetases superfamily protein
81.8046 Ahg897020
81.9756 Ahg928374
82 Ahg487780 serine carboxypeptidase-like 19
83.4985 Ahg936555 snoRNA
84.0179 Ahg355494 Transcriptional factor B3 family protein
85.2056 Ahg488181
85.3229 Ahg943132 cytochrome P450, family 706, subfamily A, polypeptide 7
86.2554 Ahg906398
86.741 Ahg897304 GATA transcription factor 14
86.8677 Ahg939192 DYNAMIN-like 1B
87.0919 Ahg934565
87.3613 Ahg494340 WRKY family transcription factor
88.1816 Ahg913770 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
90.2663 Ahg912622
93.9787 Ahg923737
95.205 Ahg324165 F-box family protein
95.247 Ahg925278 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
95.247 Ahg925282 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
96.0937 Ahg935743
96.2912 Ahg942763
96.4676 Ahg915127 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase 2
96.5142 Ahg324226
96.9794 Ahg489722 Histone superfamily protein
97.4885 Ahg485067 Cysteine proteinases superfamily protein
98.2649 Ahg330465 myb domain protein 100
100.085 Ahg936973 RING/U-box protein with C6HC-type zinc finger domain
102.699 Ahg948992
103.793 Ahg951924
103.827 Ahg336820 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
104.365 Ahg944418 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
105.224 Ahg897880
105.854 Ahg931629 Arabidopsis protein of unknown function (DUF241)
108.701 Ahg338287 U2 snRNP auxilliary factor, large subunit, splicing factor
112.77 Ahg354856
115.256 Ahg947325
115.655 Ahg930633
115.758 Ahg904347
116.319 Ahg932572
116.319 Virus0918
116.319 Ahg887942 C2 domain-containing protein
116.319 Virus0382
116.319 Ahg927078
116.319 Virus0804
116.319 Ahg932471
117.898 Ahg357629 Protein of unknown function (DUF295)
118.093 Ahg907494
118.267 Ahg948035 ECA1 gametogenesis related family protein
118.592 Ahg890672
119.357 Ahg493981 60S acidic ribosomal protein family
119.821 Ahg946100
123.499 Ahg946901 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
123.814 Ahg929757 inflorescence deficient in abscission (IDA)-like 4
123.855 Ahg949548 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
124.744 Virus0391
124.788 Ahg485800 PAR1 protein
125.833 Ahg922809
127.73 Ahg923263 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
127.891 Ahg343928
129.337 Virus0800
129.615 Ahg910676 Toll-Interleukin-Resistance (TIR) domain family protein
129.73 Ahg887385 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
130.019 Ahg317260 syntaxin of plants 131
130.905 Ahg941761
131.042 Ahg330935 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
133.086 Virus3222
134.007 Ahg917839
136.558 Ahg889267
137.477 Ahg330033 SCR-like 23
138.996 Ahg921811
139.083 Ahg938537
140.666 Ahg938532
140.712 Ahg917023
141.216 Ahg348104
141.534 Ahg474030
143.363 Ahg932123 Cysteine/Histidine-rich C1 domain family protein
143.482 Ahg891237 zinc knuckle (CCHC-type) family protein
144.118 Ahg904597
145.131 Ahg895524
145.451 Ahg491828 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 22
146.479 Ahg952485 Seven transmembrane MLO family protein
147.458 Ahg940569 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
148.375 Virus0944
148.795 Ahg343076
148.997 Ahg896934
149.01 Ahg930557 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
149.312 Ahg473451 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
149.332 Ahg919691
150.897 Ahg905835 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
151.238 Ahg359027
151.582 Ahg324045 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
151.868 Ahg923426
153.428 Ahg496383 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
155.869 Ahg902103
157.296 Ahg949958 Carbohydrate-binding X8 domain superfamily protein
157.366 Ahg951729
157.781 Ahg918550 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
158.367 Ahg896439 Copper transport protein family
159.311 Ahg906196
161.09 Ahg919356
161.425 Ahg357152
161.487 Ahg900505 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
162.88 Ahg952004 Cyclin family protein
165.831 Ahg484707
167.571 Ahg933507
167.863 Ahg932981
168.333 Ahg494784 Disease resistance-responsive (dirigent-like protein) family protein
169.829 Virus3832
170.693 Ahg943181
173.263 Ahg475592
173.407 Ahg482586 Uncharacterised protein family (UPF0497)
173.407 Ahg935236
173.517 Ahg327291 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 11
173.666 Ahg923796
174.379 Ahg893616
175.494 Ahg921186 Histone superfamily protein
175.494 Ahg921188 Histone superfamily protein
176.445 Ahg936455
176.647 Ahg925261
176.811 Ahg480819 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
179.416 Ahg935100
182.052 Ahg936855
183.049 Ahg936735 callose synthase 5
183.989 Ahg345516 Protein kinase superfamily protein
184.467 Ahg898066
184.667 Ahg899966 Putative membrane lipoprotein
187.968 Ahg909593 NAC (No Apical Meristem) domain transcriptional regulator superfamily protein
188.746 Ahg318899 Senescence/dehydration-associated protein-related
190.557 Ahg471367 F-box family protein
192.229 Ahg940702
192.738 Virus1150
193.455 Ahg894384
193.801 Ahg908006
194.144 Ahg923433
194.666 Ahg923568
196.855 Ahg891407 NOD26-like intrinsic protein 4;2
196.914 Ahg936905
198.366 Ahg480507 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
198.484 Virus1125
199.937 Ahg904913 maternally expressed pab C-terminal
201.594 Virus0724
202.188 Ahg476129 Protein of unknown function (DUF1163)
202.485 Ahg896399
203.103 Ahg924258
205.417 Ahg493131 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
205.942 Ahg915067
206 Ahg915084
206.978 Ahg915647
208.567 Ahg897380
212.598 Ahg350509 Phototropic-responsive NPH3 family protein
212.753 Virus2151
213.885 Virus2007
214.243 Ahg933762
216.208 Ahg471317 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family
216.444 Virus0929
216.984 Ahg338295 transposable element gene
217.862 Ahg470527 zinc transporter 5 precursor
219.499 Ahg917332 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
221.511 Ahg352690
221.648 Ahg888873 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
221.675 Ahg903298 RALF-like 21
222.421 Ahg900201
223.607 Ahg474323 Mannose-binding lectin superfamily protein
225.599 Ahg907956
226.795 Ahg894385
227.394 Ahg942931