MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg485778

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
30.8545 Ahg323928 uracil phosphoribosyltransferase
30.8869 Ahg923403 poly(A) binding protein 8
35.4119 Ahg477875
37.8946 Ahg471894 RAB GTPase homolog A1B
38.5227 Ahg497488 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2
42.2493 Ahg951496 CYCLIN D3;2
49.6588 Ahg478063 YGGT family protein
56.285 Ahg484449 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
58.5833 Ahg479338 sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factors;sequence-specific DNA binding
65.4981 Ahg915521 FK506-binding protein 13
72.6636 Ahg311904
76.4526 Ahg942428 Ribosomal protein S24e family protein
83.3007 Ahg491242
84.5695 Ahg483041 Ribosomal protein L10 family protein
85.3229 Ahg928272 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
85.4576 Ahg945018 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
85.8545 Ahg470811 Histone superfamily protein
103.615 Ahg929016 Lojap-related protein
112.765 Ahg324562 AT hook motif DNA-binding family protein
113.049 Ahg482732 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
114.996 Ahg950946 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
117.588 Ahg479081 AAA-type ATPase family protein
118.085 Ahg489192 Fe superoxide dismutase 3
119.415 Ahg485609 outer envelope membrane protein 7
123.288 Ahg478856 Pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase family protein
126.984 Ahg939408 RAN GTPase activating protein 1
127.906 Ahg491980
128.374 Ahg489677 Fcf2 pre-rRNA processing protein
130.284 Ahg491580 Cellulose-synthase-like C5
135.573 Ahg477724 WVD2-like 1
136.499 Ahg496218 Homeobox-leucine zipper family protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein
147.133 Ahg490575 Mitochondrial transcription termination factor family protein
148.348 Ahg923790 Single hybrid motif superfamily protein
157.734 Ahg481491 Leucine-rich receptor-like protein kinase family protein
157.987 Ahg937638 glutamate-1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase 2
160.546 Ahg472716 Ribosomal protein L34e superfamily protein
166.718 Ahg484659 Ribosomal protein L34e superfamily protein
176.533 Ahg934855 Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
176.771 Ahg485455 thioredoxin H-type 1
176.904 Ahg483616 Ribosomal protein L24e family protein
178.975 Ahg944513 Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like superfamily protein
180.823 Ahg475984 Ribosomal protein PSRP-3/Ycf65
181.692 Ahg925447 RNA polymerase subunit alpha
181.989 Ahg316775
183.243 Ahg482600 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
183.565 Ahg315497 ribosomal protein L22
189.315 Ahg479736 Ribosomal L27e protein family
193.675 Ahg346338 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
194.422 Ahg945162 photosystem II reaction center PSB28 protein
194.933 Ahg928877 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
202.25 Ahg481416 SPOC domain / Transcription elongation factor S-II protein
202.805 Ahg475549 structural constituent of ribosome
203.071 Ahg934367 Ribosomal protein L11 family protein
203.347 Ahg479022 Ran BP2/NZF zinc finger-like superfamily protein
209.155 Ahg358204 histone H2A 6
209.952 Ahg939324 heme binding
216.472 Ahg902523
217.591 Ahg494806 serine carboxypeptidase-like 42
219.235 Ahg927888 cysteine synthase 26
224.098 Ahg929306 chloroplast 30S ribosomal protein S20, putative
225.064 Ahg470810 ribosomal protein S15A
229.395 Ahg907857 ribosomal protein L16
229.395 Ahg915009 ribosomal protein L16
229.8 Ahg489037 YGGT family protein
231.862 Ahg474403 Phototropic-responsive NPH3 family protein
231.966 Ahg935323 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthase / DMRL synthase / lumazine synthase / riboflavin synthase
234.329 Ahg482332 Ribosomal protein S5 family protein
235.858 Ahg927208 Pollen Ole e 1 allergen and extensin family protein
240.31 Ahg903252 FtsH extracellular protease family
241.234 Ahg888153 S-adenosylmethionine carrier 1
241.557 Ahg484403 methyltransferases;nucleic acid binding
243.697 Ahg950866 plasmodesmata callose-binding protein 1
244.937 Ahg923061 NC domain-containing protein-related
248.576 Ahg473757 ribosomal protein 1
249.072 Ahg943524 CTP synthase family protein
249.976 Ahg902008 Ribosomal protein S26e family protein
257.387 Ahg325150 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
257.806 Ahg916607 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
258.244 Ahg482670
260.845 Ahg486730 ubiquitin 5
262.678 Ahg481308 KOW domain-containing protein
263.818 Ahg490441 Ribosomal L5P family protein
269.815 Ahg491350 Vacuolar import/degradation, Vid27-related protein
275.293 Ahg473481 plastid ribosomal protein l11
278.754 Ahg904629 pumilio 24
279.285 Ahg482591 Ribosomal protein S11 family protein
280.952 Ahg909871 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
281.176 Ahg490236 frataxin homolog
284.893 Ahg470767 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
286.267 Ahg897399
289.938 Ahg470432 plasmodesmata-located protein 2
300.022 Ahg912808 Protein of unknown function, DUF642
300.06 Ahg900568 60S acidic ribosomal protein family
300.968 Ahg905920
300.985 Ahg473855 photosystem I light harvesting complex gene 5
301.081 Ahg318005 protein arginine methyltransferase 3
301.337 Ahg952212 ribosomal protein L23AA
303.262 Ahg491889 pfkB-like carbohydrate kinase family protein
304.266 Ahg932651 Ribosomal protein L39 family protein
305.81 Ahg314742 Ribonuclease III family protein
307.389 Ahg492856 plastid transcriptionally active 14
311.461 Ahg897155 Ribosomal protein S14p/S29e family protein
311.769 Ahg941313 tryptophan biosynthesis 1
312.346 Ahg938367 uridine 5'-monophosphate synthase / UMP synthase (PYRE-F) (UMPS)
316.582 Ahg477028 Ribosomal protein L13 family protein
316.662 Ahg470361 prohibitin 2
321.556 Ahg472909 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
324.114 Ahg475253 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF828)
326.784 Ahg473693 Ribosomal protein L21
328.807 Ahg480092 Metallo-hydrolase/oxidoreductase superfamily protein
330.869 Ahg936002
332.406 Ahg329936 RNA binding
336.624 Ahg348440 chloroplast RNA-binding protein 29
338.393 Ahg351718 ATPase family associated with various cellular activities (AAA)
341.01 Ahg489646 NIMA-related kinase 3
341.959 Ahg923075
348.396 Ahg929719 CRS1 / YhbY (CRM) domain-containing protein
348.643 Ahg492228 60S acidic ribosomal protein family
353.05 Ahg924337 Histone superfamily protein
353.949 Ahg496418 structural maintenance of chromosomes 2
356.048 Ahg482640 ribosomal protein L24
357.378 Ahg483595
359.166 Ahg472603 Ribosomal protein S27a / Ubiquitin family protein
359.182 Ahg483405 Ribosomal protein L3 family protein
359.483 Ahg923183 receptor-like kinase 1
367.417 Ahg944002 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) superfamily protein
370.443 Ahg494534 Subtilase family protein
371.408 Ahg490284
371.642 Ahg495631 SHV3-like 1
375.938 Ahg945736 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
376.415 Ahg484971 Histone superfamily protein
382.811 Ahg949667 ubiquinol-cytochrome C chaperone family protein
384.917 Ahg482821 plastid-specific ribosomal protein 4
386.348 Ahg479525 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme19
386.511 Ahg485670 Thioredoxin superfamily protein
388.767 Ahg475343 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
389.872 Ahg475632 Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family protein
391.313 Ahg478145 Protein of unknown function, DUF642
392.214 Ahg483497 Actin-binding FH2 (formin homology 2) family protein
392.45 Ahg921153 8-oxoguanine-DNA glycosylase 1
396.25 Ahg472331 cyclin-dependent kinase B2;2
396.348 Ahg899725 Uncharacterised BCR, YbaB family COG0718
398.947 Ahg489426 RNA polymerase I-associated factor PAF67
401.573 Ahg922933 minichromosome maintenance (MCM2/3/5) family protein
403.534 Ahg478846 20S proteasome alpha subunit E2
407.166 Ahg928663
408.913 Ahg937821 Translation protein SH3-like family protein
409.414 Ahg477555 vacuolar glucose transporter 1
409.601 Ahg491403
409.673 Ahg894117 Ribosomal protein L1p/L10e family
411.582 Ahg942741 Protein of unknown function (DUF616)
412.214 Ahg311313 DNA-directed RNA polymerase, subunit M, archaeal
414.444 Ahg951784 ATP binding;ATPases, coupled to transmembrane movement of ions, phosphorylative mechanism
415.378 Ahg480325 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
415.698 Ahg485165 RHO-related protein from plants 10
417.052 Ahg926410 conserved peptide upstream open reading frame 28
418.476 Ahg902806 P-loop nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein with CH (Calponin Homology) domain
419.628 Ahg952162
421.896 Ahg480817 subtilisin-like serine protease 3
422.137 Ahg480107 FASCICLIN-like arabinoogalactan 7
426.338 Ahg492954 chromomethylase 2
426.777 Ahg482190 RmlC-like cupins superfamily protein
426.802 Ahg934151
428.293 Ahg930906 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
429.115 Ahg485818 Ribosomal protein L17 family protein
429.372 Ahg945085 O-Glycosyl hydrolases family 17 protein
430.229 Ahg950835 Ankyrin repeat family protein
430.393 Ahg493338 Photosystem II reaction center PsbP family protein
431.082 Ahg492365 31-kDa RNA binding protein
433.871 Ahg941526 Peroxisomal membrane 22 kDa (Mpv17/PMP22) family protein
434.408 Ahg477973 ATP-citrate lyase B-1
434.5 Ahg951588 Galactose mutarotase-like superfamily protein
434.704 Ahg471564 Rubisco methyltransferase family protein
437.582 Ahg481264 Translation initiation factor 3 protein
437.758 Ahg476958 Ribosomal protein L7Ae/L30e/S12e/Gadd45 family protein
438.359 Ahg350872 tRNA (guanine-N-7) methyltransferase
441.588 Ahg493880 ribosomal protein large subunit 27
444.378 Ahg906386 oxidoreductases, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor;copper ion binding
445.886 Ahg900057 Nucleotidylyl transferase superfamily protein
447.439 Ahg495607 trigger factor type chaperone family protein
449.738 Ahg934420 myb-like HTH transcriptional regulator family protein
449.9 Ahg494344 3-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase I
453.784 Ahg479893 S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine (SAH) hydrolase 2
455.401 Ahg345995
455.753 Ahg949389
457.165 Ahg491956 Developmental regulator, ULTRAPETALA
457.35 Ahg343774 Ribosomal protein S5 family protein
458.028 Ahg320951 Ribosomal protein L7Ae/L30e/S12e/Gadd45 family protein
458.331 Ahg928101 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
458.815 Ahg934425 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
458.868 Ahg888283 growth-regulating factor 2
459.2 Ahg314295 Flavoprotein
459.561 Ahg477281 ribosomal protein S17
459.839 Ahg952402 plastid transcriptionally active 3
460.139 Ahg488871 tubulin alpha-5
461.476 Ahg474002 receptor for activated C kinase 1B
462.136 Ahg485285 IQ-domain 21
462.789 Ahg471975 glyoxylate reductase 2
463.417 Ahg930314 CRM family member 3A
463.983 Ahg480054 ribosomal protein L5
464.332 Ahg922256 histidine biosynthesis bifunctional protein (HISIE)
469.095 Ahg940494 asparagine synthetase 3
470.166 Ahg492469 FtsH extracellular protease family
470.438 Ahg486011 Ribosomal protein L35Ae family protein
473.297 Ahg488456 Cytochrome c oxidase biogenesis protein Cmc1-like
477.923 Ahg935594 TGF-beta receptor interacting protein 1
478.706 Ahg478543 ribosomal protein 5A
478.749 Ahg481708 chaperonin-60alpha
479.915 Ahg482461 Trimeric LpxA-like enzyme
482.739 Ahg905715 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
489.635 Ahg480587 pentatricopeptide (PPR) repeat-containing protein
490.273 Ahg488255 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
490.816 Ahg926613 Lung seven transmembrane receptor family protein
490.938 Ahg479874 Ribosomal RNA processing Brix domain protein
491.538 Ahg481441 syntaxin of plants 32
493.71 Ahg935674 Plastid-lipid associated protein PAP / fibrillin family protein
493.745 Ahg481110 Cyclin D2;1
495.208 Ahg471892 Alg9-like mannosyltransferase family
496.371 Ahg494762 Glycosyl hydrolase family 17 protein
497.258 Ahg496718
498.668 Ahg496254 Replication factor-A protein 1-related
498.708 Ahg496474 Xanthine/uracil permease family protein
501.103 Ahg473970 Ribosomal L18p/L5e family protein
502.494 Ahg926901 HAD-superfamily hydrolase, subfamily IG, 5'-nucleotidase
502.494 Ahg480484 tRNA/rRNA methyltransferase (SpoU) family protein
504.729 Ahg474606 chaperonin 60 beta
505.489 Ahg938680 Eukaryotic rpb5 RNA polymerase subunit family protein
506.289 Ahg342735 valyl-tRNA synthetase / valine--tRNA ligase (VALRS)
507.09 Ahg471685 O-fucosyltransferase family protein
508.891 Ahg479286 conserved peptide upstream open reading frame 30
511.092 Ahg919829 response regulator 4
511.433 Ahg493157 farnesyl diphosphate synthase 2
512.213 Ahg946494 Ribosomal protein L23/L15e family protein
512.333 Ahg487025 Transcription factor DP
512.394 Ahg477193 isopropylmalate dehydrogenase 2
512.689 Ahg316675 Peptidoglycan-binding LysM domain-containing protein
513.965 Ahg908621
513.981 Ahg339208 Aldolase superfamily protein
514.183 Ahg476152 NHL domain-containing protein
514.229 Ahg930074 proton gradient regulation 7
515.488 Ahg940941 DEAD box RNA helicase family protein
516.193 Ahg320426
520.825 Ahg496025
521.361 Ahg928063 cysteine synthase D1
522.449 Ahg488304 domains rearranged methyltransferase 2
524.431 Ahg470426 Ribosomal protein L14p/L23e family protein
524.952 Ahg470715 translocon at the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts 110
525.197 Ahg920018
526.488 Ahg920143 Nucleic acid-binding, OB-fold-like protein
527.183 Ahg483116 Ribosomal protein S26e family protein
527.447 Ahg944608 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3K
530.681 Ahg483106 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF827)
532.65 Ahg925692 formyltransferase, putative
533.295 Ahg482571 Mitochondrial transcription termination factor family protein
535.047 Ahg477902 Glycoprotein membrane precursor GPI-anchored
537.989 Ahg486205 N-acetyl-l-glutamate kinase
538.665 Ahg496546 glutamate-1-semialdehyde-2,1-aminomutase
541.431 Ahg491940 Glycosyl hydrolase superfamily protein
541.507 Ahg933429 Tim10/DDP family zinc finger protein
542.977 Ahg911072 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
543.719 Ahg929678 receptor for activated C kinase 1C
544.113 Ahg495932 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
547.672 Ahg485328 branched-chain aminotransferase 3
550.076 Ahg474964 monodehydroascorbate reductase 6
551.313 Ahg933364 expansin A6
551.58 Ahg473872 CYCLIN A3;4
552.188 Ahg475457 Translation protein SH3-like family protein
554.601 Ahg936788
556.445 Ahg925443 ribosomal protein L14
556.483 Ahg342721
556.525 Ahg492232 Core-2/I-branching beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase family protein
559.723 Ahg477755 Ribosomal protein S3Ae
560.572 Ahg930508 dehydratase family
561.356 Ahg487375 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 2
561.778 Ahg477494 Mannose-6-phosphate isomerase, type I
562.45 Ahg489087
566.657 Ahg472283 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
567.873 Ahg933576
568.04 Ahg494787 Chaperone DnaJ-domain superfamily protein
568.063 Ahg928524 elongation factor P (EF-P) family protein
568.664 Ahg912263 RNA-processing, Lsm domain
570.191 Ahg931432 K+ efflux antiporter 4
570.647 Ahg481712 cyclin-dependent kinase-subunit 1
570.672 Ahg920320 Ribosomal protein L16p/L10e family protein
571.409 Ahg490018 Cell cycle regulated microtubule associated protein
571.941 Ahg473362 SWIB/MDM2 domain superfamily protein
572.76 Ahg470900
576.708 Ahg472545 thiamin biosynthesis protein, putative
577.702 Ahg890189 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR-like) superfamily protein
578.059 Ahg474344 RAB GTPase homolog G3D
578.252 Ahg491881 Protein of unknown function (DUF3741)
579.212 Ahg897624 DNA glycosylase superfamily protein
579.726 Ahg488708 Ribosomal protein S5 domain 2-like superfamily protein
579.793 Ahg494345 Minichromosome maintenance (MCM2/3/5) family protein
580.863 Ahg492190 Ribosomal protein L31e family protein
582.149 Ahg487263 Ribosomal S17 family protein
583.135 Ahg481266 Ribosomal protein L35
583.28 Ahg472522 Ribosomal protein S13/S18 family
584.714 Ahg329436 Pseudouridine synthase family protein