MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg927225

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
8 Virus1843
29.2575 Ahg908199 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
42.2374 Ahg891600
44.7325 Ahg478367 FAD-dependent oxidoreductase family protein
46.6905 Ahg914035 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily
47.2864 Virus2149
47.4974 Ahg892794 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
52.5738 Ahg487141 Subtilisin-like serine endopeptidase family protein
56.2583 Ahg930154 B-box type zinc finger protein with CCT domain
66.6783 Ahg330311
70.739 Ahg925670
73.3212 Ahg895912
85.7321 Ahg924371
87.59 Ahg493892
113.446 Virus2651
114.917 Ahg907330 MIR846a; miRNA
120.349 Ahg325328 laccase 13
129.557 Ahg474556
129.557 Virus0558
131.681 Ahg913646
134.149 Ahg901513 homeobox protein 22
138.661 Ahg331298 transposable element gene
140.285 Virus3224
141.542 Ahg928248
143.844 Virus0866
158.644 Ahg895260 SPA1-related 2
158.666 Virus2081
160.244 Ahg945826
191.52 Ahg320214 Family of unknown function (DUF566)
195.484 Ahg355947 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
209.237 Ahg942245
216.649 Ahg891066
219.902 Ahg940050 ferritin 3
234.849 Ahg338056 Cystatin/monellin superfamily protein
238.923 Ahg358097
244.471 Ahg930454 CLAVATA3/ESR-RELATED 19
244.704 Ahg485058 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
245.654 Ahg925995
247.014 Ahg951853 GRAS family transcription factor
255.476 Ahg325049
256.25 Ahg936241 Protein of unknown function, DUF617
256.671 Ahg929729 iaa-leucine resistant 2
261.521 Ahg496008 Quinone reductase family protein
272.833 Ahg932001
273.642 Ahg483055 Protein kinase superfamily protein
289.175 Ahg482992 ROTUNDIFOLIA like 8
302.068 Ahg915589
306.884 Ahg936986 Major facilitator superfamily protein
322.217 Ahg944181 Uncharacterised protein family (UPF0497)
329.272 Ahg470958 Ribosomal L18p/L5e family protein
332.292 Ahg936424 Protein of unknown function (DUF 3339)
342.162 Ahg944316
343.103 Ahg891920
346.684 Ahg949868 2A phosphatase associated protein of 46 kD
347.413 Ahg952365
358.321 Ahg487736
360.289 Ahg903095 Chaperone DnaJ-domain superfamily protein
382.099 Ahg903337 Protein of unknown function, transmembrane-40
387.118 Ahg921657
398.466 Ahg470357 C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein
406.172 Ahg916491
415.822 Ahg903696 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
420.221 Ahg346452 galacturonosyltransferase 2
421.602 Ahg914474 Aluminium induced protein with YGL and LRDR motifs
430.058 Ahg910868 other RNA
434.87 Ahg950492
441.864 Ahg947259
443.225 Ahg909718 structural molecules
444.405 Ahg924351 RhamnoGalacturonan specific Xylosyltransferase 1
444.656 Virus0350
445.639 Ahg936826 ribosomal protein L16
446.82 Ahg480560 Calcium-dependent phosphotriesterase superfamily protein
447.504 Ahg925019 actin-related protein C3
451.761 Ahg320022 cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase homolog 3
470.417 Ahg473229 nudix hydrolase homolog 25
471.999 Ahg489509 serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2
472.779 Virus1946
475.058 Ahg493122
475.632 Ahg928241 Ribosomal protein L34e superfamily protein
477.661 Ahg891217
482.823 Ahg327841 basic pentacysteine 5
486.415 Ahg927851 ubiquitin-specific protease 17
487.439 Ahg899595 Cation transporter/ E1-E2 ATPase family protein
487.652 Ahg899949
496.298 Ahg481802
511.85 Ahg905205 LOB domain-containing protein 9
514.553 Ahg475586 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase 17
518.306 Ahg353719 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
519.237 Ahg946560
519.237 Virus0727
519.237 Ahg920609
519.375 Ahg887811
522.056 Ahg338851 myb domain protein 114
526.042 Ahg315394 methionine--tRNA ligase, putative / methionyl-tRNA synthetase, putative / MetRS, putative
539.467 Ahg352550
541.295 Ahg925725
545.542 Virus3742
545.542 Virus3609
545.542 Virus1618
548.653 Ahg487931 Pre-mRNA cleavage complex II protein family
555.211 Ahg471023 agenet domain-containing protein
560.25 Ahg939299 phytochrome interacting factor 3-like 2
564.266 Ahg917116 myosin 2
568.26 Ahg494675 delta(3,5),delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase 1
569.934 Ahg489277 Got1/Sft2-like vescicle transport protein family
570.614 Ahg939353
570.614 Ahg913514
570.614 Ahg337274
570.614 Virus1927
570.614 Ahg326329 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
577.459 Ahg908362 WRKY DNA-binding protein 9
582.985 Ahg889841 cysteine-rich RLK (RECEPTOR-like protein kinase) 16
586.583 Ahg949974
590.547 Ahg470930 threonine aldolase 1
606.745 Ahg946021 glycine-rich protein
607.55 Ahg930806 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
608.819 Ahg495751 Phosphotyrosine protein phosphatases superfamily protein
611.801 Ahg950654
611.801 Ahg952250
620.032 Ahg473826
622.871 Ahg314636
627.552 Virus1687
632.794 Ahg937085 protein tyrosine phosphatases;protein tyrosine phosphatases
640.821 Ahg931363
643.484 Ahg324164 NAC (No Apical Meristem) domain transcriptional regulator superfamily protein
645.737 Ahg943356 RING membrane-anchor 1
645.923 Ahg495130 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1
648.352 Ahg939806
653.684 Ahg482499 ubiquitin family protein
662.231 Ahg947352 Exostosin family protein
667.647 Ahg924955 Rapid alkalinization factor (RALF) family protein
667.674 Ahg943759 Nucleotidyltransferase family protein
674.733 Ahg478938 GroES-like zinc-binding alcohol dehydrogenase family protein
676.454 Ahg486180
679.032 Ahg315007 myosin heavy chain-related
684.57 Ahg895109
685.122 Virus0360
686.076 Ahg324227 N-acetylglucosaminyl transferase component family protein / Gpi1 family protein
687.31 Ahg485188 cytochrome P450, family 71, subfamily A, polypeptide 26
690.39 Ahg908179
693.823 Ahg952546 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
696.278 Ahg475906 indeterminate(ID)-domain 14
700.4 Virus1598
702.466 Virus0708
702.466 Virus0959
702.607 Ahg496438
706.021 Ahg932755
707.326 Ahg916113 FAD/NAD(P)-binding oxidoreductase family protein
713.163 Ahg471289 C-terminal cysteine residue is changed to a serine 1
715.048 Ahg900091
717.356 Ahg478742 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme family protein
718.895 Ahg487386 UDP-glucosyl transferase 76C2
720.411 Virus0864
733.774 Ahg485781 NAD(P)-linked oxidoreductase superfamily protein
735.738 Ahg937316
742.262 Ahg930932 photosystem II reaction center protein B
747.955 Ahg475947 endonuclease 2
748.856 Ahg354574 carboxylesterases
750.967 Ahg896759
753.149 Virus3024
753.928 Ahg950950 Protein Transporter, Pam16
765.279 Ahg941585 anaphase-promoting complex subunit 8
766.198 Ahg356289 SMAD/FHA domain-containing protein
766.851 Ahg915049 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
778.383 Ahg918887
783.167 Ahg932496
789.681 Virus0583
792.772 Ahg931047 RNI-like superfamily protein
794.136 Ahg479566 RNAse THREE-like protein 2
794.409 Ahg329638 E2F/DP family winged-helix DNA-binding domain
795.034 Ahg477567
803.236 Ahg923786 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
803.237 Ahg944230
804.213 Ahg484828 Cysteine proteinases superfamily protein
804.5 Ahg494592
825.663 Ahg914147 Prolyl oligopeptidase family protein
827.526 Ahg917661
830.442 Ahg495769 Protein kinase superfamily protein
834.668 Ahg891858 Disease resistance protein (TIR-NBS-LRR class)
836.242 Ahg489370 cytochrome P450, family 71, subfamily B, polypeptide 14
843.838 Ahg314426
854.197 Ahg324152 Iron/manganese superoxide dismutase family protein
854.686 Ahg332390 Uncharacterised conserved protein (UCP012943)
862.897 Ahg947828
865.231 Ahg494010 Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L27
867.715 Ahg949308
870.141 Ahg900293
882.904 Ahg359673 BRCT domain-containing DNA repair protein
884.489 Ahg474420 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein
885.187 Ahg900563 tRNAisopentenyltransferase 2
886.63 Ahg905531 F-box family protein
887.104 Ahg934918
892.184 Ahg472067 Calcineurin-like metallo-phosphoesterase superfamily protein
900.59 Ahg359584 RING/U-box superfamily protein
913.712 Ahg949435
918.193 Ahg359763
918.866 Ahg476129 Protein of unknown function (DUF1163)
921.512 Ahg940554 enhancer of rudimentary protein, putative
922.746 Ahg473134 transcriptional regulator family protein
929.166 Ahg315984
930.131 Ahg312091 DNA polymerase lambda (POLL)
931.219 Ahg495319 SCARECROW-like 8
931.818 Ahg898845 thylakoid lumenal 17.9 kDa protein, chloroplast
932.703 Ahg491023 oxidoreductase, 2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase family protein
934.583 Ahg492198 beta-galactosidase 12
937.768 Ahg906782 unknown protein
940.71 Ahg892951 MATE efflux family protein
942.439 Ahg946420 RING/U-box superfamily protein
951.932 Ahg497543 Carbohydrate-binding X8 domain superfamily protein
952.917 Virus3856
968.02 Ahg333412 Carbohydrate-binding X8 domain superfamily protein
968.974 Ahg476662
975.997 Ahg470820
990.861 Ahg920668
993.266 Ahg491772 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
994.355 Virus0370
998.892 Ahg475974 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein