MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg916349

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
5.09902 Ahg933899 F-box family protein with a domain of unknown function (DUF295)
7.61577 Ahg915140
9.59166 Ahg329742
11.225 Ahg330282 Putative membrane lipoprotein
13.4164 Ahg348453
16.3095 Ahg479548 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
17.4356 Ahg925866
19.4936 Ahg497499 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
19.4936 Ahg355565
19.4936 Virus0002
19.4936 Virus1824
19.4936 Virus0631
19.4936 Ahg937678
20.7123 Ahg944023
24.3926 Ahg951818
25.3969 Ahg925381 SCR-like 2
26.4575 Ahg900457 Primosome PriB/single-strand DNA-binding
27.6043 Ahg935396 RING/U-box superfamily protein
27.9285 Virus0486
30.4138 Ahg493877 YELLOW STRIPE like 4
32.6803 Ahg927278
35.6651 Ahg947731 Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor family protein
37.081 Ahg923053
37.6962 Ahg897438 response regulator 21
40.4969 Ahg890921
40.8901 Virus3046
40.9756 Ahg907557
40.9756 Ahg896857
40.9878 Ahg923513 Cation efflux family protein
41.0244 Ahg951907
41.7133 Ahg890434
41.7133 Ahg893718
45 Virus1052
45 Virus1078
45.4753 Ahg939262
45.9565 Ahg895784 DC1 domain-containing protein
48.4252 Ahg949082
48.5283 Virus1059
51.0882 Ahg479962 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
51.2055 Ahg496147 Protein kinase superfamily protein
51.6333 Ahg892456
54.9909 Ahg916855
55.4527 Ahg928829
56.3383 Ahg947256
57.0964 Ahg945987 methionine sulfoxide reductase B7
57.2364 Ahg312551
61.5061 Ahg922725
64.9923 Ahg922470 Lipin family protein
66.4078 Virus0763
68.9202 Virus1889
69.3253 Ahg921178
69.606 Ahg923020 transposable element gene
70.484 Ahg488248 F-box family protein
75.02 Ahg333307
76.6942 Ahg937948
78.962 Ahg487171
82.2314 Ahg900890 other RNA
83.006 Ahg493607 zinc ion binding
85.2526 Ahg946477
85.276 Ahg328572
90.6422 Ahg918741
91.515 Ahg939710 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
92.1738 Ahg331059 phosphate transporter 1;3
93.9787 Ahg492605 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
97.2111 Ahg315981 ubiquitin carrier protein 1
100.519 Ahg471468 cytochrome P450, family 86, subfamily C, polypeptide 4
102.596 Ahg906638 RNA polymerase II, Rpb4, core protein
104.824 Ahg895409 RELA/SPOT homolog 1
105.224 Ahg930778
106.489 Ahg930321
106.715 Ahg932851
109.886 Ahg920749
110.127 Ahg318714 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) superfamily protein
110.363 Ahg907643 Actin-binding FH2 (formin homology 2) family protein
113.921 Ahg887307 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
121.132 Ahg931709
121.318 Ahg894413
122.278 Ahg952187 Plant neutral invertase family protein
125.718 Ahg349641 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
126.984 Virus0362
127.546 Ahg937263
131.347 Ahg497020 Phosphoinositide phosphatase family protein
132.212 Ahg931488 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
133.604 Ahg892294 homeobox 51
136.062 Ahg931966
136.825 Ahg913835 Thioredoxin superfamily protein
138.13 Ahg492337 Nodulin MtN3 family protein
145.43 Ahg313906
146.335 Virus1065
150.067 Ahg484308 basic leucine-zipper 48
151.526 Ahg330742 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
153.238 Ahg942383 histidine kinase 5
153.695 Ahg935947
155.335 Ahg913869 Kinase interacting (KIP1-like) family protein
155.692 Ahg318756 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
156.295 Ahg940457 Protein of unknown function (DUF1635)
156.831 Ahg487772 GDP dissociation inhibitor family protein / Rab GTPase activator family protein
161.555 Virus0949
161.864 Ahg900393
163.257 Ahg323445 Cysteine proteinases superfamily protein
165.136 Ahg905520
165.136 Ahg905514
166.829 Ahg899717 Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like superfamily protein
166.871 Ahg887570 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 55
171.593 Ahg343928
174.831 Ahg949344
176.295 Ahg338729
184.835 Ahg946905
186.542 Ahg925397
188.351 Virus3174
189.315 Ahg327148
191.575 Ahg354506 F-box family protein with a domain of unknown function (DUF295)
194.936 Ahg925091 Cullin family protein
195.959 Ahg948875 Expressed protein
196.143 Ahg887388 ECA1 gametogenesis related family protein
199.118 Ahg947113
200.554 Ahg320288
206.724 Ahg485484 RING/U-box superfamily protein
208.811 Ahg938457 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family
209.022 Ahg930165 aldehyde dehydrogenase 2B4
212.699 Ahg905453
213.035 Ahg937675 Protein of unknown function (DUF677)
214.385 Ahg912961
216.213 Ahg891372 Terpenoid cyclases/Protein prenyltransferases superfamily protein
217.95 Ahg950015 Domain of unknown function (DUF1985)
218.078 Ahg475466 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
222.463 Ahg929853 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
222.749 Ahg931239 AAA-type ATPase family protein
226.755 Ahg930925
227.165 Ahg907017 Heavy metal transport/detoxification superfamily protein
230.445 Ahg904620
232.998 Ahg484682 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
234.401 Ahg914952 Disease resistance protein (TIR-NBS-LRR class)
240.416 Ahg922587 histidine kinase 5
240.948 Ahg922830 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
242.734 Ahg917996
243.179 Ahg493551 Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein
245.371 Ahg476039 K-box region and MADS-box transcription factor family protein
247.192 Ahg891936 Disease resistance protein (NBS-LRR class) family
248.427 Ahg929832 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
252.398 Ahg918157 RING/U-box superfamily protein
252.749 Ahg896956
254.558 Ahg352250 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
256.133 Ahg315393
258.488 Ahg906219 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein
259.33 Ahg491299
266.826 Ahg352550
267.208 Ahg947157
267.23 Ahg894935
267.851 Ahg940644
269.11 Ahg902613 DNA-directed RNA polymerase family protein
269.297 Ahg893609 Zinc-binding dehydrogenase family protein
271.072 Ahg898672
272.186 Ahg894808
272.186 Ahg894810
272.736 Ahg314991 Sec23/Sec24 protein transport family protein
272.764 Ahg921216
272.947 Ahg942175
274.463 Ahg948919 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
280.25 Ahg353278 Transducin family protein / WD-40 repeat family protein
281.879 Ahg926295
282.468 Ahg487738 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
284.375 Ahg903974 Glycosyl hydrolase superfamily protein
285.752 Ahg476163 Protein kinase superfamily protein
287.11 Ahg934890
287.374 Ahg478225 Protein of unknown function (DUF674)
288.998 Ahg490960 homeobox protein 40
289.123 Ahg948891
291.673 Ahg344448
292.925 Ahg931339
296.297 Virus0411
296.297 Virus2146
296.297 Ahg906174
296.297 Virus0931
301.204 Ahg931325
301.569 Ahg892759 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
302.46 Ahg936020
302.747 Ahg329654 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
303.104 Ahg926120
304.385 Ahg331280 Ubiquitin-like superfamily protein
306.176 Ahg350449 SWAP (Suppressor-of-White-APricot)/surp RNA-binding domain-containing protein
311.471 Ahg908971
312.797 Virus0394
313.217 Virus3420
315.397 Ahg929612
315.658 Ahg887895
315.848 Ahg949530
315.896 Ahg925016 Major facilitator superfamily protein
319.365 Ahg346774
319.75 Virus0878
323.2 Ahg934128 Zinc-binding ribosomal protein family protein
324.5 Ahg895332 Receptor-like protein kinase-related family protein
324.577 Ahg353690 lectin receptor kinase a4.3
326.058 Virus2045
328.427 Ahg932576
330.976 Ahg342694 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
336.758 Ahg472207 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
339.529 Ahg348178 Protein kinase superfamily protein
342.193 Ahg497411 RHO guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor 4
351.286 Ahg495398 arabinogalactan protein 22
351.694 Ahg948049 transposable element gene
352.266 Ahg327206 Plant protein 1589 of unknown function
355.168 Ahg907955
355.64 Ahg492863 Calcium-dependent lipid-binding (CaLB domain) plant phosphoribosyltransferase family protein
356.441 Ahg891248 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
365.557 Ahg905525
372.451 Ahg315690 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
375.248 Ahg896773 Oxoglutarate/iron-dependent oxygenase
377.372 Virus0588
382.262 Ahg351250 Ovate family protein
383.296 Ahg930776
383.505 Ahg340580 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
385.284 Ahg936979
385.59 Ahg951775
385.896 Ahg933846 Exostosin family protein
387.781 Ahg359163
388.407 Ahg916359
394.011 Ahg945291 Heavy metal transport/detoxification superfamily protein
394.176 Ahg492225 Protein of unknown function (DUF295)
394.873 Ahg321705
401.574 Ahg925811 ROOT HAIR DEFECTIVE6
402.015 Ahg479230 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
403.103 Ahg913301
407.608 Ahg929321
408.279 Ahg890805 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
411.026 Ahg922626
411.204 Ahg486331
411.57 Ahg346994 cytochrome P450, family 71, subfamily B, polypeptide 9
412 Ahg919505 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
412.126 Ahg905858 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
413.127 Ahg947778
417.065 Ahg933071
421.027 Ahg348691 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
422.71 Ahg923908
423.698 Ahg921260 Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp 70) family protein
424.255 Ahg940847
426.748 Ahg934797
428.782 Ahg921865 sulphotransferase 7
431.68 Ahg941337 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
434.668 Ahg935111 lateral organ boundaries-domain 16
435.881 Ahg944461 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
439.629 Ahg495067 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
440.111 Virus0395
442.518 Ahg925349 histidine kinase 5
443.102 Ahg942558
449.412 Virus3747
449.893 Ahg917093
456.789 Ahg490095
459.654 Ahg907413
459.704 Ahg911360 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
461.659 Ahg917846 ECA1 gametogenesis related family protein
461.87 Ahg481772 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein
465.403 Ahg948468
466.015 Ahg934705 U12; snRNA
467.405 Ahg355897 Nucleotide-sugar transporter family protein
467.895 Ahg942611 GRAS family transcription factor
468.397 Virus3829
469.306 Ahg496457
474.7 Ahg949535
475.117 Ahg892827 RPA70-kDa subunit B
475.605 Ahg350516 nodulin MtN21 /EamA-like transporter family protein
477.058 Ahg896376
478.347 Ahg474192 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
478.383 Ahg919938 UDP-D-apiose/UDP-D-xylose synthase 1
480.999 Ahg900051
481.389 Ahg952121 Cysteine/Histidine-rich C1 domain family protein
481.871 Ahg480366 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
482.338 Ahg486699 Cation efflux family protein
486.148 Ahg332445 response regulator 23
488.971 Ahg925354
489.571 Virus3791
494.843 Ahg487181 F-box family protein
495.699 Ahg918890
501.326 Ahg943948 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
502.693 Ahg928481 topoisomerase II
503.222 Ahg936703 myb domain protein 110
503.487 Virus0068
504.494 Ahg940470
504.738 Ahg950057 Cysteine-rich protein
505.3 Ahg487046 CAP (Cysteine-rich secretory proteins, Antigen 5, and Pathogenesis-related 1 protein) superfamily protein
506.68 Ahg894880
507.192 Ahg337754 gamma histone variant H2AX
507.346 Ahg942825 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
509.588 Ahg484455 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein
510.883 Ahg478326 Nucleoside transporter family protein
516.125 Ahg933035 annexin 3
517.795 Ahg952584 ribosomal protein L10A family protein
517.795 Ahg933294 ribosomal protein L10A family protein
519.877 Ahg942653 sulphate transporter 1;1
520.308 Ahg479349 PLAC8 family protein
523.162 Ahg915164
523.732 Ahg480348 serpin 2
524.671 Ahg476623 RING/U-box superfamily protein
528.562 Ahg482622
530.656 Ahg490054 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
534.011 Ahg897270 cation/H+ exchanger 12
536.127 Ahg929464 UDP-D-apiose/UDP-D-xylose synthase 1
536.261 Ahg922421
537.081 Ahg347325 Protein of unknown function (DUF567)
537.081 Ahg947054