MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg951729

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
1.41421 Ahg905424
1.41421 Ahg932981
2 Ahg943191
3 Ahg355262
3.4641 Ahg949877 calcium-transporting ATPase, putative
9.8995 Ahg326666
11.9583 Ahg485072 Mitochondrial transcription termination factor family protein
16.4317 Ahg942244
16.5831 Ahg947206
17.6635 Ahg915601
18.7617 Ahg493849 Receptor-like protein kinase-related family protein
22.4499 Ahg475002 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
24.9199 Ahg945046
25.4951 Ahg921344 Paired amphipathic helix (PAH2) superfamily protein
25.6515 Ahg887388 ECA1 gametogenesis related family protein
30.5123 Ahg355752
30.9839 Ahg925328
31.0805 Ahg922484 LOB domain-containing protein 32
31.225 Ahg913771
31.225 Ahg481776
32.5883 Ahg952630
38.4057 Ahg931791 F-box family protein
40.8044 Ahg925028 NAC domain containing protein 23
41.7493 Ahg946796
42.7434 Ahg939857
45.4973 Ahg932803
47.4342 Ahg938679
49.5681 Ahg898329 Class II aminoacyl-tRNA and biotin synthetases superfamily protein
51.5364 Ahg922655
51.8266 Ahg345516 Protein kinase superfamily protein
52.1057 Ahg937443 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
55.5158 Ahg919800
55.8928 Ahg481561
56.5066 Ahg352555
57.7841 Ahg897304 GATA transcription factor 14
61.2944 Virus1618
61.2944 Virus3609
61.5711 Virus3742
62.1611 Ahg918249
65.0769 Ahg358962 RING/U-box superfamily protein
67.082 Ahg489454 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family
67.9926 Ahg899722
68.9348 Virus1687
72.0208 Ahg952483
76.2234 Ahg472119 myb-like HTH transcriptional regulator family protein
77.0714 Ahg934779
77.2269 Ahg912287
79.196 Virus1824
79.196 Ahg925866
80.5357 Ahg933088
80.796 Ahg937678
80.796 Ahg355565
80.796 Virus0631
80.796 Virus0002
83.9047 Ahg497499 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
87.7952 Ahg334016
91.433 Ahg940847
96.6851 Ahg952502 Exostosin family protein
100.025 Ahg322693 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
102.44 Ahg932657
102.548 Ahg472225 TBP-associated factor 11B
112.77 Ahg490561 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily protein
114.018 Ahg352690
114.184 Ahg945238
114.184 Ahg952025
115.931 Ahg473679 bZIP family transcription factor
119.147 Ahg493131 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
126.428 Ahg915140
139.255 Ahg942469
139.291 Ahg331950
139.427 Ahg936455
143.59 Ahg896757
145.808 Ahg479985 transposable element gene
146.383 Ahg930832
146.942 Ahg951335 Mitochondrial transcription termination factor family protein
147.214 Ahg492478 Heavy metal transport/detoxification superfamily protein
147.479 Ahg949383
151.819 Ahg899717 Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like superfamily protein
156.515 Virus3046
157.366 Ahg942723
157.366 Ahg943073
157.645 Ahg891275 thionin 2.2
157.987 Ahg895175
159.991 Ahg485289 proline-rich family protein
160.54 Ahg327342 RING/U-box superfamily protein
160.891 Ahg898582
162.111 Ahg948576 F-box/RNI-like/FBD-like domains-containing protein
164.049 Ahg946938 Ankyrin repeat family protein
167.033 Ahg477083 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase family protein
168.562 Ahg949184
170.646 Ahg893718
170.646 Ahg890434
174.539 Ahg891470
183.469 Ahg920929
186.989 Ahg471495 C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein
188.043 Ahg333316 general control non-repressible 4
188.966 Ahg939929
189.249 Ahg896857
189.249 Ahg907557
190.927 Ahg916403
193.272 Ahg340538 LOB domain-containing protein 20
194.394 Ahg496681 inflorescence deficient in abscission (IDA)-like 2
194.53 Ahg335936 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
196.876 Ahg327148
208.562 Ahg911340
208.904 Ahg903386 C2 domain-containing protein
209.485 Ahg922830 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
210.794 Ahg328109 Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) protein
211.303 Ahg913770 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
211.67 Ahg930715 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
211.877 Ahg320434 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily
213.504 Ahg477798 Major facilitator superfamily protein
213.586 Ahg937462 RING/U-box superfamily protein
217.159 Ahg903943 Duplicated homeodomain-like superfamily protein
217.336 Ahg928256
217.991 Ahg313743 PLATZ transcription factor family protein
218.794 Ahg908501
219.964 Ahg918157 RING/U-box superfamily protein
221.371 Ahg345328 embryo sac development arrest 12
226.097 Ahg905978
226.427 Ahg894996
226.98 Ahg946203
227.403 Ahg937192 ECA1 gametogenesis related family protein
231.227 Ahg913997
231.862 Ahg924098 Domain of unknown function (DUF2431)
234.521 Ahg472570 RALF-like 2
236.812 Ahg948509 transposable element gene
238.3 Ahg471935 MADS-box transcription factor family protein
243.031 Virus0692
247.113 Ahg922725
250.767 Ahg916655 LOB domain-containing protein 5
253.874 Ahg947454
254.307 Ahg945355 PDI-like 2-3
254.986 Ahg472595 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily protein
255.398 Ahg936863
255.758 Ahg916359
256.098 Ahg944937
256.131 Ahg887400 F-box/RNI-like/FBD-like domains-containing protein
258.349 Ahg921418 Domain of unknown function DUF220
258.571 Ahg941337 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
259.75 Virus1843
261.304 Ahg887343 Seven transmembrane MLO family protein
265.707 Ahg900528
265.97 Ahg494078 germin-like protein 6
269.75 Virus0763
273.934 Ahg948049 transposable element gene
275.398 Ahg890711
276.416 Ahg492757 Sulfite exporter TauE/SafE family protein
278.014 Ahg896399
287.108 Ahg951005 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily protein
289.843 Ahg485384 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
290.709 Ahg925957 F-box family protein
291.561 Ahg924156 DNA-binding storekeeper protein-related transcriptional regulator
294 Ahg896934
294.433 Ahg947825
298.838 Ahg497390 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family
299.65 Ahg894385
300.814 Ahg951260
301.422 Ahg347161 cytochrome P450, family 714, subfamily A, polypeptide 1
303.051 Ahg905576
306.954 Ahg930821
307.135 Virus0891
309.451 Ahg484283 late embryogenesis abundant domain-containing protein / LEA domain-containing protein
310.29 Ahg941731 NAC domain containing protein 89
310.329 Ahg907494
311.124 Ahg903019
312.41 Ahg943622 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
312.99 Ahg899144
315.354 Ahg951000 myb domain protein 99
315.481 Virus3845
315.872 Ahg914555
317.392 Ahg493638
319.773 Ahg892083 PEBP (phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein) family protein
320.944 Ahg493584
326.095 Ahg484806 Vacuolar iron transporter (VIT) family protein
327.047 Ahg354244 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
329.823 Ahg952174 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF639)
332.709 Ahg932497
333.347 Ahg919976 Plant thionin family protein
333.527 Ahg471733 Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein
335.661 Ahg944795
339.75 Ahg923226 Protein of unknown function (DUF1191)
339.768 Ahg916399 F-box family protein with a domain of unknown function (DUF295)
339.882 Ahg478424 Glycosyl hydrolase superfamily protein
345.369 Ahg919325 conserved peptide upstream open reading frame 8
349.471 Ahg896372
349.492 Ahg484337 F-box family protein with a domain of unknown function (DUF295)
357.085 Virus3572
358.504 Ahg477403
363.337 Ahg916295
364.225 Ahg900071
364.509 Ahg319243 RNI-like superfamily protein
370.999 Ahg320861 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
371.377 Ahg951898
372.517 Ahg942944 Transcription initiation factor TFIIE, beta subunit
372.781 Ahg492672 Protein of unknown function, DUF584
372.93 Ahg931342 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family
378.349 Ahg930828 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
378.698 Ahg930632
380.959 Ahg924140 HEAT/U-box domain-containing protein
381.686 Ahg355494 Transcriptional factor B3 family protein
382.858 Ahg944994
383.583 Ahg333307
384.012 Ahg903298 RALF-like 21
386.114 Ahg479711 Domain of unknown function (DUF26)
386.957 Ahg949009 glycine-rich protein
388.844 Ahg914817
391.482 Ahg942211
398.808 Ahg350449 SWAP (Suppressor-of-White-APricot)/surp RNA-binding domain-containing protein
403.715 Ahg331398 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
405.66 Ahg921186 Histone superfamily protein
405.66 Ahg921188 Histone superfamily protein
406.276 Ahg949381 Protein of unknown function (DUF1264)
406.527 Ahg495065 ethylene response factor 110
406.586 Ahg946177 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
406.586 Ahg917589 Ribosomal protein L23/L15e family protein
406.629 Ahg320288
407.156 Ahg922470 Lipin family protein
409.417 Ahg914263 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
410.141 Ahg325507 RNA-binding KH domain-containing protein
410.207 Ahg344440
410.794 Ahg919014
411.339 Ahg492880 Toll-Interleukin-Resistance (TIR) domain family protein
413.05 Ahg952187 Plant neutral invertase family protein
413.289 Ahg483935 Pollen Ole e 1 allergen and extensin family protein
413.87 Ahg926304 Protein of unknown function (DUF1163)
416.228 Ahg898261 cytochrome P450, family 71, subfamily B, polypeptide 8
417.403 Ahg935848 transposable element gene
423.807 Ahg314773
426.347 Ahg337343
427.645 Ahg947383 Family of unknown function (DUF577)
428.56 Ahg887970 Single-stranded nucleic acid binding R3H protein
428.808 Ahg329812 RAB GTPase homolog B1A
429.195 Ahg929549 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family
431.5 Ahg486807
437.234 Ahg916534 cytochrome P450, family 714, subfamily A, polypeptide 1
438.421 Ahg905514
438.421 Ahg905520
440.279 Ahg906234
443.25 Ahg951228 Peroxidase superfamily protein
444.37 Ahg317859 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein
445.945 Ahg479548 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
455.2 Ahg936762 Glycosyl hydrolase superfamily protein
463.808 Ahg916163
465.268 Ahg474822 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
465.343 Ahg903051
465.901 Ahg931967
469.931 Virus0949
471.637 Ahg907512 protein kinase family protein
473.096 Ahg477038 F-box/RNI-like superfamily protein
473.281 Ahg916823 Subtilisin-like serine endopeptidase family protein
473.903 Ahg936988
475.176 Ahg330282 Putative membrane lipoprotein
476.726 Ahg930222
476.928 Virus3676
482.707 Ahg890302 E2F/DP family winged-helix DNA-binding domain
482.714 Ahg940329 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
484.918 Ahg938052 FRA8 homolog
487.399 Ahg922421
489.013 Ahg941839
489.653 Ahg471418
491.93 Ahg473114 Papain family cysteine protease
497.397 Ahg939262
497.932 Ahg358465 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
502.014 Ahg470423 C2H2-like zinc finger protein
502.47 Ahg907924
502.498 Ahg900070 RAB GTPase homolog A5A
503.413 Ahg917385 Cystatin/monellin superfamily protein
508.072 Ahg952485 Seven transmembrane MLO family protein
510.955 Ahg323986
511.072 Ahg944785
515.43 Ahg891681
515.823 Ahg936735 callose synthase 5
518.471 Virus0362
518.583 Ahg925023 F-box/RNI-like superfamily protein
518.593 Ahg925394
519.091 Virus0486
521.126 Ahg947913 TFIIB zinc-binding protein
525.583 Ahg890470 glycine-rich protein 2B
525.583 Ahg912255 glycine-rich protein 2B
525.583 Ahg908003 glycine-rich protein 2B
529.396 Ahg900317
530.279 Ahg492877
534.794 Ahg945255
536.895 Ahg904360 Protein of unknown function (DUF567)
537.999 Ahg316028
538.08 Ahg337332 Core-2/I-branching beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase family protein
540.213 Ahg357625 DNA repair and meiosis protein (Mre11)
540.433 Ahg929589 phragmoplast orienting kinesin 1
542.397 Ahg491296 Glycosyl hydrolase family 10 protein
544.251 Ahg931239 AAA-type ATPase family protein
546.346 Ahg929976
546.456 Ahg887298 zinc finger protein 11
546.887 Ahg944418 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
549.366 Ahg913043
550.48 Ahg485009
551.527 Ahg470261 rapid alkalinization factor 1
556.59 Ahg910676 Toll-Interleukin-Resistance (TIR) domain family protein
557.974 Ahg935811