MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg943466

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
19.8746 Ahg475156 DNA-binding storekeeper protein-related transcriptional regulator
34.1467 Ahg892543 Uncharacterised protein family (UPF0497)
39.9249 Ahg910318
41.7133 Ahg488189 alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase family / NAGLU family
46.8615 Ahg323324 RNA helicase, ATP-dependent, SK12/DOB1 protein
62.0322 Ahg485223 gamma carbonic anhydrase-like 2
70.1997 Ahg947046 Ypt/Rab-GAP domain of gyp1p superfamily protein
70.4557 Ahg496675 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
82.5348 Ahg474670
82.9458 Ahg339776 calcium-dependent protein kinase 29
83.1264 Ahg488464 Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase family protein
83.1445 Ahg477036 FBD, F-box, Skp2-like and Leucine Rich Repeat domains containing protein
85.4634 Ahg487754 ethylene induced calmodulin binding protein
85.8371 Ahg485399 SNF1-related protein kinase 2.2
88.5212 Ahg497160 Protein kinase superfamily protein
93.2416 Ahg483745
99.3479 Ahg476008 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
103.315 Ahg935522 SIN3 associated polypeptide P18
116.383 Ahg486507 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
120.955 Ahg493844 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 4
128.137 Ahg333928 global transcription factor group E4
129.105 Ahg478135 Calcium-dependent ARF-type GTPase activating protein family
130.84 Ahg476282 other RNA
148.02 Ahg356649 methyltransferases
156.154 Ahg354960 transferases, transferring acyl groups
163.695 Ahg488279 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
170.728 Ahg489405 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein
181.229 Ahg890692 heat shock factor binding protein
191.259 Ahg490436
191.445 Ahg334090 tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase
192.78 Ahg946908 RNA polymerase Rpb7-like, N-terminal domain
196.606 Ahg318610 CCAAT-displacement protein alternatively spliced product
197.545 Ahg496668 magnesium transporter 9
198.59 Ahg951777 Pseudouridine synthase family protein
200.045 Ahg942922 UDP-D-glucose/UDP-D-galactose 4-epimerase 5
202.406 Ahg481407 binding
203.293 Ahg477859 BTB/POZ domain-containing protein
203.431 Ahg474873
206.826 Ahg482066 Basic-leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor family protein
215.697 Ahg474346 protein kinase family protein / C-type lectin domain-containing protein
223.987 Ahg332814 Homeodomain-like/winged-helix DNA-binding family protein
232.25 Ahg346838 Protein of unknown function DUF2359, transmembrane
238.998 Ahg487843 Thioesterase superfamily protein
245.337 Ahg482617 Family of unknown function (DUF662)
246.949 Ahg478973 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 25
260.275 Ahg930126 FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase family protein
261.635 Ahg472085 3-phosphoserine phosphatase
269.258 Ahg929017 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
272.562 Ahg493196 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
278.359 Ahg314969 GroES-like zinc-binding dehydrogenase family protein
280.995 Ahg938102 Pseudouridine synthase family protein
284.856 Ahg495793 myristoyl-CoA:protein N-myristoyltransferase
285.079 Ahg894461 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein
289.365 Ahg945888 Protein of unknown function DUF106, transmembrane
290.117 Ahg319341 FRIGIDA interacting protein 1
290.457 Ahg474241 transferases;tRNA (5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate)-methyltransferases
293.096 Ahg335508 Polynucleotide adenylyltransferase family protein
294.678 Ahg484484 membrane-anchored ubiquitin-fold protein 4 precursor
295.435 Ahg330877 phloem protein 2-B8
304.112 Ahg930461 FAD/NAD(P)-binding oxidoreductase family protein
306.689 Ahg481761 Dof-type zinc finger DNA-binding family protein
306.783 Ahg473060
308.354 Ahg486587 Protein kinase superfamily protein
310.045 Ahg487431 embryo defective 2735
311.795 Ahg491506 Ubiquitin-like superfamily protein
318.206 Ahg940515 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) superfamily protein
326.055 Ahg946399 SH3 domain-containing protein
331.05 Ahg496682 Ribosomal protein L18e/L15 superfamily protein
337.2 Ahg486233 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
341.013 Ahg487401 DHFS-FPGS homolog B
341.441 Ahg476066 homologue of bacterial MinE 1
343.497 Ahg483034 Microsomal signal peptidase 25 kDa subunit (SPC25)
345.612 Ahg478140 serine carboxypeptidase-like 27
347.822 Ahg322858 hydrolases, acting on ester bonds
351.73 Ahg470964 Major facilitator superfamily protein
367.831 Ahg475143 pentatricopeptide repeat 336
368.597 Ahg889064 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
368.733 Ahg929675 nuclear RNA polymerase D2B
372.645 Ahg491120 glutamate receptor 2
378.916 Ahg326131
378.946 Ahg938862 multiprotein bridging factor 1B
379.947 Ahg942018
380.649 Ahg495812 DNA ligase IV
381.248 Ahg475167 Protein of unknown function (DUF1262)
381.838 Ahg471253 Secretory carrier membrane protein (SCAMP) family protein
390.646 Ahg946955 AGC (cAMP-dependent, cGMP-dependent and protein kinase C) kinase family protein
390.672 Ahg944034 Xanthine/uracil permease family protein
392.492 Ahg473236 Protein of unknown function (DUF295)
392.931 Ahg323639
393.873 Ahg329070 MAP kinase/ ERK kinase 1
395.727 Ahg920875 RING/U-box superfamily protein
395.79 Ahg923098 SNARE-like superfamily protein
397.874 Ahg934985 Heat shock protein DnaJ with tetratricopeptide repeat
399.119 Ahg335696 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
400.49 Ahg937601 Zinc finger C-x8-C-x5-C-x3-H type family protein
406.722 Ahg358896 DA1-related protein 4
407.14 Ahg897532
414.823 Ahg893801 SC35-like splicing factor 28
415.302 Ahg480100 anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome 2
416.999 Ahg944895 DNAse I-like superfamily protein
418.496 Ahg933561 WRKY DNA-binding protein 21
422.532 Ahg493662 Protein phosphatase 2C family protein
429.332 Ahg490904 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
431.565 Ahg490995 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 17
440.341 Ahg487691 Duplicated homeodomain-like superfamily protein
447.734 Ahg931867 hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein family protein
450.3 Ahg491840 Mnd1 family protein
452.51 Ahg938840 nucleic acid binding;methyltransferases
454.354 Ahg475137 Mitochondrial transcription termination factor family protein
454.884 Ahg906932 Serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK (With No Lysine)-related
456.541 Ahg919162 vesicle-associated membrane protein 721
457.498 Ahg488714 Cytokine-induced anti-apoptosis inhibitor 1, Fe-S biogenesis
459.005 Ahg484970 Ribonuclease P protein subunit P38-related
470.341 Ahg888778 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) superfamily protein
473.422 Ahg941174 Transducin family protein / WD-40 repeat family protein
473.962 Ahg477997 plastid developmental protein DAG, putative
477.703 Ahg483669 RNA 2'-phosphotransferase, Tpt1 / KptA family
481.161 Ahg480544 GLN phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate amidotransferase 1
483.658 Ahg905826 zinc-dependent activator protein-1
484.729 Ahg942039 basic leucine zipper 9
487.51 Ahg355578
488.068 Ahg949380 L-cysteine desulfhydrase 1
489.88 Ahg901385 Phosphoribosyltransferase family protein
492.595 Ahg353127 accelerated cell death 2 (ACD2)
493.397 Ahg950559 O-Glycosyl hydrolases family 17 protein
494.181 Ahg928170 Cystatin/monellin superfamily protein
494.723 Ahg939245 SET domain protein 14
496.344 Ahg474834 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
497.226 Ahg496497
498.543 Ahg888342 nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase 1
502.438 Ahg486174
506.043 Ahg482523 ARM repeat superfamily protein
507.5 Ahg478591 Amino acid dehydrogenase family protein
509.066 Ahg495325 conserved peptide upstream open reading frame 14
510.133 Ahg477783 acyl carrier protein 1
512.826 Ahg489367 TBP-associated factor 5
513.517 Ahg949608 Squamosa promoter-binding protein-like (SBP domain) transcription factor family protein
515.412 Ahg941877 smr (Small MutS Related) domain-containing protein
519.124 Ahg897921 centrin2
520.953 Ahg492773
522.215 Ahg474613
524.717 Ahg496765 homeobox protein 5
534.213 Ahg907564
534.461 Ahg495075 Protein kinase superfamily protein
541.462 Ahg339050 RING/FYVE/PHD zinc finger superfamily protein
544.432 Ahg492722 Protein of unknown function (DUF300)
545.399 Ahg925035 Radical SAM superfamily protein
547.856 Ahg495185
547.876 Ahg494329 16S rRNA processing protein RimM family
553.958 Ahg931905 myb-like HTH transcriptional regulator family protein
555.813 Ahg475764 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
556.029 Ahg491280 Protein kinase superfamily protein
562.21 Ahg332523 Dihydroneopterin aldolase
567.715 Ahg322424 Cation efflux family protein
571.213 Ahg471081 ATP phosphoribosyl transferase 2
571.939 Ahg487496
573.28 Ahg919087 multidrug resistance-associated protein 5
587.418 Ahg486408 protein kinase family protein
587.571 Ahg479073
587.997 Ahg946766 UDP-Glycosyltransferase superfamily protein
588.843 Ahg923526
591.348 Ahg486131 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
595.201 Ahg949026 ribosomal protein 1
595.357 Ahg328749 prenylated RAB acceptor 1.C
601.91 Ahg479629 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
603.132 Ahg949808 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
605.114 Ahg489290 ABL interactor-like protein 3
605.496 Ahg918924 importin alpha isoform 6
605.982 Ahg919143
606.407 Ahg489950 translation elongation factor Ts (EF-Ts), putative
608.644 Ahg470145 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
612.477 Ahg908529 cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein 19-related protein
614.121 Ahg934434 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
614.471 Ahg908290 ELMO/CED-12 family protein
615.168 Ahg313369 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase 4
617.5 Ahg337630 evolutionarily conserved C-terminal region 4
620.044 Ahg324433 O-acetylserine (thiol) lyase isoform C
627.541 Ahg483726
630.638 Ahg897321 syntaxin of plants 72
633.909 Ahg490940 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
634.495 Ahg927319 Alpha-helical ferredoxin
636.083 Ahg484808 Copper amine oxidase family protein
636.362 Ahg479267 Molecular chaperone Hsp40/DnaJ family protein
643.467 Ahg312467 microtubule-associated protein 65-7
645.303 Ahg338501
646.224 Ahg484127 peptide transporter 2
648.102 Ahg489487 Protein of unknown function (DUF300)
649.087 Ahg478922 Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase with RING/FYVE/PHD-type zinc finger protein
650.075 Ahg475399 Putative serine esterase family protein
650.56 Ahg481423 holocarboxylase synthase 1
650.913 Ahg477754 Protein prenylyltransferase superfamily protein
652.794 Ahg494045 Saccharopine dehydrogenase
657.787 Ahg491427 Exostosin family protein
664.56 Ahg946737 Proteinase inhibitor I25, cystatin, conserved region
675.289 Ahg477867
679.336 Ahg476935 putative protein kinase 1
686.841 Ahg951500 FMN-linked oxidoreductases superfamily protein
691.954 Ahg478983 Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family protein
692.722 Ahg489499 D111/G-patch domain-containing protein
697.296 Ahg949887 Ribosomal protein L9/RNase H1
701.722 Ahg353309
702.282 Ahg481113 Alkaline-phosphatase-like family protein
703.011 Ahg951256 dicarboxylate transporter 2.2
709.71 Ahg947352 Exostosin family protein
710.175 Ahg493471 Splicing factor 3B subunit 5/RDS3 complex subunit 10
711.27 Ahg935688 Peptide chain release factor 1
714.276 Ahg923618 dimeric A/B barrel domainS-protein 1
715.122 Ahg482526 cellulose synthase like
718.359 Ahg326742
718.983 Ahg488256 Flavin containing amine oxidoreductase family
719.333 Ahg922407
719.833 Ahg312397 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF863)
726.496 Ahg919721 RAB GTPase 11C
726.508 Ahg930147 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase ATXR2
726.661 Ahg495060 DHHC-type zinc finger family protein
727.189 Ahg939210 GRIP-related ARF-binding domain-containing protein 1
729.993 Ahg490443
734.467 Ahg942150 peroxin4
738.745 Ahg913642
744.032 Ahg471247
744.339 Ahg495825 Core-2/I-branching beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase family protein
754.989 Ahg932325 Rer1 family protein
755.072 Ahg478451 LOB domain-containing protein 21
758.136 Ahg342721
758.216 Ahg471968 nuclear factor Y, subunit A8
759.575 Ahg492719 endonuclease 4
760.831 Ahg491088 NAC transcription factor-like 9
760.905 Ahg489475 TCP-1/cpn60 chaperonin family protein
762.13 Ahg951411 Zincin-like metalloproteases family protein
764.785 Ahg313269
765.872 Ahg323774
765.977 Ahg471082 Pseudouridine synthase family protein
766.814 Ahg482469 urease accessory protein D
767.838 Ahg478203 electron transport SCO1/SenC family protein
769.883 Ahg940659 Ribosomal protein L19 family protein
772.095 Ahg473267 Phototropic-responsive NPH3 family protein
778.166 Ahg478229 phytochromobilin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, chloroplast / phytochromobilin synthase (HY2)
778.372 Ahg333305 Pseudouridine synthase/archaeosine transglycosylase-like family protein
779.772 Ahg478531 Protein of unknown function, DUF593
783.511 Ahg345626
786.466 Ahg487817 RNA polymerase II, Rpb4, core protein
787.563 Ahg356488
788.137 Ahg491714
790.899 Ahg470925 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
792.333 Ahg313324 Mediator complex, subunit Med10
793.827 Ahg341309 Sterile alpha motif (SAM) domain-containing protein
794.47 Ahg477252
798.038 Ahg950254 calcineurin B-like protein 2
799.916 Ahg947174 methyl-CPG-binding domain protein 02
802.505 Ahg491499
804.405 Ahg317700 ARM repeat superfamily protein
809.637 Ahg330454 SGF29 tudor-like domain
810.415 Ahg482061 embryo defective 1381
814.018 Ahg473005 B-box type zinc finger protein with CCT domain
814.185 Ahg490746 alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase 2
815.713 Ahg473010 Polynucleotide adenylyltransferase family protein
820.759 Ahg471841 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
825.943 Ahg944000 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
826.246 Ahg916949 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
827.494 Ahg474512
827.583 Ahg489556 Protein of unknown function (DUF1624)
829.149 Ahg946724 monooxygenase 1
829.361 Ahg355148 calmodulin binding;transcription regulators
829.979 Ahg927805 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase-related
830.701 Ahg493410
833.5 Ahg484697 RING/U-box superfamily protein
836.67 Ahg488658 MIF4G domain-containing protein / MA3 domain-containing protein
841.727 Ahg483605 Domain of unknown function (DUF3598)
842.776 Ahg485723
843.314 Ahg922252 Amino acid permease family protein
845.317 Ahg492476 Pleckstrin homology (PH) domain-containing protein
845.47 Ahg895934 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
847.764 Ahg474667 FAD/NAD(P)-binding oxidoreductase family protein
848.429 Ahg489823 RAB GTPase homolog G3A
849.173 Ahg323367 RING/FYVE/PHD zinc finger superfamily protein
851.122 Ahg316935 Spc97 / Spc98 family of spindle pole body (SBP) component
851.478 Ahg497403 HR-like lesion-inducing protein-related
853.299 Ahg496458 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
853.885 Ahg471083 evolutionarily conserved C-terminal region 11
855.409 Ahg945436 Uncharacterised conserved protein UCP022280
856.161 Ahg486612 Phosphatidylinositol N-acetyglucosaminlytransferase subunit P-related
856.911 Ahg939482 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase family protein
859.682 Ahg946278
859.75 Ahg932290 Protein kinase superfamily protein
862.986 Ahg317219 receptor like protein 46
863.116 Ahg488289 beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase family protein
863.25 Ahg358710
864.555 Ahg947562 RING/U-box superfamily protein
871.157 Ahg479655 RNA polymerase transcriptional regulation mediator-related
871.799 Ahg478588 LYR family of Fe/S cluster biogenesis protein
874.723 Ahg923642 Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase family protein
877.358 Ahg334100 lactoylglutathione lyase family protein / glyoxalase I family protein
878.326 Ahg484310
883.139 Ahg949173 nuclear pore anchor
883.855 Ahg483494 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
887.146 Ahg488242 non-intrinsic ABC protein 14
888.205 Ahg898320
889.579 Ahg352549 RNI-like superfamily protein
892.148 Ahg486510 FKBP-like peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase family protein