MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg939804

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
22.1359 Ahg935552 beta-amylase 7
72 Ahg353573 Flavin-binding monooxygenase family protein
75.4188 Ahg945187 PLANT U-BOX 39
123.073 Ahg932913
126.079 Ahg491137 O-methyltransferase family protein
150.479 Ahg892681
153.948 Ahg358861 RWP-RK domain-containing protein
161.759 Ahg931766 geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase 4
187.35 Ahg952093 beta-amylase 7
187.483 Ahg911565 homology to ABI2
204.216 Ahg940321
204.216 Virus0279
216.347 Ahg946744 Thioredoxin superfamily protein
231.661 Ahg488344
244.973 Ahg937378 ABC-2 type transporter family protein
245.746 Ahg313641 Peptidase S24/S26A/S26B/S26C family protein
271.186 Ahg952262 copper ion binding;electron carriers
274.212 Ahg925744
280.286 Ahg887517
299.717 Ahg494406 receptor like protein 55
300.343 Ahg927847
315.214 Ahg486561 AT-hook motif nuclear-localized protein 18
322.933 Ahg915620
325.57 Ahg471522 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
325.857 Ahg900119
329.698 Virus1454
330.317 Virus1103
341.21 Ahg324745 Protein of unknown function (DUF581)
367.766 Ahg896724 Nodulin MtN21 /EamA-like transporter family protein
371.514 Ahg900440 N-acetylglucosaminylphosphatidylinositol de-N-acetylase family protein
376.308 Ahg472102 RING/U-box superfamily protein
382.68 Ahg473563 Leucine-rich receptor-like protein kinase family protein
385.55 Ahg897252
395.3 Ahg949132
395.318 Ahg896903
399.359 Ahg483104 LOB domain-containing protein 15
400.441 Ahg340664
422.409 Ahg929099 myb domain protein 5
426.075 Ahg942237 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
428.587 Ahg906745 polyol/monosaccharide transporter 2
430.769 Ahg347530
462.947 Ahg933459
464.906 Ahg900140
473.075 Ahg313341 general regulatory factor 12
475.759 Ahg938052 FRA8 homolog
477.544 Ahg319606 U-box domain-containing protein kinase family protein
479.843 Virus1678
483.477 Ahg926802
489.87 Ahg346476 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
494.029 Ahg923023
497.385 Ahg337864 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
503.05 Ahg916831 transposable element gene
507.2 Ahg913983
510.456 Ahg478120 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
513.926 Ahg905580 Protein kinase superfamily protein
515.273 Ahg489084 transposable element gene
518.548 Ahg493156 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF827)
521.745 Ahg950253 serine-rich protein-related
522.632 Ahg948387
526.58 Ahg928586 myb domain protein 1
529.008 Ahg314503 myosin-related
532.444 Ahg898182 cell wall invertase 2
543.375 Ahg943045 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
546.271 Ahg922105
546.739 Ahg489303 YELLOW STRIPE like 2
548.817 Ahg931392
554.391 Ahg491299
555.473 Virus1491
559.143 Ahg925387
563.329 Ahg902531 carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 7
565.272 Virus1061
567.815 Ahg486437 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
568.398 Ahg925524 protein arginine methyltransferase 6
569.21 Ahg338015 Receptor-like protein kinase-related family protein
569.451 Ahg932564 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family
571.976 Ahg925686 other RNA
575.498 Ahg484425 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
578.113 Ahg496549 flavonol synthase 5
579.13 Ahg910962 glycine-rich protein 2B
584.144 Ahg930873 general control non-repressible 4
585.622 Ahg931116
612.078 Ahg474325 Mannose-binding lectin superfamily protein
621.405 Ahg952122 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
624.306 Ahg920106 nudix hydrolase homolog 26
628.928 Ahg471005
634.538 Ahg935240
640.847 Ahg949103 Peroxidase superfamily protein
642.329 Ahg933071
643.685 Ahg477473 SMAD/FHA domain-containing protein
644.826 Ahg940570 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868)
645.672 Ahg490208 transposable element gene
649.969 Ahg952484 chorismate mutase 3
653.599 Ahg926203 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
662.514 Ahg907912 Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) family protein
677.599 Ahg313884 Galactosyltransferase family protein
678.159 Ahg923031 Phosphatidylinositol N-acetyglucosaminlytransferase subunit P-related
679.411 Ahg491864 Protein of unknown function (DUF626)
680.256 Ahg315689
680.353 Virus0515
686.163 Ahg338077
689.165 Ahg930830 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) superfamily protein
690.416 Ahg313019 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF-2) family protein
690.776 Ahg346029 Protein kinase superfamily protein
697.366 Ahg343760 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
698.588 Ahg924871 ralf-like 9
712.171 Ahg908159
720.479 Ahg914550
722.496 Ahg936829
722.589 Ahg337730
725.37 Ahg317561 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 44
743.155 Ahg332898 homeobox 53
749.357 Ahg934943
756.571 Ahg888540 gamma carbonic anhydrase 3
757.665 Ahg897280 SNF7 family protein
766.716 Ahg481664 transposable element gene
773.005 Ahg927405 magnesium transporter 1
781.962 Virus1922
782.026 Ahg343263 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
785.351 Ahg474242 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
790.829 Ahg343192
792.885 Ahg906398
800.065 Ahg332444 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein
801.408 Virus0872
801.633 Ahg480015 cell division cycle 45
802.439 Ahg495204 SWITCH1
804.416 Ahg940942
809.249 Ahg475606 photosynthetic electron transfer A
809.396 Ahg900450
814.641 Ahg936262
815.941 Ahg905122
821.854 Ahg941590 serine-rich protein-related
822.011 Ahg947371 Family of unknown function (DUF577)
823.912 Ahg324226
834.762 Ahg925023 F-box/RNI-like superfamily protein
839.204 Ahg488020 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family
841.236 Ahg928782
842.22 Ahg924340 methionine aminopeptidase 2B
844.568 Ahg935100
845.209 Ahg898135 Transcription initiation factor IIF, beta subunit
846.345 Ahg320116 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
848.706 Ahg911939
849.457 Ahg475070 Copper amine oxidase family protein
855.614 Ahg476285 Transmembrane amino acid transporter family protein
855.626 Ahg473449
857.922 Virus1128
858.17 Ahg936020
864.91 Ahg947275 mitochondrial acyl carrier protein 2
864.994 Ahg938139
877.214 Ahg352903 glycyl-tRNA synthetase / glycine--tRNA ligase
880.032 Ahg932458 Expressed protein
882.493 Ahg933088
882.668 Ahg471161 zinc finger protein 5
883.23 Ahg929770 Protein kinase superfamily protein
883.665 Ahg476698 Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein
885.849 Ahg921700 ENTH/VHS/GAT family protein
894.887 Ahg337885
908.747 Ahg331851 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
913.31 Ahg492753 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
916.471 Virus1065
917.457 Ahg359466
920.95 Ahg887962
921.727 Ahg332294 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
928.484 Ahg890702
929.887 Ahg487432 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein
933.935 Ahg474052
934.955 Ahg897601 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
936.317 Ahg326316 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
940.923 Ahg946832
942.937 Ahg944044 Rhamnogalacturonate lyase family protein
943.015 Ahg898672
943.555 Ahg491276 Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family protein
947.785 Ahg489910 Glutaredoxin family protein
952.628 Ahg942974 HMG (high mobility group) box protein
954.069 Ahg896156
955.51 Ahg497001 Glycosyl hydrolase family 38 protein
955.886 Ahg894732
957.447 Ahg493095 myb domain protein 39
958.149 Ahg897103
959.664 Ahg937022
965.463 Ahg344086
971.1 Virus1052
971.1 Virus1078
974.423 Ahg325618 RNA recognition motif (RRM)-containing protein
974.639 Ahg351266 Pollen Ole e 1 allergen and extensin family protein
977.49 Ahg346509 indole-3-acetic acid inducible 20
978.864 Ahg906126
980.326 Ahg899865 flavonol synthase 5
999.437 Ahg951548 F-box family protein with a domain of unknown function (DUF295)