MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg933951

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
13.4907 Ahg472419 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF869)
19.4936 Ahg496418 structural maintenance of chromosomes 2
27.2397 Ahg487399 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
27.9285 Ahg906687 GATA transcription factor 20
48.3735 Ahg491360 Transducin family protein / WD-40 repeat family protein
53.6656 Ahg485480 Protein of unknown function (DUF630) ;Protein of unknown function (DUF632)
56.3649 Ahg475864 DNA polymerase alpha 2
61.4492 Ahg492529 Disease resistance protein (TIR-NBS class)
65.4828 Ahg494409 RAB GTPase homolog A1C
65.9166 Ahg920334 homeobox protein 31
68.8912 Ahg487147
69.0652 Ahg494182 Zinc-binding dehydrogenase family protein
73.1984 Ahg325939
77.3628 Ahg940520 AINTEGUMENTA-like 6
80.4674 Ahg911486 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
89.7664 Ahg478033 purple acid phosphatase 15
90.0999 Ahg478170 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
90.8405 Ahg480193 O-Glycosyl hydrolases family 17 protein
93.0161 Ahg488793 Heavy metal transport/detoxification superfamily protein
99.8749 Ahg481773 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
106.771 Ahg330997 anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome 11
116.55 Ahg944656
117.388 Ahg932683 SMAD/FHA domain-containing protein
122.638 Ahg479261
124.056 Ahg483320 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
126.996 Ahg491553 early nodulin-like protein 15
128.686 Ahg901243 SCAR family protein
130.549 Ahg314295 Flavoprotein
131.042 Ahg947914 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
131.552 Ahg482053 homolog of yeast CDT1 A
136.345 Ahg494701 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
142.948 Ahg497309 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein
146.147 Ahg949262 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
149.198 Ahg333544 IQ-domain 18
151.003 Ahg887765 phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase 2
153.506 Ahg950136
156.748 Ahg492664 beta glucosidase 2
156.968 Ahg493341 UDP-Glycosyltransferase superfamily protein
158.357 Ahg486566 FASCICLIN-like arabinogalactan-protein 10
162.85 Ahg496942 DA1-related protein 7
164.499 Ahg493700
170.851 Ahg930945 Phospholipase A2 family protein
172.325 Ahg908883 DEA(D/H)-box RNA helicase family protein
172.464 Ahg318024 XH/XS domain-containing protein
182.631 Ahg477690 Li-tolerant lipase 1
182.872 Ahg929919 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
187.382 Ahg479946 MUTL protein homolog 1
189.177 Ahg933177
192.432 Ahg488368 GAST1 protein homolog 4
193.122 Ahg350023 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
194.268 Ahg480563 plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2;8
196.377 Ahg328660 cyclic nucleotide gated channel 9
202.554 Ahg317406 Actin-binding FH2 (formin homology 2) family protein
202.978 Ahg490240 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase 9
204.115 Ahg479245 Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family protein
207.174 Ahg314659
209.399 Ahg470555 Protein of unknown function (DUF295)
214.327 Ahg902806 P-loop nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein with CH (Calponin Homology) domain
215.861 Ahg491957
219.009 Ahg332399 Protein kinase superfamily protein
223.638 Ahg489947 HMG (high mobility group) box protein
224.038 Ahg471223 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
230.352 Ahg943987
241.773 Ahg481044 ribonucleotide reductase 1
246.524 Ahg484331 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
249.249 Ahg912808 Protein of unknown function, DUF642
252.369 Ahg925580 Mitochondrial transcription termination factor family protein
253.618 Ahg487244 biotin F
254.529 Ahg496718
254.7 Ahg491941
256.344 Ahg485874 Sugar isomerase (SIS) family protein
259.552 Ahg950700 sensitivity to red light reduced protein (SRR1)
260.046 Ahg479128 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
261.744 Ahg474837 Protein kinase superfamily protein
262.663 Ahg477089 Mitochondrial transcription termination factor family protein
263.249 Ahg927503 Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family protein
267.157 Ahg317589 O-Glycosyl hydrolases family 17 protein
270.95 Ahg312456 C2H2-like zinc finger protein
273.335 Ahg489123 cellulose synthase-like A02
276.586 Ahg472662 MLP-like protein 423
277.744 Ahg935472 Plant-specific transcription factor YABBY family protein
279.718 Ahg898023
283.901 Ahg491044 PLAC8 family protein
285.242 Ahg476032 ACT domain repeat 4
286.363 Ahg332862 DNA-directed DNA polymerases
287.132 Ahg491015 Leucine-rich receptor-like protein kinase family protein
287.812 Ahg477039 anaphase promoting complex 6
290.737 Ahg315605
290.973 Ahg489149 FRA8 homolog
291.256 Ahg483730 Phosphatidylinositol N-acetyglucosaminlytransferase subunit P-related
294.071 Ahg936378 nudix hydrolase homolog 13
294.134 Ahg494697 WPP domain protein 1
301.975 Ahg470351 targeting protein for XKLP2
302.476 Ahg333565 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
302.523 Ahg491075 Regulator of Vps4 activity in the MVB pathway protein
304.059 Ahg472080 RHOMBOID-like protein 12
304.158 Ahg926401 glycosyl hydrolase 9B1
305.993 Ahg478460 SGNH hydrolase-type esterase superfamily protein
308.467 Ahg945129 RHO-related protein from plants 9
315.5 Ahg925614 chromatin assembly factor-1 (FASCIATA1) (FAS1)
318.628 Ahg933944 Domain of unknown function (DUF23)
320.025 Ahg489214 carboxyesterase 18
320.481 Ahg470654 Fatty acid desaturase family protein
321.238 Ahg354793 Subtilase family protein
324.98 Ahg477698 SET-domain containing protein lysine methyltransferase family protein
325.414 Ahg481360 early nodulin-like protein 14
325.931 Ahg481491 Leucine-rich receptor-like protein kinase family protein
326.081 Ahg481787 histone H4
326.169 Ahg350051 glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase-like protein 3
333.185 Ahg947487
334.437 Ahg945123 Putative membrane lipoprotein
335.285 Ahg933453 Protein of unknown function DUF2359, transmembrane
335.523 Ahg482818 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 6
335.917 Ahg478978
337.114 Ahg491580 Cellulose-synthase-like C5
337.609 Ahg487165 Glutaredoxin family protein
340.132 Ahg495113 secE/sec61-gamma protein transport protein
342.316 Ahg948636 minichromosome maintenance (MCM2/3/5) family protein
342.342 Ahg928234 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
345.795 Ahg935665 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
347.948 Ahg486978 RHO guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor 7
349.042 Ahg950840 breaking of asymmetry in the stomatal lineage
349.385 Ahg345995
351.047 Ahg320178 methyl esterase 3
359.833 Ahg338071 GRAS family transcription factor
360.125 Ahg497408 ELMO/CED-12 family protein
361.334 Ahg496240 myb domain protein 34
361.674 Ahg339091 Exostosin family protein
364.044 Ahg939073
367.217 Ahg496158 TARGET OF MONOPTEROS 6
370.292 Ahg485594 IQ-domain 3
370.822 Ahg938187 Ergosterol biosynthesis ERG4/ERG24 family
371.047 Ahg479423 phragmoplast orienting kinesin 2
372.451 Ahg488108
373.443 Ahg922933 minichromosome maintenance (MCM2/3/5) family protein
380.818 Ahg947013 ralf-like 32
385.609 Ahg477538 Replication protein A, subunit RPA32
388.896 Ahg475959 leucine-rich repeat transmembrane protein kinase family protein
390.845 Ahg938360 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
392.856 Ahg911072 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
393.08 Ahg481792 Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protein
396.058 Ahg935483 UDP-D-glucuronate 4-epimerase 4
396.119 Ahg482809 Cysteine proteinases superfamily protein
396.81 Ahg910369 basic leucine-zipper 52
398.851 Ahg928101 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
398.941 Ahg890555 phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 1
402.385 Ahg496451 tubulin beta chain 2
402.492 Ahg927425 chromomethylase 1
405.63 Ahg330654 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
408.23 Ahg951011 BCL-2-associated athanogene 7
410.067 Ahg935057
412.989 Ahg932026 like AUXIN RESISTANT 2
413.636 Ahg358204 histone H2A 6
413.931 Ahg476812 cyclin-dependent kinase B2;1
416.25 Ahg927125
418.573 Ahg491817 Ribosomal L28e protein family
419.075 Ahg895934 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
420.516 Ahg496949 Phototropic-responsive NPH3 family protein
422.043 Ahg947019 Exostosin family protein
422.211 Ahg486880 Leucine-rich receptor-like protein kinase family protein
422.573 Ahg481907 fatty acid desaturase 3
426.085 Ahg473289 Subtilase family protein
427.2 Ahg914558 hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein family protein
429.44 Ahg491350 Vacuolar import/degradation, Vid27-related protein
432 Ahg918720 Fatty acid hydroxylase superfamily
434.476 Ahg472226 tubulin beta-5 chain
434.987 Ahg479268 receptor-like kinase 902
437.411 Ahg919156 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
438.292 Ahg940287 serine carboxypeptidase-like 35
447.35 Ahg477492 Ribosomal protein S7e family protein
448.297 Ahg940812 IQ-domain 11
450.439 Ahg483106 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF827)
450.819 Ahg927703 O-fucosyltransferase family protein
451.649 Ahg494514
451.913 Ahg482456 RING/U-box superfamily protein
452.692 Ahg487523 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
457.93 Ahg478836 epithiospecifier modifier 1
458.944 Ahg918895 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein CtaG / Cox11 family
460.586 Ahg335550 Myosin heavy chain-related protein
460.795 Ahg476935 putative protein kinase 1
461.961 Ahg354188 CCT motif family protein
463.271 Ahg475071 aspartate aminotransferase 4
465.132 Ahg485694 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
468.948 Ahg928939 Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family protein
469.379 Ahg474415 Protein of unknown function (DUF1218)
473.227 Ahg476898 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
473.619 Ahg349241 auxin response factor 18
473.748 Ahg939416 PATATIN-like protein 9
474.38 Ahg487465
474.569 Ahg485285 IQ-domain 21
474.763 Ahg494100 Zinc-finger domain of monoamine-oxidase A repressor R1 protein
475.184 Ahg357817
475.668 Ahg490253 Rho GTPase activating protein with PAK-box/P21-Rho-binding domain
475.822 Ahg493473 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
479.859 Ahg483386 MAP kinase 20
480.281 Ahg472719 galactosyltransferase1
480.3 Ahg470918 syntaxin of plants 111
480.625 Ahg318072 Protein of unknown function, DUF547
485.815 Ahg474670
486.189 Ahg473382 extra-large GTP-binding protein 3
486.271 Ahg488464 Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase family protein
486.426 Ahg935323 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthase / DMRL synthase / lumazine synthase / riboflavin synthase
487.608 Ahg932247
488.014 Ahg946699 RNA polymerase II, Rpb4, core protein
488.061 Ahg895259
489.214 Ahg918929 cellulose synthase-like D5
489.299 Ahg472424 lysm domain GPI-anchored protein 1 precursor
489.699 Ahg479545 Protein of unknown function (DUF1666)
490.494 Ahg479888 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase 16
493.722 Ahg496603 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
495.231 Ahg478694
495.4 Ahg485733 Chloroplast-targeted copper chaperone protein
496.258 Ahg495503 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
500.042 Ahg938970 Calcium-dependent phosphotriesterase superfamily protein
500.48 Ahg319345
501.775 Ahg490663 ATP binding microtubule motor family protein
502.247 Ahg482667 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase 32
502.772 Ahg888283 growth-regulating factor 2
503.023 Ahg943164 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
503.14 Ahg473862 heat shock transcription factor B4
504.623 Ahg316675 Peptidoglycan-binding LysM domain-containing protein
504.726 Ahg475291 polygalacturonase 1
505.173 Ahg479277 Surfeit locus 1 cytochrome c oxidase biogenesis protein
506.673 Ahg471298 cytochrome P450, family 77, subfamily B, polypeptide 1
507.805 Ahg887505 SNF7 family protein
508.116 Ahg470475 Protein of unknown function (DUF185)
508.327 Ahg349233 Cytochrome b561/ferric reductase transmembrane with DOMON related domain
508.349 Ahg481152 Galactosyl transferase GMA12/MNN10 family protein
514.336 Ahg496470 RAC-like 10
516.232 Ahg472797 SOB five-like 1
517.446 Ahg484030 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
518.526 Ahg496887 PLC-like phosphodiesterases superfamily protein
519.269 Ahg477561
519.404 Ahg494310 beta HLH protein 71
520.333 Ahg952212 ribosomal protein L23AA
520.697 Ahg899051 microtubule-associated protein 65-4
522.655 Ahg471757 CYCLIN A2;3
522.724 Ahg897712 non-specific phospholipase C6
523.738 Ahg949849
528.17 Ahg903543 protein kinase family protein
529.264 Ahg484659 Ribosomal protein L34e superfamily protein
536.811 Ahg358300 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
540.577 Ahg917388
540.577 Ahg359201
541.179 Ahg472972 ADPGLC-PPase large subunit
542.762 Ahg496675 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
546.1 Ahg936082 expansin A15
548.006 Ahg942397
548.529 Ahg931495 Major facilitator superfamily protein
550.065 Ahg951294 cell wall / vacuolar inhibitor of fructosidase 2
550.442 Ahg948629 Class I peptide chain release factor
552.674 Ahg490232 Cyclin D6;1
552.791 Ahg906774 Minichromosome maintenance (MCM2/3/5) family protein
554.63 Ahg913807 transposable element gene
555.196 Ahg920750 Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protein
555.273 Ahg474246
555.573 Ahg489646 NIMA-related kinase 3
559.096 Ahg484525 Histone superfamily protein
560.486 Ahg940507 Histone superfamily protein
562.339 Ahg945124 glycine-rich protein
562.486 Ahg892670
569.266 Ahg474228 Nse4, component of Smc5/6 DNA repair complex
571.29 Ahg901152 plasmodesmata-located protein 3
571.34 Ahg476492 Auxin efflux carrier family protein
571.519 Ahg482764
572.644 Ahg496879 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
573.453 Ahg483770 ABI-1-like 1
574.678 Ahg492514 WRKY family transcription factor
577.249 Ahg479270 jasmonate-zim-domain protein 3
581.969 Ahg478395 Ribosomal S17 family protein
584.844 Ahg939983
585.346 Ahg316194 Di-glucose binding protein with Kinesin motor domain
585.72 Ahg938208 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
586.677 Ahg484092 microtubule-associated proteins 70-3
587.819 Ahg349318 myb domain protein 11
588.37 Ahg495619 MBOAT (membrane bound O-acyl transferase) family protein
589.079 Ahg934956 Glutaredoxin family protein
591.865 Ahg324194
592.257 Ahg477440 serine carboxypeptidase-like 25
592.554 Ahg480375 arabinogalactan protein 9
594.205 Ahg491076 Arabidopsis protein of unknown function (DUF241)
594.999 Ahg492558 IQ-domain 22
595.353 Ahg904498
597.863 Ahg904107 Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family protein
600.38 Ahg479286 conserved peptide upstream open reading frame 30
602.096 Ahg929759 tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-containing protein
604.707 Ahg474990 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
605.607 Ahg495864 Protein kinase superfamily protein
605.842 Ahg945946 SKU5 similar 4
610.636 Ahg495806
611.5 Ahg906973
613.664 Ahg494222 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
613.982 Ahg933236 CDK-subunit 2
615.987 Ahg474002 receptor for activated C kinase 1B
618.052 Ahg480107 FASCICLIN-like arabinoogalactan 7
618.067 Ahg951699 Ovate family protein
618.964 Ahg492921 Pectinacetylesterase family protein