MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg940686

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
13.1149 Ahg476984 pumilio 7
18.6548 Ahg923024 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
21.3542 Ahg351553 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
25.1396 Ahg470423 C2H2-like zinc finger protein
25.6905 Ahg947157
34.4674 Ahg943831
36.4143 Ahg359707 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
42.107 Ahg358254 AGAMOUS-like 62
42.9651 Ahg313201
46.9894 Ahg902217
55.7225 Ahg493616 Duplicated homeodomain-like superfamily protein
58.8897 Ahg930830 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) superfamily protein
61.3107 Ahg928004 Cysteine-rich protein
68.8331 Ahg471498 sulfotransferase 4C
73.7564 Ahg943132 cytochrome P450, family 706, subfamily A, polypeptide 7
78.4602 Ahg938495
84.1962 Ahg913323 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
94.9737 Ahg923835
96.2756 Ahg892908 elicitor peptide 7 precursor
99.6795 Ahg949519 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily protein
104.231 Ahg486742
120.491 Ahg932496
127.605 Ahg934613
131.864 Ahg918872 NAC (No Apical Meristem) domain transcriptional regulator superfamily protein
134.521 Ahg475894 RING/U-box superfamily protein
135.307 Ahg486412 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
135.307 Ahg486404 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
138.347 Ahg354999 F-box family protein with a domain of unknown function (DUF295)
138.996 Ahg896308 phosphotransferases, alcohol group as acceptor;binding;inositol or phosphatidylinositol kinases
140.89 Ahg896744
141.986 Ahg894266 FBD-like domain family protein
150.087 Ahg495065 ethylene response factor 110
150.256 Ahg911862 Protein of unknown function (DUF833)
150.871 Ahg484787 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
151.046 Ahg933858 RALF-like 16
151.156 Ahg338058
152.993 Ahg336216 phospholipase Cs
155.885 Ahg338454 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
156.135 Ahg497387 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
156.569 Ahg489997 Major Facilitator Superfamily with SPX (SYG1/Pho81/XPR1) domain-containing protein
162.518 Ahg475739 myb domain protein 113
165.091 Ahg476961 AGAMOUS-like 66
175.186 Ahg312489 Polyketide cyclase/dehydrase and lipid transport superfamily protein
177.719 Ahg933374 Exostosin family protein
188.815 Ahg908730 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
191.721 Ahg480146 TRAF-like family protein
196.652 Ahg913058 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
197.165 Ahg914248
200.035 Ahg941757
201.581 Ahg359639
204.316 Ahg922226
206.393 Ahg340664
206.652 Ahg486726 VANGUARD 1 homolog 2
210.338 Ahg921560 FBD, F-box and Leucine Rich Repeat domains containing protein
215.599 Ahg933328 peroxidase family protein
218.177 Ahg474325 Mannose-binding lectin superfamily protein
220.916 Ahg475954
227.631 Ahg330831 delay of germination 1
237.739 Ahg491864 Protein of unknown function (DUF626)
239.086 Ahg905580 Protein kinase superfamily protein
248.244 Ahg906260 RING/U-box superfamily protein
250.513 Ahg334870 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
254.645 Ahg897833 Pectinacetylesterase family protein
261.327 Ahg949694
265.812 Ahg932077 chromatin remodeling 34
270.157 Ahg352954
270.157 Ahg346804
273.916 Ahg324316 TRAF-like superfamily protein
274.483 Ahg923797
278.885 Ahg471555 eukaryotic elongation factor 5A-1
279.177 Ahg320059
279.508 Ahg904577 Uncharacterised protein family (UPF0497)
280.46 Ahg473025 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
284.853 Ahg944994
286.218 Ahg887517
286.618 Ahg942467 Galactosyltransferase family protein
287.898 Ahg479186 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily protein
290.479 Ahg907673
299.73 Ahg346045 TRAF-like family protein
300.15 Ahg349631
314.471 Ahg344026
315.04 Ahg926073 ENTH/ANTH/VHS superfamily protein
320 Ahg484455 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein
320.776 Ahg920128
324.537 Ahg474997 Receptor-like protein kinase-related family protein
331.662 Virus1128
335.151 Ahg923825
335.397 Ahg477911 NOD26-like intrinsic protein 7;1
335.777 Ahg345760 Mitochondrial glycoprotein family protein
336.941 Ahg910293 Fatty acid desaturase family protein
339.534 Ahg929535
340.444 Ahg926945 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
346.121 Ahg357096
348.647 Ahg325337 response regulator 21
352.958 Ahg337885
360.5 Ahg897135
361.248 Ahg487780 serine carboxypeptidase-like 19
363.568 Ahg896790
365.27 Ahg486769 Glycosyl hydrolase family protein
366.832 Ahg910083 C2 calcium/lipid-binding plant phosphoribosyltransferase family protein
366.843 Ahg497075 transposable element gene
380.526 Ahg924341
381.707 Ahg940531
387.19 Ahg481786
389.03 Ahg933779 Domain of unknown function (DUF313)
390.855 Ahg906126
395.591 Ahg926836 cytochrome P450, family 98, subfamily A, polypeptide 9
395.75 Ahg903801 Transmembrane amino acid transporter family protein
397.591 Ahg311587
400.812 Ahg920466
407.085 Ahg916815 Glucose-methanol-choline (GMC) oxidoreductase family protein
408.808 Ahg471157
409.083 Ahg342636 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein
413.104 Ahg491156 beta-galactosidase 11
417.043 Ahg328880 diacylglycerol kinase 6
417.194 Ahg947225
420.214 Ahg947388 Family of unknown function (DUF577)
421.248 Ahg482094 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
423.222 Ahg951864
426.557 Ahg942944 Transcription initiation factor TFIIE, beta subunit
426.697 Ahg909435
426.718 Ahg348178 Protein kinase superfamily protein
427.311 Ahg486583 AGAMOUS-like 13
434.364 Ahg478920 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
441.982 Ahg359531 Cation/hydrogen exchanger family protein
442.63 Ahg492909 Cyclin family protein
446.856 Ahg475727
447.984 Ahg940425 ferritin 3
449.133 Ahg933115 2A phosphatase associated protein of 46 kD
449.161 Virus1103
449.9 Ahg932390 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
450.91 Ahg944913 Putative membrane lipoprotein
456.158 Ahg926986
456.506 Virus1340
457.026 Ahg357655
460.21 Ahg942793 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 5
460.762 Ahg483717 GATA type zinc finger transcription factor family protein
462.742 Ahg905722
462.895 Ahg479539 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
465.076 Ahg474052
465.764 Ahg329014 DNA topoisomerase I alpha
465.87 Ahg492540 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
466.239 Ahg931494
467.703 Ahg951224
468.97 Ahg485459 other RNA
470.77 Virus1029
471.116 Ahg357625 DNA repair and meiosis protein (Mre11)
471.506 Ahg331706 oligopeptide transporter 9
471.68 Ahg356885
472.023 Ahg496561 RING/U-box superfamily protein
479.375 Ahg485821 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
479.536 Ahg313612 Eukaryotic initiation factor 4E protein
480 Ahg479617
483.123 Ahg335709 NAC (No Apical Meristem) domain transcriptional regulator superfamily protein
484.011 Ahg332444 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein
484.9 Ahg905044 RING/U-box superfamily protein
485.131 Ahg317561 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 44
485.524 Ahg898672
486.193 Ahg470522 Peroxidase superfamily protein
491.269 Ahg938140
502.044 Virus2150
505.619 Ahg894825
506.525 Ahg475524 tonoplast intrinsic protein 2;3
507.215 Ahg330516
512.927 Ahg890997
513.03 Ahg917668 translocon at the outer envelope membrane of chloroplasts 75-III
513.498 Ahg925282 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
513.498 Ahg925278 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
514.117 Ahg471522 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
517.649 Ahg901222 homeobox-3
517.802 Ahg922431 Wound-responsive family protein
520.29 Ahg339039
523.343 Ahg351933
523.962 Ahg477705
524.462 Ahg947898
525.923 Ahg942825 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
527.795 Ahg941608 Glycosyl hydrolase superfamily protein
528.17 Ahg914142
534.041 Virus1663
535.008 Ahg337131 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
536.351 Virus1290
538.337 Ahg926860 RmlC-like cupins superfamily protein
542.94 Ahg905966
544.114 Ahg923304
547.752 Ahg902576 LOB domain-containing protein 19
550.315 Ahg471318 FAD-binding Berberine family protein
551.638 Ahg923767 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase-related protein
552.291 Ahg891239 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
554.713 Virus2004
554.713 Virus0739
554.713 Virus2591
554.713 Virus0374
557.786 Ahg478120 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
559.028 Ahg932853 RING/U-box superfamily protein
559.128 Ahg926375
559.898 Ahg895168 NAC domain containing protein 70
562.326 Ahg937867 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20
563.475 Ahg479724
565.372 Ahg480521 LOB domain-containing protein 5
567.253 Ahg486973 Protein kinase protein with tetratricopeptide repeat domain
568.615 Ahg887756 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
569.814 Ahg479315 nodulin MtN21 /EamA-like transporter family protein
569.86 Ahg938826 Arabidopsis phospholipase-like protein (PEARLI 4) family
571.752 Ahg942510 transposable element gene
571.852 Ahg470713 ovate family protein 4
576.323 Ahg947280 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
577.932 Ahg337335
581.299 Ahg925902 Carbohydrate-binding X8 domain superfamily protein
582.294 Ahg907951
583.832 Virus0476
587.929 Ahg913407
590.287 Ahg914348 Regulator of Vps4 activity in the MVB pathway protein
591.135 Ahg911831
591.807 Ahg952309 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
592.766 Ahg944384 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
600.295 Ahg951070 Outer arm dynein light chain 1 protein
600.37 Ahg913800
600.755 Ahg931276
604.409 Ahg899929 Bromo-adjacent homology (BAH) domain-containing protein
607.466 Ahg924852
608.125 Ahg902403 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
614.82 Ahg488415
617.507 Ahg940379
618.146 Ahg887507
620.725 Ahg936695 plastocyanin-like domain-containing protein
622.415 Ahg926787
623.243 Ahg337040
625.793 Ahg471303
630.133 Ahg923476 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily protein
630.225 Ahg473652 C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein
630.229 Ahg471521 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
631.148 Ahg890702
631.706 Ahg322562 phloem protein 2-B2
634.623 Ahg945862
636.333 Ahg330281
642.441 Ahg922105
644.679 Ahg921700 ENTH/VHS/GAT family protein
646.208 Ahg907971
651.292 Ahg483104 LOB domain-containing protein 15
656.959 Ahg492106 myb domain protein 97
656.986 Ahg951732
666.59 Ahg917344 D-arabinono-1,4-lactone oxidase family protein
666.783 Ahg942912
675.396 Ahg495753 NAC domain containing protein 99
681.531 Ahg356106 Transmembrane amino acid transporter family protein
682.477 Ahg477433 ISCU-like 2
682.758 Ahg899806
684.175 Ahg899521 RAB GTPase homolog H1D
684.731 Ahg947501 CHP-rich zinc finger protein-related
685.131 Ahg487944 Exostosin family protein
685.245 Ahg338073
685.463 Virus1905
687.118 Ahg497320 Major facilitator superfamily protein
690.248 Ahg924098 Domain of unknown function (DUF2431)
690.333 Ahg948206
691.665 Ahg491299
694.375 Ahg913495 auxin response factor 14
697.467 Ahg492774 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
697.65 Ahg922275
698.48 Ahg933102 TRAF-like family protein
700.703 Ahg929733 ROTUNDIFOLIA like 20
701.718 Ahg480825 spermidine hydroxycinnamoyl transferase
703.92 Ahg931292 glycine-rich protein
704.943 Ahg316416 HCO3- transporter family
705.821 Ahg908256 LOB domain-containing protein 40
710.888 Ahg322690 Protein of unknown function (DUF784)
711.218 Ahg944810
712.447 Ahg474192 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
714.831 Ahg485695 myb domain protein 27
715.014 Ahg896008 pectin methylesterase 38
715.118 Ahg926301 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
715.598 Ahg937743 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
716.701 Ahg949205 transposable element gene
718.419 Ahg341820 F-box family protein
718.5 Ahg901551 arogenate dehydratase 5
718.511 Ahg899966 Putative membrane lipoprotein
720.411 Ahg917675 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
722.731 Virus1793
727.461 Ahg474396 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
730.246 Ahg906741
730.618 Ahg949154
734.547 Ahg336490
737.021 Ahg952278
737.835 Ahg937857
742.48 Ahg489895 other RNA
743.193 Ahg950253 serine-rich protein-related
743.468 Ahg933971 Serinc-domain containing serine and sphingolipid biosynthesis protein
743.935 Ahg493720 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
747.077 Ahg932946
747.67 Ahg475935 RING/U-box superfamily protein
748.643 Ahg931663 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein
750.62 Virus3014
754.761 Ahg893609 Zinc-binding dehydrogenase family protein
754.809 Ahg935985 Arginyl-tRNA synthetase, class Ic
755.154 Ahg944138 cysteine proteinase1
755.87 Ahg951007
758.965 Virus0598
760.749 Ahg338229
761.023 Ahg481897 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
763.299 Ahg926663 phospholipase D gamma 2