MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg343256

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
15.748 Ahg943920
25.04 Ahg914129 N-terminal-transmembrane-C2 domain type 5.1
41.5331 Ahg327188 DNAJ heat shock N-terminal domain-containing protein
44.3959 Ahg496787 Protein kinase superfamily protein
45.3211 Ahg921363
47.4868 Ahg941230 Alkaline-phosphatase-like family protein
48.5386 Ahg893637 Protein prenylyltransferase superfamily protein
51.9711 Ahg936721 Eukaryotic protein of unknown function (DUF872)
58.3781 Ahg921443 trehalose-phosphatase/synthase 9
58.5235 Ahg476896
69.5198 Ahg888834 helicases;ATP-dependent helicases;nucleic acid binding;ATP binding;DNA-directed DNA polymerases;DNA binding
81.6945 Ahg491161 Cyclophilin-like peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase family protein
82.6559 Ahg472990 DEAD/DEAH box RNA helicase family protein
85.8371 Ahg890756 Pre-mRNA-processing-splicing factor
87.4643 Ahg898845 thylakoid lumenal 17.9 kDa protein, chloroplast
96.1249 Ahg330841 AAA-type ATPase family protein
103.455 Ahg922436 RING/FYVE/PHD zinc finger superfamily protein
108.972 Ahg496317 N-terminal nucleophile aminohydrolases (Ntn hydrolases) superfamily protein
140.94 Ahg475737 Signal transduction histidine kinase, hybrid-type, ethylene sensor
141.986 Ahg311398 cullin 2
143.248 Ahg497506 Protein kinase superfamily protein
143.283 Ahg913052 pentatricopeptide (PPR) repeat-containing protein
159.311 Ahg944997 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
163.417 Ahg322083
170.455 Ahg472638 F-box family protein
181.014 Ahg492235 glycerol-3-phosphatase 1
186.097 Ahg340395
191.196 Ahg336756
193.961 Ahg936831
195.1 Ahg938075 F-box family protein with WD40/YVTN repeat doamin
199.156 Ahg327595 sugar transporter protein 7
199.645 Ahg921531 Protein of unknown function (DUF1664)
204 Ahg487209 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein with retrovirus zinc finger-like domain
207.586 Ahg941473
226.164 Ahg923311
230 Ahg485391 Protein of unknown function (DUF1162)
238.747 Ahg922760 Endoplasmic reticulum vesicle transporter protein
247.841 Ahg891247
249.03 Ahg491639 Biotin/lipoate A/B protein ligase family
255.035 Ahg897001 Cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate mutase
279.242 Ahg916553 Golgi-body localisation protein domain ;RNA pol II promoter Fmp27 protein domain
283.274 Ahg311800 Neutral/alkaline non-lysosomal ceramidase
286.438 Ahg484787 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family
291.89 Ahg951424 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
293.709 Ahg929017 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
294.483 Ahg935186 Magnesium transporter CorA-like family protein
295.689 Ahg917658 subtilase 4.13
296.591 Ahg916345 transposable element gene
297.713 Ahg476243
312.154 Ahg487924 CBL-interacting protein kinase 5
315 Ahg901573
315.481 Ahg479732 DHHC-type zinc finger family protein
316.202 Ahg473386 Domain of unknown function (DUF313)
318.961 Ahg933257 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
320.998 Ahg936232 Protein of unknown function (DUF626)
321.695 Ahg479443 fucosyltransferase 11
329.436 Ahg483915 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit Vc family protein
339.049 Ahg939541 mRNA capping enzyme family protein
341.773 Ahg495093 Protein kinase superfamily protein
343.182 Ahg342120 protein arginine methyltransferase 6
349.96 Ahg489963 Protein of unknown function (DUF793)
355.142 Ahg911461 UDP-Glycosyltransferase superfamily protein
364.979 Ahg893702 Sodium/calcium exchanger family protein
366.145 Ahg947314 cationic amino acid transporter 3
371.863 Ahg492194 Mitochondrial substrate carrier family protein
377.309 Ahg936039
385.302 Ahg489043 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase family protein
388.104 Ahg481922
393.141 Ahg922639 RECQ helicase L2
393.606 Ahg941166 origin recognition complex subunit 3
397.089 Ahg936852
397.871 Ahg938559 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
398.517 Ahg471124 Early-responsive to dehydration stress protein (ERD4)
403.656 Ahg937476 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily
405.638 Ahg951906 MATE efflux family protein
408.918 Ahg890997
412.414 Ahg939040 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
417.622 Ahg949934 SET domain group 29
421.242 Ahg358554
427.87 Ahg951726 tRNAHis guanylyltransferase
428.579 Ahg931891
429.255 Ahg481908 alternative NAD(P)H dehydrogenase 2
434.971 Ahg342636 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein
436.141 Ahg920744 Protein of unknown function (DUF1295)
439.264 Ahg471048 phytochrome interacting factor 3
439.284 Ahg484844
439.642 Ahg349267
440.646 Ahg471668 MAC/Perforin domain-containing protein
442.741 Ahg472663 Protein kinase superfamily protein
442.903 Ahg323531 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6
447.466 Ahg317188 TatD related DNase
449.889 Ahg933561 WRKY DNA-binding protein 21
453.475 Ahg931130 peroxin4
453.764 Ahg341522 ATPase E1-E2 type family protein / haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase family protein
456.042 Ahg492473
460.741 Ahg311464 Cysteine proteinases superfamily protein
462.091 Ahg479637 ZIM-like 1
463.482 Ahg494385 nudix hydrolase homolog 11
472.657 Ahg489899 Subtilase family protein
473.599 Ahg939577
474.784 Ahg476193 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferase family protein
477.839 Ahg489211
478.245 Ahg494278
482.664 Ahg497075 transposable element gene
490.143 Ahg944141 related to AP2 10
493.808 Ahg909682 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
498.975 Ahg344288
500.528 Ahg338146 KNOX/ELK homeobox transcription factor
504.139 Ahg893775 protein serine/threonine kinases;protein tyrosine kinases;ATP binding;protein kinases
505.207 Ahg471143 Zinc finger C-x8-C-x5-C-x3-H type family protein
508.039 Ahg352454 RNI-like superfamily protein
511.126 Ahg319189 Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor family protein
515.346 Ahg486946 APRATAXIN-like
519.147 Ahg932895 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
527.468 Ahg338653 SET-domain containing protein lysine methyltransferase family protein
532.518 Ahg484254 ELM2 domain-containing protein
540.589 Ahg943455 sulfate transporter 3;2
548.93 Ahg488611 Heavy metal transport/detoxification superfamily protein
549.582 Ahg887836 lectin protein kinase family protein
550.636 Ahg336969 Protein kinase superfamily protein
551.079 Ahg471935 MADS-box transcription factor family protein
554.321 Ahg479607 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
555.835 Ahg946673 response regulator 2
557.306 Ahg343136 UDP-glycosyltransferase 73B4
561.324 Ahg471253 Secretory carrier membrane protein (SCAMP) family protein
562.146 Ahg480571 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
564.999 Ahg311790 Cell division control, Cdc6
567.182 Ahg922573
575.812 Ahg926896 Protein of unknown function (DUF620)
576.708 Ahg950075
578.159 Ahg910579 Myosin family protein with Dil domain
578.404 Ahg899592
579.521 Ahg311551 lipoyltransferase 2
580.064 Ahg922115
582.345 Ahg894625
585.1 Ahg889484
585.776 Ahg485198 Peptidase C78, ubiquitin fold modifier-specific peptidase 1/ 2
585.969 Ahg929603 F-box family protein
587.329 Ahg490202 3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase family protein
588.069 Ahg941943 arabinogalactan protein 41
589.829 Ahg359114 transposable element gene
592.529 Ahg324861 peptide transporter 5
598.519 Ahg929746 Zinc finger C-x8-C-x5-C-x3-H type family protein
605.442 Ahg493566 Ubiquitin system component Cue protein
606.861 Ahg944648
609.884 Ahg495713
614.268 Ahg333455 nitroreductase family protein
615.382 Ahg475938 Zinc finger C-x8-C-x5-C-x3-H type family protein
618.665 Ahg475532 ARM repeat superfamily protein
619.064 Ahg488814 Homeotic gene regulator
623.46 Ahg350409 SWAP (Suppressor-of-White-APricot)/surp domain-containing protein
624.237 Ahg480670 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
624.86 Ahg899936 SMAD/FHA domain-containing protein
627.511 Ahg893151
633.404 Ahg477137 Protein phosphatase 2C family protein
633.77 Ahg939719 Protein of unknown function (DUF295)
634.23 Ahg487743 Vacuolar sorting protein 9 (VPS9) domain
634.613 Ahg495199 Diacylglycerol kinase family protein
637.385 Ahg481710 Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase with RING/FYVE/PHD-type zinc finger domain
637.668 Ahg945006 pathogenesis related homeodomain protein A
643.284 Ahg901222 homeobox-3
647.192 Ahg480697 zinc finger (Ran-binding) family protein
650.601 Ahg474043 Oleosin family protein
651.988 Ahg470558 Domain of unknown function (DUF966)
655.288 Ahg491556 ATP-dependent caseinolytic (Clp) protease/crotonase family protein
657.894 Ahg921678 Regulator of Vps4 activity in the MVB pathway protein
662.45 Ahg334053 dessication-induced 1VOC superfamily protein
662.667 Ahg933547 high-level expression of sugar-inducible gene 2
663.061 Ahg941232 Protein prenylyltransferase superfamily protein
668.216 Ahg943082 cell cycle switch protein 52 A2
673.042 Ahg908375 UDP-Glycosyltransferase / trehalose-phosphatase family protein
675.643 Ahg489997 Major Facilitator Superfamily with SPX (SYG1/Pho81/XPR1) domain-containing protein
676.066 Ahg316360 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
676.742 Ahg470353 Zinc finger C-x8-C-x5-C-x3-H type family protein
679.882 Ahg471250 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
681.161 Ahg919342 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
681.984 Ahg905131 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
683.941 Ahg328137 Protein of unknown function (DUF726)
685.439 Ahg496280 glucuronidase 1
686.469 Ahg890818 SNARE associated Golgi protein family
694.428 Ahg920055 RPS5-like 1
695.112 Ahg487525 nodulin MtN21 /EamA-like transporter family protein
696.161 Ahg488087 DNA binding;zinc ion binding;DNA binding
698.234 Ahg915150 Protein kinase superfamily protein
702.922 Ahg471699 phosphatidyl serine synthase family protein
705.746 Ahg926061 glycine-rich protein
706.583 Ahg333720 phytochelatin synthase 2
709.95 Ahg476803 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
710.408 Ahg494914
710.735 Ahg951209 Protein kinase protein with adenine nucleotide alpha hydrolases-like domain
713.681 Ahg952061 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
714.409 Ahg907782
716.733 Ahg471133
719.7 Ahg946206
721.772 Ahg324077 nuclear transport factor 2 (NTF2) family protein
723.547 Ahg477039 anaphase promoting complex 6
723.724 Ahg471347 Transcription factor jumonji (jmjC) domain-containing protein
726.88 Ahg314930 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
728.743 Ahg485175 anaphase-promoting complex subunit 8
732.381 Ahg927823
733.131 Ahg944869 O-Glycosyl hydrolases family 17 protein
736.743 Ahg479878 Sec23/Sec24 protein transport family protein
744.736 Ahg895151 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
748.501 Ahg908513 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF863)
753.997 Ahg915235 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein
755.481 Ahg924514 Ubiquitin-associated (UBA) protein
755.778 Ahg472433 phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase 1
761.563 Ahg492046 Core-2/I-branching beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase family protein
762.268 Ahg475124 Major facilitator superfamily protein
764.369 Ahg473972 zinc ion binding;nucleic acid binding;hydrolases, acting on acid anhydrides, in phosphorus-containing anhydrides
764.951 Ahg938369 RNA polymerase II fifth largest subunit, E
766.892 Ahg905795 nitrate transporter2.5
769.122 Ahg491524 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
771.111 Ahg941020 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
776.021 Ahg929882 MUTS-homologue 5
777.817 Ahg912607 nucleic acid binding
780.16 Ahg900413 calcium-transporting ATPase, putative
783.221 Ahg488373 Ribosomal protein L34e superfamily protein
785.087 Ahg489150 SNF7 family protein
790.265 Ahg484401 Melibiase family protein
790.759 Ahg470587 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
792.121 Ahg947612
792.881 Ahg922994 related to AP2 1
793.332 Ahg476480 Protein kinase superfamily protein
796.386 Ahg482680 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
799.205 Ahg948141 Heat shock protein HSP20/alpha crystallin family
799.389 Ahg948334 LEM3 (ligand-effect modulator 3) family protein / CDC50 family protein
801.698 Ahg888428 compromised recognition of TCV 1
804.239 Ahg470795
805.245 Ahg476024 pentatricopeptide (PPR) repeat-containing protein
806.008 Ahg941400 Domain of unknown function (DUF3444)
813.373 Ahg930656 FK506-binding protein 15 kD-1
816.523 Ahg339633 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
822.025 Ahg488227 exocyst subunit exo70 family protein C2
823.841 Ahg942435 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
823.843 Ahg488243
824.316 Ahg914427 phospholipase D alpha 2
824.316 Ahg335523 cellulase 5
825.954 Ahg495319 SCARECROW-like 8
827.904 Ahg949924 Ubiquitin-associated/translation elongation factor EF1B protein
828 Ahg490875
829.781 Ahg353299 homoserine kinase
834.645 Ahg482866
837.156 Ahg894415 CBL-interacting protein kinase 25
838.024 Ahg937589 protein-l-isoaspartate methyltransferase 1
848.595 Ahg477473 SMAD/FHA domain-containing protein
850.131 Ahg495055 Xanthine/uracil permease family protein
850.679 Ahg921700 ENTH/VHS/GAT family protein
852.997 Ahg936455
855.056 Ahg489556 Protein of unknown function (DUF1624)
855.997 Ahg485258 RNA polymerase III subunit RPC82 family protein
857.822 Ahg494607 flavonol synthase 6
859.703 Ahg324018 Armadillo/beta-catenin repeat family protein / kinesin motor family protein
860.142 Ahg470289 methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase alpha chain, mitochondrial / 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase 1 (MCCA)
865.283 Ahg493373 SET domain protein 2
869.398 Ahg480480 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase family protein
872.33 Ahg481629 NTM1-like 8
876.119 Ahg930987
878.231 Ahg904167 mitochondrial editing factor 22
878.871 Ahg495672 Sucrase/ferredoxin-like family protein
879.35 Ahg495205 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
881.449 Ahg331439
883.087 Ahg919135 Ras-related small GTP-binding family protein
887.189 Ahg493277 RNI-like superfamily protein
887.815 Ahg944384 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
890.022 Ahg486007 myb domain protein 109
893.183 Ahg492241 CAP (Cysteine-rich secretory proteins, Antigen 5, and Pathogenesis-related 1 protein) superfamily protein
896.655 Ahg933363
899.232 Ahg477744 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
899.433 Ahg333080 RNA recognition motif (RRM)-containing protein
899.905 Ahg318113
900.349 Ahg338900
901.366 Ahg357183
902.618 Ahg323329 Glycosyl hydrolase family protein
906.207 Ahg494898 FAD-dependent oxidoreductase family protein
906.961 Ahg494175 MATE efflux family protein
908.769 Ahg491936 RING/U-box superfamily protein
908.85 Ahg927313 lupeol synthase 2
913.698 Ahg943016 RNI-like superfamily protein
914.32 Ahg327041
916.096 Ahg482212
917.728 Ahg312077 Vps51/Vps67 family (components of vesicular transport) protein
917.834 Ahg945030
919.386 Ahg487621 myosin heavy chain-related
920.265 Ahg475007 glutathione peroxidase 8
932.254 Ahg490392 Transducin family protein / WD-40 repeat family protein
932.3 Ahg470571 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR-like) superfamily protein
934.712 Ahg921657
936.061 Ahg475774 MATE efflux family protein
938.829 Ahg903655 Cytochrome b561/ferric reductase transmembrane with DOMON related domain
939.191 Ahg932625
939.523 Ahg910654 Carbohydrate-binding X8 domain superfamily protein
940.497 Ahg946212
943.24 Ahg478587 TGACG motif-binding factor 6
943.788 Ahg492631 cytidinediphosphate diacylglycerol synthase 2
944.5 Ahg492569 homolog of separase
944.826 Ahg910311 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
953.857 Ahg491803 bacterial transferase hexapeptide repeat-containing protein
955.798 Ahg470863 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
958.805 Ahg936523 Protein kinase superfamily protein