MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg497040

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
1 Ahg480303 Calcium-dependent lipid-binding (CaLB domain) family protein
14.4914 Ahg937916
20.0499 Ahg949683 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
23.4307 Ahg941761
29.7489 Ahg914801 Calcium-binding EF-hand family protein
37.9473 Ahg917681 XH/XS domain-containing protein
41.2068 Ahg900078
41.9643 Ahg891101
44.4972 Ahg943348 Cystatin/monellin superfamily protein
47.4342 Ahg475192 Transmembrane amino acid transporter family protein
50.04 Ahg948117
53.2916 Ahg925158 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
58.4979 Ahg941441
64.591 Ahg923549
64.6993 Ahg916643 Maternally expressed gene (MEG) family protein
68.3301 Ahg948672 FAD-binding Berberine family protein
68.5055 Ahg905989
68.7386 Ahg471367 F-box family protein
72.698 Ahg477432 C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein
73.0069 Ahg934482
73.8715 Ahg926701
79.3221 Ahg494773 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein
80.4674 Ahg486412 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
80.4674 Ahg486404 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
80.4984 Ahg923036 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
81.0309 Ahg939193
82.668 Ahg943417
91.5096 Ahg949958 Carbohydrate-binding X8 domain superfamily protein
94.0425 Ahg916359
94.1594 Ahg899837 Domain of unknown function (DUF313)
96.2497 Ahg935685
96.3898 Ahg491541 cytochrome P450, family 82, subfamily C, polypeptide 2
97.2111 Ahg943087
97.5192 Ahg357471
98.1733 Ahg924414
98.3972 Ahg490561 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily protein
98.6762 Ahg914165 cytochrome P450, family 705, subfamily A, polypeptide 27
99.5942 Ahg473652 C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein
100.055 Ahg937115 Uncharacterized protein family (UPF0016)
102.294 Ahg921517 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
102.601 Ahg940152 RING/U-box superfamily protein
104.957 Ahg932348
110.109 Ahg497075 transposable element gene
114.018 Ahg316772 Cyclin/Brf1-like TBP-binding protein
114.228 Ahg927040
114.996 Ahg358487 Protein with RING/U-box and TRAF-like domains
115.326 Ahg896608
117.047 Ahg902403 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
117.388 Ahg487246 AGAMOUS-like 99
120.934 Ahg487015 Protein of unknown function (DUF3741)
127.275 Ahg922136
130.996 Ahg941256 EF hand calcium-binding protein family
133.357 Ahg920990
137.423 Ahg335387
143.108 Ahg479186 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily protein
147.224 Ahg915742
149.593 Ahg356968
150.499 Ahg914595 Dormancy/auxin associated family protein
153.392 Ahg942653 sulphate transporter 1;1
155.808 Ahg895168 NAC domain containing protein 70
160.748 Ahg931779 glycine-rich protein 2B
163.218 Ahg916018 beta-galactosidase 14
168.719 Ahg901977
168.766 Ahg486698
169.487 Ahg923911 F-box family protein
169.493 Ahg933449
170.129 Ahg903801 Transmembrane amino acid transporter family protein
170.549 Ahg916250
172.389 Ahg325399 MEI2 C-terminal RRM only like 2
175.707 Ahg949012
176.244 Ahg898750
178.997 Ahg340484 Adenine nucleotide alpha hydrolases-like superfamily protein
183.766 Ahg890303
189.003 Ahg937697
189.989 Ahg897054 Protein kinase superfamily protein
190.132 Ahg945046
192.328 Ahg493268 Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim17/Tim22/Tim23 family protein
196.158 Ahg352555
199.178 Ahg477038 F-box/RNI-like superfamily protein
202.007 Ahg348240 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
202.448 Ahg470212 Outward rectifying potassium channel protein
205.83 Ahg314892
209.538 Ahg487975 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
209.54 Ahg933891 ralf-like 18
211.329 Ahg911119
216.887 Ahg329520 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
218.495 Ahg922115
218.895 Ahg470551 Protein of unknown function (DUF1264)
219.977 Ahg322326 D-arabinono-1,4-lactone oxidase family protein
221.233 Ahg326109 Glycosyl hydrolase superfamily protein
223.625 Ahg931891
223.777 Ahg902246 TRAF-like family protein
228.91 Ahg925626
231.024 Ahg904884 RNA-binding protein
231.396 Ahg891728 Protein of unknown function (DUF1637)
231.927 Ahg930451 glycine-rich protein
233.889 Ahg920128
234.653 Ahg479724
235.068 Ahg943940
236.487 Ahg931239 AAA-type ATPase family protein
246.341 Ahg495243 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
247.972 Ahg907989
248.367 Ahg921560 FBD, F-box and Leucine Rich Repeat domains containing protein
251.45 Ahg475924 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
251.499 Ahg929216
252.666 Ahg910746
254.165 Ahg940645
257.952 Ahg933186 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 5
258.198 Ahg923752
261.391 Ahg342045
263.403 Ahg331055
263.57 Ahg924131 DNA-binding storekeeper protein-related transcriptional regulator
264.664 Ahg314235 gibberellin 2-oxidase 4
267.757 Ahg893830
267.881 Ahg324152 Iron/manganese superoxide dismutase family protein
270.98 Ahg495620 MBOAT (membrane bound O-acyl transferase) family protein
271.651 Ahg492338 alpha-amylase-like
271.941 Ahg933779 Domain of unknown function (DUF313)
274.576 Ahg887595
275.88 Ahg933858 RALF-like 16
276.566 Ahg916994 oligopeptide transporter 8
278.485 Ahg906590 Cysteine/Histidine-rich C1 domain family protein
278.753 Ahg891043
280.446 Ahg897251 Cysteine proteinases superfamily protein
284.051 Ahg331410 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily protein
284.341 Ahg490739 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
284.949 Ahg892908 elicitor peptide 7 precursor
289.344 Ahg948990 DNA binding
292.375 Ahg949596
292.891 Ahg937443 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
296.722 Ahg477403
298.179 Ahg491811 Phospholipase A2 family protein
301.081 Ahg495723 FBD-like domain family protein
304.672 Ahg325337 response regulator 21
306.529 Ahg318745 Major facilitator superfamily protein
306.712 Ahg914183 Cystatin/monellin superfamily protein
306.795 Ahg494616 Flavin-binding monooxygenase family protein
308.597 Ahg352061
310.5 Ahg475727
312.154 Ahg337411 F-box family protein with a domain of unknown function (DUF295)
313.018 Ahg930165 aldehyde dehydrogenase 2B4
315.785 Ahg942479
316.961 Ahg474052
318.195 Ahg484902 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
320.967 Ahg896999 transposable element gene
322.912 Ahg941608 Glycosyl hydrolase superfamily protein
325.635 Ahg943018 RNI-like superfamily protein
328.318 Ahg490355
332.005 Ahg936787
333.934 Ahg934856 Protein kinase superfamily protein
336.749 Ahg943132 cytochrome P450, family 706, subfamily A, polypeptide 7
336.954 Ahg330931 Terpenoid cyclases/Protein prenyltransferases superfamily protein
338.296 Ahg947612
340.096 Ahg936421
340.223 Ahg482570 Putative lysine decarboxylase family protein
343.069 Ahg906968
344.243 Ahg908730 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
345.439 Ahg333028 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
347.609 Ahg914248
347.793 Ahg341207 root hair specific 12
348.276 Ahg914405
349.093 Ahg891734
350.622 Ahg900245
352.568 Ahg494372 Protein of unknown function, DUF599
353.02 Ahg902240 TRAF-like family protein
354.244 Ahg906740
356.603 Ahg926787
357.441 Ahg919270 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
359.491 Ahg338593
360.294 Ahg933304
360.529 Ahg320180 SKU5 similar 16
361.743 Ahg900866
362.802 Ahg914583 Ubiquitin-like superfamily protein
363.048 Ahg892531 LOB domain-containing protein 33
363.278 Ahg949435
365.634 Ahg911831
366.12 Ahg935904 Curculin-like (mannose-binding) lectin family protein
367.093 Ahg346008 Actin-like ATPase superfamily protein
367.14 Ahg907319 FBD, F-box and Leucine Rich Repeat domains containing protein
368.795 Ahg347421 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
369.777 Ahg913401
372.254 Ahg489119 F-box/RNI-like/FBD-like domains-containing protein
373.588 Ahg894329 proline-rich family protein
374.091 Ahg932548
374.657 Ahg916649
375.112 Ahg916350
376.043 Virus1061
376.362 Ahg924098 Domain of unknown function (DUF2431)
377.5 Ahg920243 Defensin-like (DEFL) family protein
379.595 Ahg477065 lupeol synthase 1
380.703 Ahg483548 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
381.125 Ahg492866 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
381.46 Ahg353622
382.05 Ahg938499 Glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase family protein
382.247 Ahg314261
385.019 Ahg316416 HCO3- transporter family
385.284 Ahg338279 desulfo-glucosinolate sulfotransferase 18
387.072 Ahg947825
387.217 Ahg889484
387.991 Ahg482036 CLAVATA3/ESR-RELATED 6
394.075 Ahg937743 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
395.799 Ahg912936 Protein of unknown function (DUF833)
396.477 Ahg923313 CAP (Cysteine-rich secretory proteins, Antigen 5, and Pathogenesis-related 1 protein) superfamily protein
400.804 Ahg948337 Protein of unknown function (DUF295)
402.629 Ahg478241 Glycosyl hydrolase superfamily protein
404.444 Virus0943
405.139 Ahg939192 DYNAMIN-like 1B
409.339 Ahg329850 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein
411.395 Ahg923932 WAG 1
411.514 Ahg915158
411.78 Ahg493004 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
412.702 Ahg948899
412.999 Ahg484096 RING/FYVE/PHD zinc finger superfamily protein
413.848 Ahg900378
414.652 Ahg335636
414.989 Ahg351013 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
415.29 Ahg914816
415.372 Ahg483165 DHHC-type zinc finger family protein
416.723 Ahg315021 Polyketide cyclase/dehydrase and lipid transport superfamily protein
420.321 Ahg946181 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 38
420.904 Ahg312501 indole-3-acetic acid inducible 34
422.4 Ahg478323 Calcineurin-like metallo-phosphoesterase superfamily protein
423.018 Ahg477926 galacturonosyltransferase-like 4
423.981 Ahg494096 Late embryogenesis abundant protein (LEA) family protein
424.415 Ahg496696 CLAVATA3/ESR-RELATED 21
426.415 Ahg904420 Amino acid permease family protein
427.539 Ahg342312 ERD (early-responsive to dehydration stress) family protein
428.009 Ahg345092 Protein of unknown function (DUF810)
429.437 Ahg340813
433.834 Ahg489654
436.188 Ahg905664
436.676 Ahg942825 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
437.127 Ahg939832 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family
438.525 Ahg477705
438.738 Ahg887895
440.579 Ahg948081
441.52 Ahg890299
442.24 Ahg355248 cytochrome P450, family 702, subfamily A, polypeptide 3
442.284 Ahg492500 Polyketide cyclase/dehydrase and lipid transport superfamily protein
442.558 Ahg926860 RmlC-like cupins superfamily protein
445.181 Ahg339268
445.598 Ahg899988 vacuolar protein sorting 34
447.219 Ahg927998
448.523 Ahg943043 low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich 17
448.865 Ahg475954
449.35 Ahg486808
450.5 Ahg318113
450.742 Ahg922349 VQ motif-containing protein-related
451.427 Ahg929869 MADS-box transcription factor family protein
452.155 Ahg331706 oligopeptide transporter 9
454.048 Ahg471046 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
455.959 Ahg949957 Carbohydrate-binding X8 domain superfamily protein
456.749 Ahg952394 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase 12
457.244 Ahg930164 receptor-like protein kinase-related
457.812 Ahg901222 homeobox-3
458.572 Ahg349845 WUSCHEL related homeobox 7
460.043 Ahg906489
461.201 Ahg496014 laccase 16
463.31 Ahg472550 Heavy metal transport/detoxification superfamily protein
464.486 Ahg896744
464.687 Ahg948883 C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein
466.903 Ahg925665
467.735 Ahg937268 Protein kinase superfamily protein
468.109 Ahg947559 pre-tRNA
469.274 Ahg913058 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein
469.441 Ahg353036 Rhamnogalacturonate lyase family protein
469.546 Ahg895151 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
471.312 Ahg340580 F-box associated ubiquitination effector family protein
471.85 Ahg931124
474.167 Ahg351933
474.342 Ahg941716
474.342 Ahg930485
475.079 Ahg924411
477.294 Ahg942093
478.874 Ahg916132 Riboflavin synthase-like superfamily protein
478.949 Ahg344169
479.934 Ahg929996
479.962 Ahg474421 RING/U-box superfamily protein
480.313 Ahg496383 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
483.246 Ahg944041
484.574 Ahg493935 Sucrase/ferredoxin-like family protein
490.623 Ahg896947
491.113 Ahg891952 RmlC-like cupins superfamily protein
491.881 Ahg933893 glycoside hydrolase family 28 protein / polygalacturonase (pectinase) family protein
493.16 Ahg922128 O-fucosyltransferase family protein
493.273 Ahg951752 Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like superfamily protein
494.154 Ahg317861 cationic amino acid transporter 7
494.457 Ahg941436 isopentenyltransferase 5
497.152 Ahg952254 Proline-rich extensin-like family protein
497.928 Ahg941757
498.307 Ahg331170
498.428 Ahg319259
499.6 Ahg943380
500.145 Ahg899154 reduced male fertility
500.27 Ahg950950 Protein Transporter, Pam16
500.424 Ahg927887 MATE efflux family protein
500.991 Ahg478920 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
503.964 Ahg478708 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868)
504.43 Ahg470891 no vein-like
504.583 Ahg890845