MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg484163

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
11.3137 Ahg919570 DNA polymerase epsilon catalytic subunit
14.1421 Ahg497160 Protein kinase superfamily protein
19.5959 Ahg494047 Plant calmodulin-binding protein-related
21.3307 Ahg489405 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein
22.7816 Ahg912808 Protein of unknown function, DUF642
22.9129 Ahg902778 DOMAIN OF UNKNOWN FUNCTION 724 6
23.8747 Ahg483627 SNF2 domain-containing protein / helicase domain-containing protein
25.4165 Ahg485480 Protein of unknown function (DUF630) ;Protein of unknown function (DUF632)
26.6458 Ahg943671 IQ-domain 17
32.4654 Ahg481505
40.6202 Ahg486231
42.3202 Ahg476935 putative protein kinase 1
42.3556 Ahg477440 serine carboxypeptidase-like 25
44 Ahg470907 Plant-specific transcription factor YABBY family protein
50.9902 Ahg342721
52.4404 Ahg479629 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
54.7905 Ahg486612 Phosphatidylinositol N-acetyglucosaminlytransferase subunit P-related
54.8999 Ahg944068 Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein
56.9298 Ahg473518 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
57.4456 Ahg946000
58.2065 Ahg471336 transferases, transferring hexosyl groups
61.4817 Ahg487827 Leucine-rich receptor-like protein kinase family protein
65.6658 Ahg920337 AAA-type ATPase family protein
67.4833 Ahg481323 ubiquitin-specific protease 19
67.8822 Ahg945124 glycine-rich protein
78.9937 Ahg473382 extra-large GTP-binding protein 3
84.7113 Ahg494937 x-ray induced transcript 1
91.3893 Ahg936746 calmodulin-binding protein-related
93.1665 Ahg929675 nuclear RNA polymerase D2B
94.6626 Ahg913642
95.0789 Ahg895796 transcription coactivators
96.1561 Ahg492569 homolog of separase
103.547 Ahg496986 Chalcone-flavanone isomerase family protein
104.671 Ahg495972 Protein kinase superfamily protein
106.546 Ahg476509 cyclin-dependent kinase D1;1
107.75 Ahg935057
109.859 Ahg357440 C2H2-like zinc finger protein
110.104 Ahg926231 chorismate mutase 3
112.374 Ahg483612 Protein kinase superfamily protein
112.41 Ahg478905 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF641)
113.248 Ahg495743 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
115.399 Ahg920358 decoy
116.37 Ahg919579 Endomembrane protein 70 protein family
117.537 Ahg493296 binding
128.062 Ahg913807 transposable element gene
130.261 Ahg482453 Transcription factor GTE6
130.557 Ahg492529 Disease resistance protein (TIR-NBS class)
131.659 Ahg478217 Protein of unknown function (DUF740)
132.499 Ahg493235
132.816 Ahg946737 Proteinase inhibitor I25, cystatin, conserved region
134.198 Ahg473862 heat shock transcription factor B4
134.781 Ahg478033 purple acid phosphatase 15
135.344 Ahg474829 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
137.75 Ahg489650 Protein of unknown function (DUF640)
138.022 Ahg338071 GRAS family transcription factor
140.014 Ahg494876 acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase 2
140.2 Ahg480795 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
142.864 Ahg495374 RNA-binding KH domain-containing protein
144.115 Ahg480928 STRUBBELIG-receptor family 1
144.333 Ahg479268 receptor-like kinase 902
144.99 Ahg495101 cyclopropyl isomerase
145.031 Ahg492992 Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family protein
146.233 Ahg475082 Arabidopsis NAC domain containing protein 26
149.215 Ahg481272 Endomembrane protein 70 protein family
154.091 Ahg926433 TPX2 (targeting protein for Xklp2) protein family
155.216 Ahg491073 DEAD/DEAH box RNA helicase family protein
156 Ahg476853 Regulator of chromosome condensation (RCC1) family with FYVE zinc finger domain
158.367 Ahg480240 Minichromosome maintenance (MCM2/3/5) family protein
160 Ahg906113 PRLI-interacting factor, putative
162.299 Ahg925007
163.401 Ahg325766 CCCH-type zinc fingerfamily protein with RNA-binding domain
163.658 Ahg323639
167.496 Ahg941512 outer envelope protein of 80 kDa
167.958 Ahg476922 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF869)
168.582 Ahg471789 XH/XS domain-containing protein
169.75 Ahg494358 Ribosomal protein L14p/L23e family protein
170.015 Ahg322358 zinc ion binding;nucleic acid binding
170.707 Ahg317456 TCP-1/cpn60 chaperonin family protein
173.897 Ahg949259 Actin binding Calponin homology (CH) domain-containing protein
173.897 Ahg933324 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 12
174.62 Ahg927080 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein family protein
176.307 Ahg929662
177.989 Ahg487829 TGACG motif-binding factor 4
178.191 Ahg332593 zinc ion binding;DNA binding
178.348 Ahg492139
178.567 Ahg476679 Zinc finger C-x8-C-x5-C-x3-H type family protein
180.239 Ahg494887 Actin-binding FH2 (formin homology 2) family protein
182.242 Ahg946315 receptor like protein 51
183.499 Ahg941250 Cellulose synthase family protein
184.152 Ahg910099 ethylene response sensor 2
186.161 Ahg476993 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
186.416 Ahg491546 ARM repeat superfamily protein
191.906 Ahg491015 Leucine-rich receptor-like protein kinase family protein
192.723 Ahg484119 BRI1-like 2
193.37 Ahg493070 CheY-like two-component responsive regulator family protein
193.401 Ahg481044 ribonucleotide reductase 1
193.907 Ahg943987
196.168 Ahg470396
198.666 Ahg484005 pale cress protein (PAC)
199.198 Ahg488793 Heavy metal transport/detoxification superfamily protein
199.449 Ahg486315 sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factors
199.479 Ahg487896 methyltransferases
204.683 Ahg341139 demeter-like 2
205.212 Ahg909112 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
205.752 Ahg927786 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF827)
210.521 Ahg943413 RNI-like superfamily protein
211.054 Ahg477051 conserved peptide upstream open reading frame 56
214.704 Ahg940923 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
215.78 Ahg473289 Subtilase family protein
216.453 Ahg921783 no pollen germination related 1
217.669 Ahg346489 RNA-binding (RRM/RBD/RNP motifs) family protein
217.888 Ahg908084 Zinc finger (C3HC4-type RING finger) family protein
223.226 Ahg494701 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
225.965 Ahg476150
226.133 Ahg916961 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
226.672 Ahg930445 topoisomerase II
227.666 Ahg483610
232.809 Ahg496765 homeobox protein 5
233.127 Ahg912868
234.972 Ahg895327 cysteine-rich RLK (RECEPTOR-like protein kinase) 33
235.635 Ahg479611 AGC (cAMP-dependent, cGMP-dependent and protein kinase C) kinase family protein
236.81 Ahg475305 Adaptor protein complex AP-1, gamma subunit
237.158 Ahg495209 RNI-like superfamily protein
239.105 Ahg496141
239.332 Ahg481737 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868)
240.412 Ahg485960 OBF-binding protein 3
240.595 Ahg950392 Clp amino terminal domain-containing protein
242.072 Ahg487987 myb domain protein 3r-4
244.221 Ahg478581 DNA binding
244.262 Ahg930539 Alcohol dehydrogenase transcription factor Myb/SANT-like family protein
245.581 Ahg489466
250.659 Ahg330877 phloem protein 2-B8
251.821 Ahg496879 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
252.286 Ahg478140 serine carboxypeptidase-like 27
252.705 Ahg901573
254.873 Ahg332761 ubiquitin-specific protease 17
256.951 Ahg923651 O-fucosyltransferase family protein
258.488 Ahg475700 DOMAIN OF UNKNOWN FUNCTION 724 7
258.766 Ahg927732 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein
260.24 Ahg917240
260.258 Ahg485946 beta-hexosaminidase 1
261.983 Ahg333544 IQ-domain 18
263.249 Ahg324130 meristematic receptor-like kinase
268.276 Ahg335111 ATP binding microtubule motor family protein
268.859 Ahg476404 IQ-domain 8
269.095 Ahg495427 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein
270.747 Ahg911231 IQ-domain 28
271.479 Ahg480549 multimeric translocon complex in the outer envelope membrane 132
271.573 Ahg487639 TCP domain protein 17
272.309 Ahg471607 Duplicated homeodomain-like superfamily protein
272.5 Ahg933874 Argonaute family protein
272.824 Ahg496786 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
273.712 Ahg488861 Exostosin family protein
275.788 Ahg476182 tryptophan aminotransferase of Arabidopsis 1
277.399 Ahg481467 Protein of unknown function (DUF761)
278.553 Ahg476155 spermidine synthase 2
281.595 Ahg940570 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868)
283.224 Ahg496743 ENTH/VHS family protein
283.256 Ahg358310 glycine-rich RNA-binding protein 3
283.305 Ahg476492 Auxin efflux carrier family protein
283.443 Ahg924243 HSP20-like chaperones superfamily protein
283.567 Ahg491005 Lateral root primordium (LRP) protein-related
286.374 Ahg477561
288.707 Ahg483956 putative indole-3-acetic acid-amido synthetase GH3.9
289.465 Ahg941866 Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family protein
291.266 Ahg319569 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein
291.405 Ahg331330 methyltransferase 1
291.602 Ahg920334 homeobox protein 31
291.805 Ahg479545 Protein of unknown function (DUF1666)
293.617 Ahg898853 F-box/RNI-like superfamily protein
294.795 Ahg490338 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily
294.973 Ahg324042
299.787 Ahg948460 decapping 5-like
300.3 Ahg477039 anaphase promoting complex 6
300.947 Ahg342596 chromatin remodeling 40
303.294 Ahg483835 Rho GTPase activating protein with PAK-box/P21-Rho-binding domain
304.059 Ahg488746 chromatin remodeling factor17
305.732 Ahg489189 TCP family transcription factor
307.766 Ahg472719 galactosyltransferase1
309.923 Ahg479958 MUTS homolog 7
310.998 Ahg470154 NC domain-containing protein-related
312.346 Ahg311407 Beige/BEACH domain ;WD domain, G-beta repeat protein
312.378 Ahg487806 Putative endonuclease or glycosyl hydrolase
312.658 Ahg479235 transcription regulatory protein SNF5, putative (BSH)
314.118 Ahg480332 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) superfamily protein
314.944 Ahg488402 longifolia1
315.341 Ahg484830 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
315.45 Ahg471563 O-fucosyltransferase family protein
317.207 Ahg491789 nucleosome/chromatin assembly factor group C5
318.17 Ahg921503 ARM repeat superfamily protein
318.551 Ahg486835 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
318.694 Ahg485408 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
319.644 Ahg929847 Protein of unknown function (DUF620)
321.051 Ahg899104 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
321.266 Ahg936357 RNA helicase family protein
322.617 Ahg490341 glycosyl hydrolase 9B13
325.012 Ahg897399
325.18 Ahg477950 HCO3- transporter family
327.988 Ahg492307 SKU5 similar 1
328.938 Ahg489752 BTB/POZ domain-containing protein
332.671 Ahg942536 Transducin family protein / WD-40 repeat family protein
333.122 Ahg904498
335.181 Ahg473363 ATP-binding cassette 14
335.786 Ahg479887 Tic22-like family protein
336.147 Ahg890387 Kinase-related protein of unknown function (DUF1296)
336.323 Ahg489527 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
339.6 Ahg935043 curculin-like (mannose-binding) lectin family protein / PAN domain-containing protein
344.125 Ahg941831 Protein of unknown function, DUF617
345.065 Ahg485225 DEK domain-containing chromatin associated protein
346.237 Ahg918548 GDP-D-mannose 4,6-dehydratase 1
346.425 Ahg473401 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
346.533 Ahg938255
347.007 Ahg951385 homeobox protein 25
351.925 Ahg479022 Ran BP2/NZF zinc finger-like superfamily protein
353.05 Ahg474334 Major facilitator superfamily protein
353.963 Ahg949673 DEAD-box protein abstrakt, putative
354.275 Ahg888778 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) superfamily protein
355.691 Ahg944895 DNAse I-like superfamily protein
356.348 Ahg477994 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
357.986 Ahg943669 DHHC-type zinc finger family protein
359.348 Ahg473277 Homeobox-leucine zipper family protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein
360.289 Ahg941037 TPX2 (targeting protein for Xklp2) protein family
360.674 Ahg471247
364.657 Ahg939531 ALC-interacting protein 1
367.978 Ahg343889 Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein
369.932 Ahg487406 Putative methyltransferase family protein
370.678 Ahg318072 Protein of unknown function, DUF547
371.284 Ahg948807 Helicase protein with RING/U-box domain
372.369 Ahg941407 DNAJ heat shock N-terminal domain-containing protein
372.492 Ahg491547
372.591 Ahg470222 beta-xylosidase 2
372.725 Ahg476512 transducin family protein / WD-40 repeat family protein
372.744 Ahg941170 Protein of unknown function, DUF593
373.17 Ahg479267 Molecular chaperone Hsp40/DnaJ family protein
373.698 Ahg949262 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein
373.743 Ahg491360 Transducin family protein / WD-40 repeat family protein
376.704 Ahg494424 protein dimerizations
381.382 Ahg493420 TESMIN/TSO1-like CXC 2
381.483 Ahg487478 spindle pole body component 98
384.848 Ahg481620 conserved peptide upstream open reading frame 6
385.461 Ahg481405 cellulose synthase 10
386.391 Ahg475678 proline extensin-like receptor kinase 1
387.223 Ahg476030 Prolyl oligopeptidase family protein
388.783 Ahg495072 ferric reduction oxidase 8
395.028 Ahg475959 leucine-rich repeat transmembrane protein kinase family protein
395.98 Ahg496022 uncoupling protein 2
396.976 Ahg475057 Chaperone DnaJ-domain superfamily protein
397.553 Ahg354188 CCT motif family protein
401.515 Ahg925161 RNA-binding protein 1
401.973 Ahg897167
402.816 Ahg486136 DHHC-type zinc finger family protein
402.9 Ahg485301 Transcription factor IIIC, subunit 5
405.154 Ahg949608 Squamosa promoter-binding protein-like (SBP domain) transcription factor family protein
407.389 Ahg931037
408.656 Ahg917116 myosin 2
409.424 Ahg918532 Phosphatidic acid phosphatase (PAP2) family protein
410.737 Ahg935251 Ypt/Rab-GAP domain of gyp1p superfamily protein
411.021 Ahg898302 Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase with RING/FYVE/PHD-type zinc finger domain
411.563 Ahg318635 with no lysine (K) kinase 6
412.512 Ahg485526 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF827)
414.186 Ahg494984 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
415.5 Ahg314258 nodulin MtN21 /EamA-like transporter family protein
423.249 Ahg489516 Uncharacterized protein
424.999 Ahg331749
428.192 Ahg483406 tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-containing protein
429.693 Ahg480389 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 8
430.813 Ahg493181 Protein kinase superfamily protein
432.625 Ahg902806 P-loop nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein with CH (Calponin Homology) domain
434.572 Ahg484945 Dof-type zinc finger DNA-binding family protein
434.914 Ahg326319 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
435.541 Ahg900758 villin-like 1
435.789 Ahg478629 AGC kinase 1.5
436.678 Ahg477567
437.218 Ahg895839 Protein kinase family protein
441.803 Ahg324948 HXXXD-type acyl-transferase family protein
442.1 Ahg474119
443.297 Ahg943494 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase
443.452 Ahg487213 Shugoshin C terminus
446.17 Ahg933561 WRKY DNA-binding protein 21
446.587 Ahg481773 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
446.955 Ahg473739
447.349 Ahg496418 structural maintenance of chromosomes 2
447.634 Ahg495015 FAD/NAD(P)-binding oxidoreductase family protein
448.919 Ahg940490 ARM-repeat/Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like protein
449.124 Ahg490240 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase 9
450.704 Ahg490520 RHO guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor 3
451.054 Ahg943837 Protein of unknown function (DUF3414)
451.224 Ahg483518
454.141 Ahg480195 ARM repeat superfamily protein
456.267 Ahg939309 RING/U-box superfamily protein
456.803 Ahg490376
457.038 Ahg495894 cyclic nucleotide gated channel 5
459.402 Ahg475065
459.555 Ahg495801 hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein family protein
459.566 Ahg487032 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein
462.019 Ahg939278 Putative endonuclease or glycosyl hydrolase
462.039 Ahg495631 SHV3-like 1
462.902 Ahg495104 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR-like) superfamily protein