MR (TOP300)

ID : Ahg925532

Gene coexpression
MR LocusA.thaliana Description
8.60233 Ahg356183 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF827)
8.60233 Ahg315521 Photosystem I, PsaA/PsaB protein
22.5389 Ahg925489 ATP synthase subunit C family protein
27.5681 Ahg333071 NADH dehydrogenase family protein
31.749 Ahg315511 CemA-like proton extrusion protein-related
37.3497 Ahg925483 photosystem II reaction center protein M
41.5692 Ahg475584 ATP synthase subunit alpha
41.7493 Ahg925494 photosystem II reaction center protein K precursor
43.8292 Ahg925484 RNA polymerase subunit beta
44.4972 Ahg925488 ATPase, F0 complex, subunit A protein
44.7437 Ahg475611 photosynthetic electron transfer D
44.7437 Ahg475555 photosynthetic electron transfer D
46.594 Ahg907872 unfolded protein binding
47.1169 Ahg907863 photosynthetic electron transfer B
48.0625 Ahg925492
50.4083 Ahg475606 photosynthetic electron transfer A
51.2055 Ahg931233 Cation efflux family protein
51.5073 Ahg925461 photosystem II reaction center protein E
51.6333 Ahg473737 Protein precursor Ycf15, putative, chloroplast
51.6333 Ahg493595 Protein precursor Ycf15, putative, chloroplast
54.7083 Ahg925455 ribosomal protein L20
54.7449 Ahg952685 Ribosomal protein S7p/S5e family protein
54.9181 Ahg475570 Photosystem I, PsaA/PsaB protein
54.9181 Ahg952683 NAD(P)H dehydrogenase subunit H
55.6776 Ahg925496 maturase K
56.285 Ahg925475 chloroplast ribosomal protein S4
56.9649 Ahg952678 Cytochrome C assembly protein
57.4978 Ahg315547 Photosystem I, PsaA/PsaB protein
58.7367 Ahg907865 photosystem II reaction center protein B
60.4566 Ahg315523 photosystem II reaction center protein D
61.0901 Ahg952681 NADH:ubiquinone/plastoquinone oxidoreductase, chain 6
61.2372 Ahg475560 photosynthetic electron transfer A
63.0159 Ahg925485 DNA-directed RNA polymerase family protein
65.2687 Ahg475585 ribosomal protein S16
65.521 Ahg925953 photosystem II reaction center protein C
69.9714 Ahg947170 transposable element gene
73.8647 Ahg925457 ribosomal protein L33
74.7395 Ahg333070 NADPH dehydrogenases
79.6743 Ahg475624 Chloroplast Ycf2;ATPase, AAA type, core
85.9128 Ahg936801 structural constituent of ribosome
87.3499 Ahg493597 NADH-Ubiquinone/plastoquinone (complex I) protein
87.3499 Ahg473735 NADH-Ubiquinone/plastoquinone (complex I) protein
87.8749 Ahg915218 chloroplast ribosomal protein S15
88.4534 Ahg952680 NADH-ubiquinone/plastoquinone oxidoreductase chain 4L
91.4549 Ahg927985 Ycf1 protein
93.9787 Ahg475579 ribosomal protein S2
100.16 Ahg907873 acetyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit beta
111.445 Ahg475565 ATP synthase epsilon chain
117.941 Ahg475559 plastid-encoded CLP P
118.322 Ahg925462 photosystem II reaction center protein J
124.097 Ahg925952 photosystem II reaction center protein D
132.049 Ahg925537 chloroplast ribosomal protein S4
132.476 Ahg925456 ribosomal protein S18
133.424 Ahg907879 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
134.596 Ahg497133 iron-sulfur cluster binding;electron carriers;4 iron, 4 sulfur cluster binding
140.947 Ahg497141 NADH-Ubiquinone/plastoquinone (complex I) protein
145.389 Ahg920141 ARM repeat superfamily protein
146.27 Ahg925479 chloroplast ribosomal protein S14
147.333 Virus1901
158.635 Ahg925558
159.053 Ahg925471 NADH:ubiquinone/plastoquinone oxidoreductase, chain 3 protein
160.212 Ahg495273 TraB family protein
162.49 Ahg907854 ribosomal protein S19
162.49 Ahg912921 ribosomal protein S19
164.222 Ahg915222
166.145 Ahg925548 photosystem II reaction center protein E
173.741 Ahg925482
177.786 Ahg947809 photosystem II reaction center protein N
178.199 Ahg907853 ribosomal protein L2
179.867 Ahg931003 Photosystem I, PsaA/PsaB protein
184.467 Ahg475583 ATPase, F0 complex, subunit B/B', bacterial/chloroplast
189.214 Ahg925497 photosystem II reaction center protein A
194.26 Ahg947294
196.051 Ahg887390 NOD26-like intrinsic protein 6;1
208.327 Ahg907877 NADH dehydrogenase subunit J
213.274 Ahg489701
223.821 Ahg475660 transposable element gene
223.944 Ahg887449 photosystem II reaction center protein A
225.091 Ahg925538
227.684 Virus0416
228.289 Ahg903257 Ycf1 protein
229.604 Ahg936827 Ycf1 protein
231.045 Ahg925541 NADH:ubiquinone/plastoquinone oxidoreductase, chain 3 protein
231.045 Ahg925507 NADH:ubiquinone/plastoquinone oxidoreductase, chain 3 protein
231.603 Ahg475613 ribosomal protein S11
231.927 Ahg475597
233.234 Ahg925440 Chloroplast Ycf2;ATPase, AAA type, core
237.643 Ahg925574
240.094 Ahg316515 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
242.4 Ahg925544 acetyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit beta
262.69 Ahg930788 ferredoxin thioredoxin reductase catalytic beta chain family protein
272.709 Ahg475566 photosystem II reaction center protein G
279.156 Ahg483346 cold regulated 15b
279.306 Virus1900
292.45 Ahg911929
303.974 Ahg925505 ATP synthase subunit beta
324.598 Ahg946681 ribosomal protein S19
332.43 Virus1464
336.095 Ahg925557 photosynthetic electron transfer B
343.721 Ahg933555 Thioredoxin superfamily protein
345.485 Ahg489636 L-cysteine desulfhydrase 1
352.739 Ahg491493 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
367.641 Ahg907852 ribosomal protein L23
372.591 Ahg470691 NAD(P)-linked oxidoreductase superfamily protein
381.743 Virus0659
384.799 Ahg925535 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein
385.427 Ahg925495
386.802 Ahg922806 Chloroplast Ycf2;ATPase, AAA type, core
393.36 Ahg475553 ribosomal protein S11
413.376 Ahg482716 Thioredoxin superfamily protein
416.953 Ahg912743 cold regulated 314 thylakoid membrane 2
426.497 Ahg315554 CemA-like proton extrusion protein-related
460.043 Ahg925545 photsystem I subunit I
468.871 Ahg471660 Cytochrome b561/ferric reductase transmembrane protein family
469.201 Ahg351609 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
483.503 Ahg906065
494.879 Virus0603
502.494 Ahg472335 transposable element gene
505.955 Ahg914106 DNA/RNA polymerases superfamily protein
506.92 Ahg321803 F-box family protein
514.886 Ahg486884 ovate family protein 1
521.5 Ahg494873 Aldolase-type TIM barrel family protein
527.697 Ahg475609 photosystem II reaction center protein H
527.697 Ahg475557 photosystem II reaction center protein H
532.416 Ahg925530
546.549 Ahg473700 transposable element gene
549.607 Ahg925508 photosystem II reaction center protein G
556.172 Ahg486927 cation exchanger 4
570.978 Ahg481664 transposable element gene
573.156 Ahg323966
574.726 Ahg925539 NADH dehydrogenase subunit J
605.197 Ahg484649 Cytochrome P450 superfamily protein
610.41 Ahg936150 F-box family protein
612.233 Virus1897
614.583 Ahg342855 GLYCINE RICH PROTEIN 9
615.471 Ahg904884 RNA-binding protein
616.897 Ahg477695 Calcium-dependent lipid-binding (CaLB domain) family protein
619.174 Ahg919859 P-glycoprotein 10
619.578 Virus0657
630.526 Ahg907632
631.664 Ahg939656 pseudo-response regulator 7
632.017 Ahg350409 SWAP (Suppressor-of-White-APricot)/surp domain-containing protein
633.16 Ahg902253 cold-regulated 15a
633.189 Ahg472519
634.344 Ahg316746 Arabidopsis thaliana gibberellin 2-oxidase 1
640.518 Ahg946375 glycine-rich cell wall protein-related
645.848 Ahg484914 transposable element gene
661.967 Ahg942757 Protein kinase superfamily protein
664.596 Virus1892
668.603 Ahg925744
671.964 Ahg947152
679.276 Ahg938559 S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases superfamily protein
681.076 Ahg890287 Protein of unknown function (DUF1264)
690.422 Ahg325337 response regulator 21
691.457 Ahg942510 transposable element gene
695.163 Ahg920730 SWAP (Suppressor-of-White-APricot)/surp RNA-binding domain-containing protein
695.448 Ahg490624 farnesylated protein 6
699.486 Virus0666
701.468 Ahg483920 Signal transduction histidine kinase
703.282 Ahg929611
707.214 Ahg475572 photosystem II reaction center protein C
719.337 Ahg897485
722.249 Ahg477951 GNS1/SUR4 membrane protein family
729.784 Ahg945592
729.983 Ahg945147 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
731.669 Ahg320430 1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase 3
734.559 Ahg329088 OSBP(oxysterol binding protein)-related protein 4B
734.7 Ahg914348 Regulator of Vps4 activity in the MVB pathway protein
735.282 Ahg917658 subtilase 4.13
737.015 Ahg485653 purple acid phosphatase 21
737.553 Ahg334832 HCO3- transporter family
738.658 Ahg487384 Protein of unknown function (DUF620)
739.013 Ahg932726 embryo defective 2410
739.495 Ahg936611 P-glycoprotein 17
739.907 Ahg474411 Peroxisomal membrane 22 kDa (Mpv17/PMP22) family protein
743.527 Ahg492539
747.48 Ahg481828 cytochrome P450, family 707, subfamily A, polypeptide 2
754.363 Ahg471522 alpha/beta-Hydrolases superfamily protein
760.822 Ahg490939 Thioredoxin superfamily protein
761.166 Ahg916639
763.921 Ahg933369 ribosomal protein L2
763.958 Ahg892274 SGNH hydrolase-type esterase superfamily protein
774.9 Ahg909881 NAC domain containing protein 49
776.5 Ahg949069 transposable element gene
779.631 Ahg924697
787.731 Ahg321478 Fatty acid hydroxylase superfamily
788.94 Ahg481204 DREB and EAR motif protein 3
793.141 Ahg480269 transposable element gene
794.385 Ahg930916
794.72 Ahg478320 GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase superfamily protein
797.878 Ahg936672 Protein of unknown function (DUF1216)
799.035 Ahg482642 embryonic cell protein 63
799.553 Ahg943821 beta-galactosidase 14
802.292 Ahg352619
802.958 Ahg491767
809.07 Ahg903256 Ycf1 protein
810.6 Ahg489943 glycosyl hydrolase 9C3
810.685 Ahg483407 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily
812.942 Ahg477911 NOD26-like intrinsic protein 7;1
812.978 Ahg335552 Polyketide cyclase/dehydrase and lipid transport superfamily protein
816.794 Ahg345991 Protein kinase superfamily protein
826.25 Ahg905690
831.882 Ahg478720 SKU5 similar 11
835.053 Ahg470876 Cation/hydrogen exchanger family protein
838.257 Ahg906590 Cysteine/Histidine-rich C1 domain family protein
838.949 Ahg940838 sigma factor 4
839.4 Ahg484511 RNI-like superfamily protein
849.941 Ahg332802 phytosulfokine 5 precursor
849.941 Ahg887840 phytosulfokine 5 precursor
853.193 Ahg477318 Protein of unknown function (DUF 3339)
855.26 Ahg918499 Protein of unknown function (DUF620)
856.096 Ahg483350 late embryogenesis abundant domain-containing protein / LEA domain-containing protein
864.325 Ahg321523 RING/U-box superfamily protein
866.162 Ahg484455 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein
868.17 Ahg316979 Uncharacterised protein family (UPF0497)
870.654 Ahg949205 transposable element gene
874.582 Ahg921555 FBD, F-box and Leucine Rich Repeat domains containing protein
875.999 Ahg939405 isopentenyltransferase 3
876.532 Ahg481805 outer plastid envelope protein 16-1
876.902 Ahg311624 F-box/RNI-like superfamily protein
878.92 Ahg341831
880.552 Ahg355720
882.727 Ahg944327 zinc finger (C2H2 type) family protein
886.185 Ahg925690 Cytochrome P450 superfamily protein
888.393 Ahg478721 SKU5 similar 13
892.375 Ahg349916 SWAP (Suppressor-of-White-APricot)/surp domain-containing protein
895.972 Ahg321374 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein
897.881 Ahg494580 RmlC-like cupins superfamily protein
898.972 Ahg475808 cytochrome P450, family 735, subfamily A, polypeptide 2
899.918 Ahg935315 SWAP (Suppressor-of-White-APricot)/surp domain-containing protein
901.682 Ahg926296 short hypocotyl in white light1
901.745 Ahg494865 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
905.43 Ahg900620
911.652 Ahg916218 thalianol synthase 1
913.14 Ahg343150
916.425 Ahg326855 Protein phosphatase 2C family protein
916.733 Ahg494132 cytochrome P450, family 735, subfamily A, polypeptide 1
920.519 Ahg345632
921.09 Ahg342636 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein
923.859 Ahg319046 Regulator of chromosome condensation (RCC1) family with FYVE zinc finger domain
925.732 Ahg486975 laccase 8
925.827 Ahg928278
928.074 Ahg948291
932.252 Ahg907875 ATP synthase subunit beta
932.633 Ahg480275
933.542 Ahg351013 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein
935.486 Ahg947816 NADH-Ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I), chain 5 protein
938.85 Ahg318152 cytochrome P450, family 90, subfamily D, polypeptide 1
940.638 Ahg927887 MATE efflux family protein
941.36 Ahg943324 RNI-like superfamily protein
941.858 Ahg943577
942.096 Ahg493357 baruol synthase 1
942.652 Ahg358371 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
943.975 Ahg484482 Protein kinase superfamily protein
945.114 Ahg894519
945.701 Ahg325438 ferredoxin/thioredoxin reductase subunit A (variable subunit) 2
946.129 Ahg492762 PPDK regulatory protein
952.823 Ahg470504 Peptidase M50 family protein
952.929 Ahg472269 laccase 8
953.248 Ahg495662 protein kinase C-like zinc finger protein
954.529 Ahg933437 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein
956.02 Ahg483401 phytochrome interacting factor 4
958.555 Ahg897604
958.849 Virus1890
959.209 Ahg359364
961.184 Ahg333922 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
962.341 Ahg493645 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
963.632 Ahg470048 Fatty acid hydroxylase superfamily
969.392 Ahg952437 ATP synthase subunit beta
971.715 Ahg944223 RAD-like 3
973.684 Ahg917064 NAC (No Apical Meristem) domain transcriptional regulator superfamily protein
974.384 Ahg490172 Ubiquitin-like superfamily protein
974.683 Ahg351608 Protein of Unknown Function (DUF239)
976.919 Ahg892301 malate synthase
979.185 Ahg338905 DNA LIGASE 6
979.306 Ahg936938 Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily
979.469 Ahg477013 Terpenoid cyclases family protein
980.578 Ahg950873
982.781 Ahg475725 Subtilase family protein
987.654 Ahg921560 FBD, F-box and Leucine Rich Repeat domains containing protein
993.95 Ahg313927 poly(A) binding protein 1
996.939 Ahg929770 Protein kinase superfamily protein
997.737 Ahg920561 cell division cycle 48C
998.046 Ahg902762